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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. well making customised speed on a  ship , would be a pro if ;

    the speed is stretched out more (no cap)

    and the weight restriction is reduced for guns or/ and loading goods in the hold...

    i  would say let go of the cap, and make wood type more important now, it is all the same if capped ...

    also put in a handy cap for the shipbuilder (upgrades) a good shipbuilder can put in 5 :P upgrades (expensive premium ship )

    make upgrades more available for players so they have a choice

    make more customisation on ships available and make it more like: the  use of the  ship , where do i want to make my ship excile in..like   turning or acceleration or  speed or more tank or more bouncy, more man or more guns, made  specific ship  build

    for example counterpart of speed is the thickness of armor and br what makes a ship vulnerable  now you have to think whats your goal with the ship

    i do believe capping speed is not the way to go

    more possibility in craftsmanship/ship knowledge and the captain is key i believe if you want to outrun a ship

    ps.. a careened ship is vital .......what also should be an upgrade (something i dont see in the game at all , what is a missed opportunity)

    upgrade; careened ship upgrade -multiplier 1.15 for all other installed upgrades....( just to give a idea)

    /or put it in game by manage crew and >>[ship] ,and make this very expensive...(with delay of use for 1 hour)


    everybody is sailing the same shit...it seems



  2. .well:

     1. allowing clans bring diverse fleets within a total Battle Rating (BR) limit = good

     2. Allow port owners reduce the BR limit (for money) in the ports they own - creating smaller port battles giving some space to small clans/nations     = BAD..!

    .building in restrictions > ends up in people who can not join ...

    .possible cheats 

    .restrictions and limitations (always bad)

    .unknown features for beginning players 

    .complicated gameplay

    .money issue

    keep it simple.

    i can, however, agree on player limit like (minimal) 5 vs 5 

    6 vs 6 - 7vs7  -  8vs8-  etceteraetcetra......

    but not br ,if the attacker takes fewer ships(players) it's their choice...

  3. a chinese merchant



    made from chinese teak

    Class and type: Junk
    Tons burthen: 800 tonnes
    Length: 160 ft (45 m)
    Beam: 35 ft (10.7 m)
    Depth of hold: 19 ft (5.8 m)
    Propulsion: Three-masted junk rig
    Complement: 42
    Armament: 20 cannons
    Notes: Chinese teak used for the construction

    In Chinese furniture, Teak was often seen in western style “colonial Shanghai style” and art deco pieces especially during the 1920’ies and 30’ies. After the first colonizers reached Burma in the early as the 1820’s, furniture ranging from Victorian style furniture to British campaign style to art deco style began coming out of the region and was popular in cosmopolitan cities in Asia. Today Teakwood sculptures, Teak garden furniture, recycled Teak furniture and Teak outdoor furniture are strong sellers, primarily due to the durability of Teak wood. Indonesia and Thailand are major sources for Teak wood furniture.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Lord Gud said:

    I've been trying and trying and I've clicked "edit" typed in my description clicked "edit" again and exited the game and I have tried EVERYTHING. wat do?


    EDIT - I have figured out you can't use certain ascii characters or my description is too long :( 

    that was also a issue a long time ago 

    it seems bugged


  5. On 13-10-2017 at 3:52 PM, rediii said:

    I'll be there waving my swedish flag and shooting some prussians probably ;)


    you can wave what you want but

    blood is thicker than water! 

    if you are an alcoholic it might seem different  ,but it changes nothing the next day....


    ohw and for i forget 

    we are still there


    • Like 1
  6. On 12-10-2017 at 12:31 PM, admin said:

    Russia is not the biggest player base. The largest buyer of the game is USA, second largest is Germany. 

    oke , interesting but,

    why is this important .. if you talk about buying the game ,its  about player density it seems,( and prime time i guess)

    but i believe that the player base from Europe is bigger than the USA (continents)[if not , i am surprised, and wonder why i don't see them so much]

    of the records, it is always possible to introduce multiple time zones for contents on one map to do battle in different prime time nations

    if France puts a port between 2 USA ports i find it not strange that the prime time for the USA, is not the same as the French 

    so why not give those 3 ports also 2 different port timers  

    if it flips ,it flips, and you can take it back any day...... lets call it  border time zones 


    i myself dont find it a problem to have multiple times zones on a map 

    its always a surprise to wake up and hear that new york jan/kees won the world baseball series (yesterday)

    some people do battle every day, some people do battle every weekend 

    time should be irrelevant 

     the weekend sailors do not  find it strange there was a battle somewhere and lost 5 ports to other nations, even if the where night flipped


    the more possibilities, the more interesting the game will be 

    but we always have to watch for some kind of cheat or flaw in the game what is a set back for other players, other than the user of that mechanic 

    the more nations on the map, the better,.. every nation who sailed in that time period should be there ,...even if it is one ship and 50 people on the island

