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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 1 hour ago, Wind said:

    5. Repetitive training 

         Training makes perfect. Train each member until you know they are pros. There is no point to sail with a 50/50. Untrained members will simply drag you down to the bottom with them. Fleet must work as one, train more until you achieve such result. Game mechanics knowledge is a must for every member. Ship outfitting is done based on a strategy used. Every fleet member must report their ship characteristics and mods before set sail. 

    The game provides no real means of carrying out training effectively without actually doing it in real battles. So what ends up happening in games is groups of already experienced players end up grouping together and becoming the dominant force and then complain that they cannot find decent opposition. There have been calls for proper training rooms that can be set up as you want to suit training needs, but so far there has been no take up on these suggestions.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Estaban De la Vega said:

    NA play area is to small to allow for rebuilding. It should consider opening up the Mediterranean and North/Baltic sea zones.  I know I know "but the sailing is far enough already". That us true for daily RvR and PvP. But it's still to small to allow for rebuilding without the close and constant presence of the dominant team, that has nothing else to do,  constantly raiding the rebuilding team. This constant reminder keeps their morale and attitude down. That isn't good.

    It would not matter how big the map was, the action would still always move to where the majority of the players were. The green Zones were originally brought in so that a nation could not be one ported and the zones included enough resources so a nation could rebuild with materials obtained in safety within the zone. Since then this idea has been watered down due to the constant moans from players who want easy targets, so now most of the action happens in these areas and other areas of the map remain deserted. 

    I do not think it is just that one side has become dominant that drives people from the game, NA follows the cycles of most online games with a surge in player numbers when there is a patch and these slowly die away as people complete experiencing the new patch and get bored. NA is always going to be a low numbers game because it is a niche genre and the action in it is not fast paced. The only way you can keep the numbers up is to stop people getting bored and this means having a lot of content and keep a constant stream of new content arriving, but this is almost impossible to achieve especially in a game where majority of the content is also the end game.

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  3. To be honest the current crafting is not that bad apart of the amount of space needed for all the different woods and components and the fact that you always end up with bits left over. You can use up your labour hours in a couple of minutes each day and go do something else. Even if you had 10 times the LH you have now it is still no more than a few minutes to use them for crafting.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    - Personally I think the reinforcements should stay as is, I made my peace with the zones, should mirror the enemy ships. Rate by rate, gun by gun, perk by perk, module by module. The models that can't be captured, can't, must be sunk.

    If they make the change to RoE that they mentioned, that battle only stays open for nation whose green zone it is, then the need for owerpowered AI is reduced as own nation can also assist.

    But just wait for the uproar when this change is introduced, from the people who like to gank new players in the green zone. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Sorry for the OT, and sarcasm, but them animal farm elites said, in several other threads that the mods weren't necessary and they could play without them. So this... rampant pricing really bugs me...

    Carry on, just thinking aloud. o7

    If people will pay it why shouldnt someone sell it for that price. Something is only worth what people will pay. I am just pointing out that if these mods and skillbooks are not necessary then why is there a roaring market for them and regular shouts in nation and global chat asking for them to buy or trade?

    You go broadside to broadside against another first rate with no mods and you give the first broadside and see half your balls bounce off him and you hardly scratch his armor because he is running Armor thickness mods, yet when he fires off his broadside you watch as half your armor melts away because he is running penetration mods and then come tell me that mods and skill books dont count. (and before anyone points it out, I know angling you hull to his broadside can help deflecting shots, but for a trial just go broadside to broadside and tell me mods make no difference).

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  6. So what you are saying is the people with duelist tag can only duel and not do anything else. If that is the case then it sounds just as carebearish than people asking to be able to fight AI unmolested. You may as well allow a perk that allows you only to attack AI and be immune from attacks from other players in OW.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    No. I'd say Patrol Zone method. Two go in, 1 comes out.

    Is that acceptable ?

