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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. i am confused on this point

    so every player will get his own server now

    (i think i said enough)

    does everyone think we do get the numbers up to succeed in a active and alive server?

    atm we still have 2 servers up and test bed, only the names change we get pvp eu(18 hours-downtime-flip ),pvp global(24 hours -downtime) ,and pve server(24hours missions -downtime)

    the point is, does the global server gets the pve missions as well ?  i just don't know what the content on the different servers will be

    does it going to look like this;

    Pvp global :  PVP + missions PvE ( the whole package)

    PVP EU:   PVP  + missions (only EU time)

    PvE:   global missions ( without PVP)


    *and of course economy is on all the servers included

    ps. on what shipyard can i order a frigate without missen mast, top sails, carronade guns at top deck, swafleguns, and the rudder (don't need them  :P )


    also, you can shut down the lower deck gun ports(don't need lower deck guns aswell) and put ping pong tables on the middle deck for amusement for the crew when entering the doldrums.


  2. 6 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Well next time I see you let me check my computer for the registration of your ship to find out if it was speed fitted or made of ceder or live oak.  Really guys how would you know this from the distances other than things like how low it lays in the water, it's speed as you chase it, the way the balls bounce off the side....oh wait that is exactly how we guess the build of ships all ready in game.  They said before they don't want to do names for ships cause of the screening of names would be wasted time as you will have idiots doing stupid names for there ships over and over.  So it's best to just leave them as be.


    well the same goes for contrabands, how do you know that from 50 miles away 

    you dont have to see it or notify it...but it is possible to make the info available 

    also speed and distance would be more apreciated then contrabande goods


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  3. 12 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Well, need to get my continental hands on one of those. Just for the sake of... having one of those :)

    huh... Hethwill you can also print the picture out on some nice photo paper, and list it

    and hang it above the fireplace :))

    you don't need continental hands for that :D

  4. 12 minutes ago, rediii said:

    You can't balance out a server with 24/7 rvr and a huge impact on other playstyles. (and the biggest endgame content in NA).

    Random battle time: Nothing to say here. So much grinding and then you get a battle where noone can be there? Not good

    Split battle: i guess in every timezone? The side with no players in one of these timezones has a huge disadvantage

    no battle: -

    stage battle: don't know what you mean here ^^

    battle all day long: either the alliance with most players wins or noone turns up to defend the region

    It's just a fact that global servers don't work in the environment we are in. 


    edit: Servers should have been splitted way earlier to develop a healthy environment


    well i agree on all but what would you suggest then?

    perhaps a counter system ??)(for night time ) a socalled multiple stage system perhaps? 

    a reinforce system during the day time (cool down system) triage with a counter attack ..?

    or a system where it is not possible to attack during the night , for defenders are asleep..?

  5. 1 hour ago, rediii said:

    This only guarentees that the current global solution works. BUT it also guarantees that players can only play at shitty times.


    Why is everyone aiming this game to go into the "game must be shit for everyone so everyone who is left can enjoy it" and not into the direction of "game must be nice for everyone"?


    well i dont know men

    I just want a solution nothing more.....just to keep all the nations players  together

    perhaps a random battle time, or a split battle, or no battle at all,  stage battles, battle all day long,

    or a battle point system where an end battle time is set.....(with a window of 16 hours )with a counter attack system

    or port battle,  battle time zones for a specific nation ( with a flag)

     i just dont care what it will be ...


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  6. for what i read and hear 

    there will be more than one server a global and an EU server just for taking care of the flipping stuff

    what also means a portion of the players is not on your/ my server to play....!

    perhaps I have a solution, but I'm am not a coding expert, so, I don't know if it is possible

    but I give it a go and see if it is possible.. 

