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Posts posted by Atreides

  1. This particular mechanic was introduced a while back because of the history of people logging out in battle instance to wait on TS to spring out for PB, ganking etc,  the idea is you can only log out in open world where you can check before hand to make sure no enemies are around.  If you are in an area with hostiles close by basically you stand to lose everything if real life needs you.

  2. As an example:

    Select buy cannons.



    You have bought cannons click OK



    Select hull repairs click


    You have bought hull repairs click OK.



    Select rig repairs and click to buy


    You have bought rig repairs click OK



    Select rum and click to buy 


    You have bought rum. Click OK



    This is what I mean, the unnecessary pauses to tell me I bought rum after I bought rum is unnecessary and annoying with the pauses.

    Thank you


    You have said thank you, click ok


    • Like 4
  3. Just to weigh on the Requin...

    I am a longtime player (before Steam EA) and medium skilled PVPer (as in I get sunk more than I sink)  I still have my redeemable Requin, with Cart refit, Elite Pirate and Master Carpenter,  I am only playing an hour or so a day, sometimes only a few times a week the last 3 months.  But in that time since redeeming the Requin I have sunk 7 Requins, 4 Hercs and the odd 5th rate trying to seal club around Jamaica, sometimes with help sometimes not.  I have learned what the ship can do, and the assessment of it being overpowered are absolutely correct.  with 80% sail I can still go 14.5+ knots close hauled to fade back and repair, then charge back in.  With the right mods this ship is a game breaker for others without.


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  4. Locking a player from PVP for an hour after fighting and losing his ship simply means more people will just say screw it and log off.  All this is getting ridiculous, newer players are clubbed by vets AND game mechanics that only encourage and enable this.  This is the reason so many have bought the game, but no longer play.


  5. 55 minutes ago, Capt Jubal Early said:

    Just out of interest are you guys aussie time zone?

    The ones in that battle, as well as a few others play at early Aussie times.  Not many Aussies, or US players left, when we play server pop is usually around 180-250, not because of any reason except that is when we play.

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