    I think you missed my point. Is it open to abuse for example to escape being tagged by a larger group you go hunting with a friend in a similar ship and if a group tries to get you, you start a duel with your friend and thus escape the group tag. Bringing more complex and varied RoE into OW can at times just lead to confusion and exploits.

    Or are you saying that with the duelist tag you can only participate in duels?

  8. Would be a lot easier to have a duel room where people can duel to their hearts content rather than an OW RoE for duels that people will find a way to exploit. For example about to get tagged by a group so you jump into a duel with a friend so battle instantly closes and on exit you get the escape buffs.

  9. 2 hours ago, HamBlower said:


    Like admin declared: "Intermediate materials will be converted into raw materials", "the effects of loss or gain will be minor". If you will be totaly shure use all intermediate materials (in your list the "compenants")

    Forum could be so much slimmer if everybody reads the announcements carefully.

    The "wipe" isn't a wipe where you loose things. You have to expect a slimmer list of materials that are needed to craft a ship.

    I can see why people still want exact clarification of what will change, because when they merged the servers they said most stuff should transfer across and although they mentioned somethings that could not transfer they never mentioned that sealed bottles would not transfer and then acted as if we should have known that these items were not transferable. If they had been clear as people were requesting people would have had time to use the items in advance. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    The quickest way to rank up is to do the tutorial and get M&C rank. M&C is fine to start pvping. The need to be max lvl is a deception developed by mmos like World of Warcraft and other games where high tier always beats low tier. NA isnt such a game personal skills vs enemy skill matters more than ship rate.

    The need to get full Ship knowledge is an other deception. New players dont have books other the standard ones. Missions offer no books because of reduced loot (only ow ships not in the carezone have high chance for books) So actually new players that have no clue about the drop mechanic wasting their time by doing missions. Furtheremore I got told in many occasions that mods + books are overrated that their bonus is so small that they actually change nothing so why waste time here?

    Missions are a fake feature that trick the player. The player thinks that he is doing something that will reward him but actually he is shooting oneself in the foot. He places oneself into a spiral of grind that lets him not enjoy the game.

    So I welcome any advance that breaks this grind spiral and that lets the player see clear. Missions are a thorn in the side.

    This may all be true, but it is being spoken by a person who has most probably been in the game a long while and is max rank with a lot of ships with slots unlocked and skill books.

    As it currently stands a person starting the game today could be M&C in a couple of hours with a brand new rattlesnake and Hercules note which they open and first thing that hits them is a choice of woods. They have learned nothing about the different types of woods and what the differences are, but being keen to get into it they randomly choose the frame and planking woods. Now they have to get guns, again no info in tutorial about different types of guns and what situations they are best in, but hey they are still eager so they throw on some cheap mediums. They have repairs from the tutorial so okay they load them up and hit the OW, first thing they note is that this is not the same as the tutorial (see the thread regarding "where is my HUD") there has been no info given on how to tag someone and that battles are instanced. Anyway he eventually gets over that and sees a AI ship (lets just say he realizes that ships have different BR and knows what ships he should be going for) He start the attack and gets into battle, the battle is going along nicely when all of a sudden a couple of more ships appear and proceed to rip him to shreds. He has now lost his precious Hercules which he probably did not even realize was rare and you say such a person is ready for PvP???????

    The need to get full ship knowledge may be a deception and good players may be able to win in any piece of junk they sail in without mods, but at the end of the day most of the experienced elite PvP players still pay top dollar for these mods and skill books from the "carebears" who farm AI for those mods and books (I had someone once pay me 100 PvP marks for a book). Players doing missions eventually realize that they do not get drops from these missions and eventually move on to hitting OW AI fleets. Forcing them to that position from the start does them no favors.

    All games like this have some form of grind, the trick is making the grind interesting so people feel they are not grinding but moving up a ladder. Missions are boring and I personally have not done one in a long while, but they were an important step in getting to grip with the game for a lot of people, especially the fleet ones where you grouped up with others as it got you talking to other players and you were able to get advice. Can you tell me that you never did any missions while you were leveling up in the game? You may look back with hindsight and say there was no need to do missions, but they are still an important part of the learning.