    For example( perhaps this is an option to overcome the split in servers;  suppose the Danes want to attack the American ports. then that is only possible in the day time  zone for the Americans

    up to 22.00 pm  hours pm  what means it is set in a window for the Americans to react on a decent time 

    just doing this by coding 

    if the Danes would attack,  on a time where the port battle would start at 03.48 AM (in the night for the Americans), the pb automatically have a set back (or forward) to (let say)20.30 hours  PM mid-American time at the latest.

    and Vice versa..perhaps that is possible by coding... 

    what means we have port battle windows specific for a nation (to the other nation-specific)

  7. 10 minutes ago, admin said:

    The creation of dedicated PVE zones on the main server helps the game. This is how it was done in EVE and multiple other games on the hardcore end of the spectrum. All games have some form of dedicated PVE zone. 
    In addition to that it saves a lot of money because in their current state PVE server is a money sink. 


    Also called game efficiency, and cost reduction

    combine play playstyles is a Good thing

    as a player you have a choice now to

    creating a win/win situation is always a Good thing. also the possibility,  to create more content, it can become an exponential factor to expand the game in the same envirement on a far bigger scale, than to have a playstyle which is not combined with other playstyles.

  8. 44 minutes ago, sveno said:

    @ Jeheil

    The "fingerpointing" was not directed to you, but to some posters in the thread.

    - However - 
    I believe that dupegate is a too sensitive matter to be in your series which is otherwise a great and fun watch.
    To be technically correct, it was not a certain nation, but multiple nations aware of this exploit before it was made public.
    That is why i was referring to your video also, my english might not be the best, i'm sorry for that.


    I still think you make a great series and will enjoy it onwards, no disrespect or blaming intended towards you.



    I believe it is a" letter to the king "      >>to the king himself ......

    not to the captains who intercept the message (they have to keep their "find"  hush,   hush)

    ohw :and the Dutch Nation did not know this duplication  exploid ... perhaps that has to be told in the letter just for diplomatic reasons :))

  9. Captains doing trade in a port is not always free of tax 

    tax has to bee introduced to keep the business going in the town/port

    so, therefore, want to introduce 3 kinds of tax

    harbor tax (1 %) of the profit/amount, by trade in the harbor

    nation tax (for the ships/captains, who have no clan (10 % of the profit -fixed quantity,)

    clan tax for members of a clan, tax ruler from 0% to 99% 


    *Freetown do not have nation tax only harbor tax

    trading at sea has no harbor tax

    clan tax has tax everywhere

    Nation tax is not there when you have joined a clan

    captains ,what do you all think of it

    *ps clan tax is there to benefit clans,  to join clans for the favorable conditions on taxation, and therefore pushing the captains to join a clan

    (that is one of the main reasons to have taxation as a player (a clan can have 1 % taxation for example) and therefore there is a benefit to join a clan, and it also benefit the overall use of the warehouse for members to have some purpose for the overall clan activity 



  10. As a good navigator on the map

    i need some tools like a:

    . drafting compass

    . ruler guide

    pointer where i can draw a line 

    a compass

    pointers where i can put other ships/notifications on the map

    a pointer where my own ship is

    perhaps it is possible to introduce this?

    what do you all think of it


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  11. in the context of the OP it has nothing to do with economy or affect grind 

    so dont know what you are thinking

    its all about logical game play if you ask me



    Also to note:

    Upgrades in their current form will be removed from the game. They will be replaced by ship knowledge or skills


    for instance, what has powder monkeys (part of the crew) has to do with economy ?.. (i think nothing)

    so the sugested patch ,it s a  good thing i believe.

    the balance for that matter will be a thingy, but we don't know how it will be atm, so we have to wait and see

  12. the upgrades in my opinion needs to be skills for the CAPTAIN/OR OFFICER AND THE SHIP BUILDER






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  13. Otto >

    Who are you to make such statement ?

     he is don dimacho ,you can see it on the upper left side:))


    25 minutes ago, Pada said:

    Did the developers say what this so called "hotfix" looks like?

    not yet,

    they need some time to fix it, but probably tomorrow  there will be a fix, that's all, how it looks like we do not know yet.we will see that in the next couple of days

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