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Everything posted by tonyxyx

  1. Ciao scusa per il ritardo Bob,visita http://biaclan.it/e joina pure ts.
  2. Ciao Bob,se desideri avventura e bottino contattami o visita http://biaclan.it/,cisi vede in mare!!
  3. Marx they sank him.Thank you Tomms123 helpful like always!!I did not know about that.This is the missing screenshot where u can see they were shooting him: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/12622223_10205627385710626_7945863442034663116_o.jpg Also they did not shoot green on green.In the other screenshots i linked i only wanted to show the chat.
  4. Hello,yesterday i was sailing close to Mortimer Town when i saw a pirate vs pirate instance.I got suspicious and i joined the battle.Here are some screenshots i took: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/t31.0-8/12628508_10205627386710651_7917605796735642586_o.jpg https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/12493435_10205627389070710_7683436807562196706_o.jpg https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/t31.0-8/12496229_10205627389310716_2324156201549484070_o.jpg https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/t31.0-8/12525598_10205627391830779_9210100055635914658_o.jpg
  5. Ci siamo quasi ragazzi,se siete ancora indecisi sul da farsi e avete voglia di unirvi ad un gruppo di italiani e di amici per condividere la passione per il mare e per questo fantastico videogame,non esitate a contattare me o Cannoneita.E' arrivata l'ora di mollare le cime e levare le ancore!!!!
  6. Hello!I want to report player Gonzo511 for his bad behaviour,constantly insulting me during small events and also being racist against spanish people(which i am not).I have already F11'd it,but if asked i can show other proofs,I really think we should get rid of this kind of players.
  7. Ciao Vizier,se stai giocando ancora da solo e hai voglia di unirti ad una gilda,nella fazione pirata abbiamo creato un bel gruppetto.Chiedi pure a me o Cannoneita per maggiori info.
  8. Pirates Brigata Italiana Ariete-BIA Antonio Miccolis-tony Italian-English speaking
  9. Lord Vicidus,Antonio Miccolis here. Stop defending that player,last time we were in battle i was boarding you,and that dedo1911 attacked me despite he was pirate.Then he also did ram you on purpose so i could not board anymore.Is it true or not?We all know about your friendship so please stop the teather and grow up!!About me and my yacht.....well players like you and your friends,using these exploit,are not worth more then 12 cannons,wanted to drag me in with a bigger ship eh genius?
  10. i7 3770,16 gb ram,gtx 980.Of course it runs great but i ve noticed that choosing ultra settings in the game launcher will not MAX OUT everything,so i actually have to max out the graphics, just before the battle starts, from the in-game options panel.Ultra settings before launching the game-around 80 fps.Everything maxed out using the in-game graphics settings-around 50 fps.......anyone else out there?
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