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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. On 3-3-2017 at 3:09 AM, Bearwall said:

    I don't even want to discuss this. Only ask 1 question for devs and playerbase alike. When is this going to be "engaging playerdriven content?"?



    Well i dont see anything strange here...

    Did you rus and danes ask the Americans how late it is on there side of the world ?????????????

    no ..

    or did you??? 

    i think you did not figure out what the consequences would be if you attack a American port


  2. 14 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    That's the midnight fog :) happens once in a full cycle except when there are storms.

    well that can be the case 

    but the view is not attractive ,and we are  in need of a more clearer view at ALL weather conditions

    and even the night looks not dark enough, it looks like early evening in the afternoon..

    we are in need of a more clearer far distance ...

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    16 miles is the horizon spotting range in a extremely clear day - one can see a puff of white in the horizon and shout "Sail! Sail!" and with no chance to know what origin, type of ship, etc

    In game we have well over 50km at all times - click sail, all info is there.

    Should the information box of the sighted ship hide some info until the enemy ship is within 2nd circle distance ?


    well perhaps it is 50 miles 

    but it is grey and fog what you see after 1 one mile,(and it is all over the place.......

    • Like 3

    H i captains and 


    i rather want to see more clearer weather 

    in this game it is always foggy at the horizon and overall very grey and no clear colors of the environment

    even the sea is not  very clear

    to give some examples:

    i hope the game engine can handle this kind of weather ....


    TulumBeach.jpgclear distance





    • Like 4
  5. 6 hours ago, elite92 said:

    RUBLI ? ahahahaha u must kidding me for sure... btw we are waiting for some more news from devs patch on pirate mechanics, no point in fight RvR 1 v 3 everytime


    well now you mention it, when do we hear from the devs about some stuff?

    ohw, and something about the pb, if you just hop in a pb and do not join ts or any other communication app, you will go down in no time , i do not think that will be appreciated very much ,so if you want to join ,seek the channels and sign up for the pb,and have fun together, and good comms.

    if you think you can join a pb with a belle,and a trinc and a cutter atm, that will be a certain death sentence, no only for you but also for the entire fleet in the end

    and with elite i think they mean the right ships in the pb

  6. 7 hours ago, sruPL said:

    11 days? That's still not much. Some leaders didn't login for 3-6 months in big clans. I think Devs can't give you the officer tag on their own, but I don't have any authority and it's just my presumption. Sorry in advance for offtopic.

    In other games once Leader is offline for 1-2 weeks, there is a voting for new leader. It fixes most of the problems...


    yes for many clans there are these problems

    i  dont understand why the defs do not implement a system where after 3 weeks of absence  a vote system comes in place to make a new clan leader 

    (3 officers vote within a minute voting and 2 mil each on the vote)


    its killing clans and most of all the game

  7. I personally prefer 1 dura ships 

    upgrades and slots and permanents are only possible by the included build of the ship

    i do know its a hard way to ,but i sometimes hear people say "who cares i have ten of them in my ports " what mean the ship sometimes have no meaning of them at all and that has to change to, for making surrender situations to  save a crew/or ship  from being sunk .. when making a ship 1 dura they have to think more to make a good decision

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, rediii said:

    Ofcourse it's possible. Well you will not sink a basic cutter in a victory but you can enter the combat if you are beside him in the OW.

    I don't see your problem here. Guess you missunderstood the Br ratio curve.


    and that is my problem with it

    he can get away in a basic cutter (he pulls a finger to me, as a captain, because his basic cutter is invulnerable )

    the solution to that is: give me a letter of mark and that problem will be solved then

    but if not, i dont like the whole scenario.....

  9. 21 minutes ago, rediii said:

    They will not even notice that because they are not stupid enough to attack 6 ships when they have only 1. And even if they will possibly get the fight because the 6 ships will be happy to kill him.

    This system is avoiding stupid fights on the lower BR side in large numbers, that's all.


    when i am attacked in a vic vs a other vic 

    and i sink

    and  afterwards is see him again in my 3 dura vic again, outside the port putting a finger to my vic (because he want to get away in his basic cutter or scout)

    i must have the ability to kill his basic cutter pod to....(its called revanche)

    and in this system it is not possible (that will drive people away, that's called kitty stuff, its about the captain, not the ship )


    or letter of mark (kill mails ) must be put in place.