  7. 8 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    The only problem I have are the shallow ones.  Most folks take time to knock off the deep water ones if it's a small group doing them, but I can solo the shallow ones in any 4/5th rate with  out hardly any damage.  Than flip that port and not show up.  Than it might become kinda of exploit/griefing if that starts to become a problem. We all ready had one shallow port flipped and the clan didn't show so it wasted our time as we all came and had to do the port battle to make sure no one jumped in for 30 mins.   Maybe we should have some system if this starts to become a problem where a clan that grief to much (not show to a port battle) actually can loose there ability to cause agro on a port for a set time.  Like a cool down.  As it was an issue with constant false flips with the old flag system.   We will see if this starts to be an issue though.

    i agree the developers must address this as a flagged clan doing hostility( its, maybe against the other nation  clans interest, maybe you can attack them also  ) [just a sugestion]

    when captured it must have also(the possibility)  to rule out also same nation clans, (for doing trade[ not rule out docking] ) you must have the ability to select only your own clan and/or  nation for doing trade ,i bet it will intensify the eager to fight over other ports

    select when captured port ;

    -only your own clan/ [trade]

    - clan and nation /trade +docking

    - trade for everyone/ trade +docking

    now it is only nation/trade + docking -  and everyone/  trade + docking

    smugglers can bypass it all (here the smuggler gets his meaning again [ + flagged -  (and not attackable by clan alliance [other clan]members, but if not in the [clan] alliance,... you can attack it , even, when same nation])

    this can address a lot of disagreements within nation groups as well, and clarify a lot more on the map visible to everyone

    also, clan alliance must have a mutual agreement on being in the alliance, now atm  that is not needed...and must be visible as a mutually  agreed status 

    all and all status must, of course, be visible on the map somehow...


    oeps i am walking the plank here: but it will address unnecessary griefing against ports were there is not the intention to conquer ports for a meaning to become the owner of that port (clans or members of clans needs to think twice to act... like this then)

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Lataffiole said:

    Please keep in mind that it was only an EDR decision and there were just looking for pvp action as the game is dead.

    Dont put le other clan and all the nation in it.


    like i said ...PARTS... 

    that does not mean every french captain of course ...(they suffer from a revolt in their own ranks. to sort out in the first place) at least the Dutch understand that...

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

    @Thonys If you wanna balance the game, oppose the Swedish nation :rolleyes: Sweden is a nation already steamrolled Pirates, French, Brits, US, Spanish, Danes (in terms of OW PvP, RvR was status quo). They didn't touch Dutch yet -_- No one wants to fight them any longer. I would see a vital alliance Dutch-French against Swedes.


    . parts of the French made some kind of alliance with the Brits, who showed to be very unreliable to the dutch (British treason, [a run over by foreign non-British]  )

    [ the French will soon find out the true nature of the British ]

    . the dutch turned their eyes away from the Brits, What means, we are not willing to see them next to the French as allies in a[ Dutch - / British-French coalition.]

    ......and for the Swedish touching thing ...

    not every Swedish capt is as stupid as the majority of the [other]captains {who play to much ...with the rum...}

    >>> it can kill their entire nation.....[and they know it..[[ parts will hoist their flag to origin[*sig] if... they make a mistake]]



  10. well it can bring more dynamic to the game 

    it is probably not a very used option ,but in some cases, it will do the trick

    but the idea that pirates can join  clan nation pb  is a bit too far for me (i just don't see them(pirates) as a worthy civilized nation) :wacko: 

    perhaps in screening form OW , they can join ,.... but not PB.


  11. 6 hours ago, Batman said:

    As EDR is clearly the only french clan doing ANYTHING at all, I am interested in the goals of the "rest" of the french nation.

    unknown at the moment 

    see this:

    Salut à tous,

    Les HYDRA ont malheureusement constaté ce soir que les EDR ont pacté avec certains clans Anglais.

    Les EDR ont screené pour le compte des Anglais dans la zone Est de la Louisianne, ils ont engagé les flottes USA et Danoises...

