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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. Epic Medals are awarded for truly notable achievements such as:


    Achieving 6 kills in a single match

    Destroying a vessel heavier than yours by ramming it/ sinking it

    damage no fewer than 6 enemy vessels

    Obtaining more Reputation and damage in one battle than 99.9% of all players playing the same Class

    Obtaining  a free paint job for your ship when surviving a heavy battle damaged vessel,  live <5 % left and no repairs used

    • Like 3
  2. 18 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Rare ?!... as in...Ships belonged to the Admiralty not the Captain.... Navy Board assigned Admirals/Captains ships for the missions.

    Each captain in game is his/her own Admiralty/Navy Board.

    Only way to make them rare is by - economic path ( irl how much time and millions of puzzle pieces it takes to build one ? ) or achievements.

    Take your pick.

    Thats one of the reasons i said that using forged papers makes you captains rank first , but nobody seems to understand 


  3. 1 minute ago, Eleven said:

    For that we would need a system that prevents 'fake' battles in front of the portbattle with the portbattle fleet in them.

    They struggle with economy, ingame politcs, ROE, stacking of upgrades, balancing of certain ships and punishment of exploiters and giving players real content, too. Did I forget a thing? Certainly.

    its been said before for some reason the Q&A department is missing over there, and then you got this mess...it seems

  4. On 20-12-2017 at 12:08 PM, Sir Texas Sir said:

    If we actually had a reputation system they can make a way you can change nations in char is by going Pirate.  Say your US player and you hate it.  You in game go pirate.  This gives you a bad standing with many nations, but if you work really hard improving your reputation with say Spain you can have the option to permly join that nation.  To keep from in game jumpers you make it stack to become harder and harder each time you switch nations until it gets a point you pretty much going to be stuck a pirate or have to pay the RL money for the forged papers on steam.  The lazy folks can just buy the papers.


    Unlike piracy, privateering in the Golden Age was a legitimate undertaking, which was carried out with the explicit permission of the government

    so a option is to make nation changers pirate first and give bad standing

    where they have to improve their reputation to become regular nation captains again

  5. 13 minutes ago, Sir William Hargood said:

    Can I trade my unused forged papers? I think I have about 6.


     i still have 4 and never used them ,and NEVER will


  6. let continue the dev shock therapy

    Don't forget the screening mark

    that kind of gameplay is still not addressed by the developers


    it seems developers struggle with the reward system BIG TIME

    also they still don't have a reward result page where it is explained to the player and  where you can see your battle result explained in rewards (or new UI)


  7. Why don't they just delete the forged papers entirely

    and make a new permit : named:  Nation change permit

    where you buy that permit for  1 vic mark or 400 cm

    and gives you the opportunity to become a new captain (rank captain )in the new nation of your choice


    simple and effective

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, rediii said:

    So I face the choice between:

    - staying in a shit nation where I have no fun to play in

    - deleting my account and grind again

    - stopping to play

    Its a easy choice, I just stop.


    Forged papers should even be something you can get not only because you have some redeemables

    well .....make the easy choice 

    i am not forcing you to do it the hard way

  9. 1 minute ago, rediii said:

    I dont grind experience back up so I stop playing the game. I guess almost everyone agrees here.

    If your nation sucks and people leave because of it you should also feel consequences.

    well you can see it both ways 

    if the player base is going to the US nation 

    who feels that forced paper 

    yes the one who is left allone on the server 

    ohw.... let me see it is not the game, but it is you who has the benfit 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Wyy said:

    its early access, the game isnt released yet, i think they are there without penalty because players can try out different areas and nations without being able to grind back everything all  the time

    we do not know if this is in the release 

    we have never discussed it , perhaps it is the time we do 

    and make a valid discussion on this matter

  11. 51 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Are forged papers transfered too?

    I hope they all delete forge papers, even in the Caribbean server 

    those papers are just big power changers  

    where a full character comes over from one nation to the other and don't even have to climb the hierarchical ladders of promotion in their new nation ( its a disgrace )

    but that's just my opinion...

    if you change nation you are born naked and grow into it  beginning with sailor/captain rank in tead of a rear admiral 

    its not historical eighter...

    just stupid and lame whatever you think of it (a merge is different )



    i can agree on tho with the forged papers, but only you enter with the rank of captain at the highest rank to begin in the new nation when forged papers are used


    lets see:  the navy general of Timbuktu  becomes the highest commander in the British navy  funny isn't it

    • Like 2
  12. At the moment you all can and do call us anything...but

    we take all our options to be  open and do not take any hasty decisions. we

    decide our own decisions at the council meetings,  and do not let us make decisions forced by a nation, whatever that nation might be

    we take our time as long as we need it.


    you will hear from us at due time


    • Like 1
  13. 16 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    The 4th rates were fine before the Wasa, if anything the inger could use a slight buff but that's it.

    The Wasa is so OP not only does it take the throne over the other 4th rates, its takes the throne as the best PVP ship period.

    Devs knew it was OP, there were multiple threads on it during testbed. Idk why they've kept it this way, maybe they're testing how far they can push the balance?

    well they ain't gone get that number from me for sure 

    i don't sail the devil

    as a honorable player, you/everybody should do the same

    BAN the WASA

    and completely reject that behavior of development

    how far can they go ?:just one day 

    they pushed it so far, people don't like it at all,  if they are not going to address it,  i take a measure of my own and push a button to, that s  called delete

  14. Wasa is not only overpowered 

    but actually, a disgrace and an insult at the same time for every other ship and players

    realise for players, it is a atomic bomb for active players, the diminishing is instant.


    the longer we have this situation , fewer players will stay or come back




    • Like 2
  15. 56 minutes ago, monk33y said:

    Remember your brothers who help hold the Danish tide at bay in those early days of flame and smoke.

    From Russia with love!

    But how can we forget ,  like i said we do know who the nation friends are and gave us the support we needed in the darkest days of existence


    also The Amsterdam city council sends a greeting to Peter :)



    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, monk33y said:

    For those interested In putting the past, where it belongs, behind them. The Russian empire (nation) gives you a chance to carve out your own nation.



    All the rats* will leave their sinking vessel soon

    Our nation will not forget who fought against us (even the one with the false argument)

    we will treat them the proper way instead

    believe me, many planks will be rolled out soon

    the Time of change has arrived, we will see a lot "regret opticians" SOON 



    *traitors and defectors and rapscallions (we do know who the nation friends are) 


  17. why do players leave? ( in perspective)


    well no good upgrades, on your part ( he who has the best upgrades wins ) 

    [in wot there were the tree mods>>  and it cost them hundreds* of players ]

    no access to equal upgrades (if you tell a player good upgrades are rare and perhaps not accessible to them they are not only waiting ,    but gone as well)

    and definitions of ships (what does this ship do) no tuts..(the unseen player who is new or is it an alt )

    overpowered ships, (you think)

    stupid pvp  marks and notes (are not helping the average player)[ pvp marks are still  a no-no for this game at this stage]


    >>> and you think ...duh! .. i m out  

    simple.1+1+1+1+1=other games attract more..and i will wait a while... its still alpha 

    ask your self,>  why do people wait,...( is a more appropriate question)


    *or many thousands  but i will not exaggerate,.. a hard example is there , and a hard lesson will be learned (but not today)

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