  10. captains

    in my opinion, the whole system is going to be to difficult in some point

    i rather see a ow where there is no br (and throw it overboard)

    and free to attack 

    i rather see a protected area, for beginning captains (till captain level) where they have help from the coast guard in that area(just like eve in HS ((space police/coastguard just when they are pulled in to battle give them 2 ai ships to his side with devastating fire power))) when  they are attacked by a experienced captain, outside that area it is free to attack. 

    when there is a pb there is a circle area (the event circle)where the br circle is in count with restrictions (that's fine,just to even the ods)

    the psychological effect when a captain attacks a ship(outside protected nooby erea) and sees it can't do anything because of the restrictions of the game will drive them away

    make it a mens/womans game not a kiddy game (in that context I also see rather 1 dura ships where the upgrades are not attached to the ship but to the builder or the captain)

    and a other thing > where the powder monkeys (a upgrade) are also a part of the crew management system instead of drop(upgrade) in a mission game

    it must make sense, just to give you my 1 cent



    On 18-2-2017 at 3:27 AM, PIerrick de Badas said:

    Why i want tthe player fleets to be removed:

    - When i chase ennemy , I alwais find my targets (traders) with fleets.

    => I try and sometimes succes
    => I don't attack.
    For example today, 3 indiaman 1 gv were escorted by 2 endemyon 1 surprise. What is enough? No all players get fleets and intot the pvp battle it was one trinco, 2 indef and 1 npc surprise. In our side, it was 1 tirnco npc too. Is it pvp or?

    - When i cross ganker, they alwais get 2 surprise or 2 renomee. Why to give troll option to player? I'm in a sol and i'm attack by 2 npc and one player? It is supposed to be pvp or?

    - NPC player fleet were necessary when we didn't got fortress. We got defense coasline now, npc are useless.

    Maybe let trader npc to make convoy what get sence because they will not be use (to much) in pvp.


    i, Miss 3 options :

    >> only players ships in fleet

    >> only Ai  ships in fleet.

    >> More AI or/ playerships in Fleet


    * DEV's this post/poll is narrow on less,  instead of achoice of more 

    this poll must considered not valid for the community





  12. 6 minutes ago, rediii said:

    No worries, same happened to brits and pirates too already ;) 

    That this is/was possible is just a flaw in the mechanic because both sides don't have fun with shooting sails for 1 and a half hours


    well in most cases those screeners die,for the good couse, -_- and did their job very well..for me thats a mechanic thats oke.

    only the reward for intercepting is not there

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, rediii said:

    Da stimm ich dir nicht zu Jakob, ein Kampf mit 25 Linienschiffen gegen eine kleine Screeninggruppe von 5-10 Schiffen ist einfach nur demotivierend weil nichts passiert. Soein Kampf ist langweilig und man verliert einfach nur 1 1/2 Stunden während man auf Segel schießt. Die Änderung führt dazu dass Kämpfe entstehen (bei großen Gruppen!) in denen wirklich beide Seiten kämpfen können.

    So wie ich das lese könnt ihr dann immernoch zu 5. eine Gruppe von vielleicht 10 Taggen. Aber ihr könnt nicht zu 10. eine Gruppe von 25 taggen.

    edit: Um so kleiner die Gruppe ist um so größer kann die BR Differenz also sein


    I don't agree with you Jakob, a battle with 25 lineships against a little screening group of 5-10 ships was/is demotivating as hell because nothing happens in this fight. It is just boring and a waste of 1 and a half hours. This change leads to the fact that battles happen when every side wants to fight. This will make battles more interesting because it is not just a game of shooting sails and then leaving the battle and closing NA.

    As i read it you can still tag a group of 10 with a group of 5 but you can't tag a group of 25 with a group of 10.


    edit: the smaller the group the bigger the BR difference can be


    first of all,  i understand your issue:

    but i must say your defending screening group made a big mistake then..by not defending the 25 pb group

    you can not blamming the attacking screen group that they attack you..