    Les HYDRA maintiendront une bonne relation avec les autres clans Français, mais tous navires Français se trouvant dans une flotte contenant des EDR sera considéré comme enemies.

    Il va de soit que les EDR sont à partir d'aujourd'hui une cible privilégiée pour les HYDRA, les clans Américains et Espagnoles seront rapidement associés à cette position hostile.

    Les autres clans Français étrangers (voir opposés) à l'initiative des EDR devront rapidement nous manifester leur neutralité dans cette affaire.


  12. 12 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

    EDR unlike other French clans are tired of sitting in the map corner doing nothing. They can't break through the Swedish wall, so they must try something different. Really shame to all other clans in French nation that were opposed to it. Stay in safe zones and keep calm for the rest of your life.

    On the side note... I always wondered why Dutch don't fight French. Dutch are so bored that they came to Haiti help Swedes probably... These nations are natural enemies and equal opponents for each other.

    well discovering the truth is always difficult

    but one of the reasons is; *  lettre de course

    ."secret high diplomatic negotiations" to diverse the pressure; to make it possible to have a way to making the way clear for some dutch captains to become under the letter of marque  "letter of marque and reprisal" and hoist the other nation flag(swedes)

    .to even the balance, and to fulfill the nature of the captains to fight 

    .where the balance will stay intact for the Dutch (with perhaps a trade treaty)

    of course, i am not going to reveal all the detail, but that is, in general, the answer to your thoughts... 





  13. 52 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Combat News is great.

    well perhaps not in a chat way> but in a separate tab with more details and location

    where also the political hostility environment is posted with(if there is data room)

    also including perhaps a map with pins of sunken ships






  14. Hi captains .DEVS

    when i look at the  chat channel sometimes see the following question:

    >>how is the political situation, have we peace with the "XXXXXX "?

    or i see this one:

    "with who do we have war at the moment"

    Sometimes a captain do not get an answer,  or gets a strange answer from a captain with his own interpretation or agreement who made a treaty

    to address this situation i wonder if it is possible

    to have a diagram with nations whos is hostile against a other nation 

    so the meaning of this is to interpret the hostility level among nations clans

    for example; something like this:

    Nations:   victims>       Sweden   British   pirates   Spanish   dutch     french [captains]       


    French sinks :                     25            0           3               0             1               -

    British sinks:                       1          -              5               5              1              2

    Pirates sinks:                      1            1           39              0              0             0  

    Spanish sinks :                   1             9            6              -              0              0

    Dutch sinks:                      0         0               0            0               -              0

    Sweden sinks :                   -              4            1              1              0             19


    in this diagram, you can interpret the fighting in the political environment 

    her you can see:

    that the French CAPTAINS(clans) have hostility with the Sweden

    French sinks 25 Swedish and the Sweden sinks 19 french

    her you can see also that the pirates are more fighting each other and are no threat to other nations captains

    so people will have a rough idea what is going on on the map and in the game

    her you see also you have nothing to fear from the Dutch,so you can trade at their harbors savely

    different solution ;

    or:    like in eve where you see the hostility map where the number of destroyed ships is given by numbers (the bigger the destroyed numbers the bigger the red colored hostility circle is 

  15. 42 minutes ago, Bearwall said:

    How does tar correlate to armor thickness? In regard to the planks - the tar can not be said to have any effect on the ability to absorb blunt force. Remove the magic.

    I can accept the copperplating (though I really find it odd that it apparently is so demanding technologically that it is uncraftable), to some extent I can accept the different riggings like bovenwinds or british rigging refits. I can't say that I'm impressed by the mats req - again why is it necessary to make 5 human sacrifices of some captains daughter to make bovenwind refit? The figureheads that improve morale or reload I can accept, even if they improved sail raising speed or yard turning - all these assets can be attributed to morale affected by the figurehead. A figurehead that somehow improves gunpenetration or ship speed? - that's just voodoo magic.

    magic is everywhere :) even at the other side of the known world :P

    here the outcome:

    o- o xp

    Stockholm caulking refit blueprint

    producing Stockholm caulking refit

    requires ;

    5 Stockholm tar

    150 live oak planks


    Armor all sides

    Armor thickness: 8%

    ship structure leak per second -11 %

  16. 9 hours ago, Bearwall said:

    But how does tar give more armor thickness?

    a sturdy wall of planks  is better than a loose plank who must absorb all the force of the energy 

    also leaks are important for speed and making water

    a smooth hull is important for speed and cohesive behavior (for example copper plating)

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