  14. Well, i dont get it,   now i need a calculator to ?

    if i am in a bellona and see a target , and i want to attack it, with my ten knots speed, i cant even attack an  enemy tradder snow, is that what's going to happen now 

    is the snow just going to pass me, and pulls a finger at my ship...(the enemy can pass on numbers) 

    if a group of 4 Trincomalees see 3 enemy bellepoules they can t go to battle because they are one short..

    or if you want to flip a pb with 25 vics , and they do not show up, or they come with 10 vics you can t attack the port ..??

    i am confused now..









    • Like 1
  15. 10 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    I get that. What I didn't see is exclusive career while losing access to functions that are not from that career.

    For example being a Trader mogul and still being able to command navy ships !?...

    Or actually take advantage of the sandbox and draw lines in the sand and make your own path and fun :)

    We can't have it all.


    Well the issue with that time is that :", mostly the "captain" of the ship, was the mogul trader, instead of the naval captain,  thats where the proverb comes from ;3 captains on a ship always gives trouble"

    so the problem can be "how good are they individually presented in the game"

    back to the topic>  My career comes from the possibility to do for example trading  ,but i need the ports to do it;,  greater ships means more different goods, so more different buildings in different ports . Ranks can give me the ability to have more ports, and therefore my career grows. thats why,  i asked more ranks and ports and men.

    ps.when beeing a rear admiral and sailing a bassic cutter, i staill can be defeated by a simple captain.so that wont change


  16. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Another thing is that the Career topics are confusing.

    Are you pointing to a Navy Career, a Maritime Trader career, navy board Political Career, or something else ? The fleet I can see with a Navy career, production and trade buildings for a Trader, etc etc

    I can't read any exclusive and inclusive suggestions.


    Well i believe the game must provide you the tools to make your own career

    no matter what you choose you must have the ability to grow 

    its your choice to take it or leaf it .

    therefore i think it is needed in the game 



  17. 9 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Practice was 2 escort man'owars per state sanctioned convoy, usually 6 to 12 transports which could have also some guns.

    The big dutch anglo trading fleet that went to the mediterranean, 100+ strong, had some half a dozen warships included.



    exactly; every player seems to be a single pirate and there is no fear to attack a fleet 

    in that case they have to rally a attack fleet to engage

  18. hi captains / Dev's

    Well at the moment i have the highest rank a player can get sailing a ship 

    but  i am in need for a better career -_-

    i suppose i need a Vice admiral, and a  Admiral rank. (and admiral flags in OW/battle )

    (just some thoughts)

    to go :full  force

    with my fleet (every vice Admiral had his own squadron of (+4)ships )

    where  the rear admiral is a officer on the ship as a extra officer (2 perk ponts extra)

    and a 450 men extra >total 1550 men

    therefore i can take 2 more fleet ships in the total fleet aswell building 3 more outposts and 3x2 more buildings


    A  Admiral gets a  Additional political advisor, therefore giving the player (in the current political system 10 votes)

    but for the rank below of a captain only 1 vote, a captain gets 3 votes and so on

    and a +450 men extra > total 2000 men

    (also the political advisor is also the OLD lord protector [flagsystem flag builder] ) and is the only one to buy/ plant the flag)


    Captains how do you feel about this, don't you have ambitions to?.... discuss


    • Like 5
  19. 19 minutes ago, Karpfanger said:

    ... I agree   ... (Я согласен)  ;)

    I would like it, if the screeners get rewards for their good job ... the question is .... only the best of the PB winners coalition or the best of all screeners of both sides




    PS: Which fleet-ship do you choose for 4th Rate PBs? They are up to 4th Rates as I remember .... a 3rd rate would be logical :rolleyes:


    i/we can only use a constitution i have now blue prints in the clan for pb 4th rate (agamemnon)

    and also  therefore no port battle 1 (l ocean) and 4 rate for our clan  -_-

    so there is a issue to...


    and a Bellona(3th rate) would be great to for doing the the 4th rate pb (or perhaps a other new dutch vessel)

    the 3 th rate/>  bellona could be newly rated to heavy 4 th rate (filling the gap)

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