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  11. On 5/10/2018 at 2:38 PM, z4ys said:

    Pls remove pve missions completely as we dont need that testing feature anymore

    This may be true for the players who have been in game for a long time and are maximum rank with most ship slots unlocked, but for new players missions are a relatively quick way to level up safely (hence all the calls for reverting the 3 mission cancellation so missions can be done in the safe zone). Once you are max level missions do not give you much apart from gold and and a place to grind slots safely, but by this time most max rank players have realized it is better to do OW AI fleets in some quiet corner of the map.

    The problem I see with calls for removal of missions is that they are from experienced max rank players who just want more targets out in OW for them to hit. They seem to forget that when they started playing missions in various guises were one of the main ways of levelling. I remember the shouts that used to go out for people to do first rate missions and some of the now very experienced PvP players that used to be in them almost daily. Now you would never really dream of shouting out that you were doing OW non-greenzone missions in nation chat as it would be an invitation to get ganked. People forget how much the game has changed since they started and how the new player experience now is much different from when they were new players. 


    On 5/10/2018 at 3:39 PM, vazco said:

    Battles open for all are right now the only source of fun encounters with many enemies which are available right away (in NA terms this means 1-2h from sailing out) . If you make it open just for one side, you will remove this. I expect many players will leave then. There's no alternative option to get such battles. 

    Having your capital nearby is already an advantage that works. 

    Although I am a proponent of capital safe zones, I do also agree that the change in RoE in these zones have brought out some interesting PvP battles. The issue though still remains regarding the ganking of newbies in these zones. With the current RoE hunters will seldom initiate the attack so they have to jump into someones AI battle. Most experienced players do not do AI missions in the green zone so it means they must be jumping inexperienced players, the problem is you cannot always be guaranteed to get assistance as people are not sure if it is a trap. For example the other night right outside Belize port a couple of Spanish players jumped into an AI battle which was 1 player against 2 AI, another British player seeing this happen jumped in to assist in his Buc, only problem was that there were 10 more Spaniards ready to join the battle making the battle 14v2 (12 players and 2 AI against 2 Players). Three of us who had been out hunting the Spanish around Placentia arrived but it was pointless joining as it would have meant throwing our ships away, we called out in nation but at the time of night there was just not enough players to be able to take on such a force, so the two in battle were left to their fate. I can guarantee the player who jumped in to assist in his brand new Buc will not do that again in a hurry.

    Maybe if they want to keep such a feature they could apply it to other areas rather than green zones, but I think you would find that those zones would be deserted.

    I would also like to point out that I am one of those so called "carebear" players who was always doing PvE in the safe zones when they were safe, but now that I have ground out most of my ship slots and completed the important skill books I have started to PvP more. So people do graduate from PvE to PvP.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    You seem to have little or no confidence in the human being. Again: This my proposal has no inclination to become a tool of tyranny, as it sees a council of experienced players and trusted nationals presiding over the court. You think they would like to risk their reputation and start sending innocents to the Pirates because they don't like them? Don't you meet any gentlemen in game?

    In effect, your defaitism in law enforcement issues results in indirect encouragement of unfair player behavior and just lets assholes be assholes. And produces more of them, because "Aye, why the hell not, Vazco will close his eyes and we cannot be made responsible for treason ever! Let's do some more just to prove we are untouchable and invincible!"

    All you have to do is look at the British nation to see how this could end up a mess. Recently one of the main RvR clans left the nation after an argument with another large clan, I would assume both these clans would have been big enough to have people in the council. I am sure there would have been a major rift in council with both sides wanting the other kicked out of the nation. As it is the clan that left say they will not return to nation till the other clan leaves.

    Its not about having no confidence in human beings, but realizing what people can be like on the internet.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Real life a fisherman was a spy. A tavern keeper could be a spy. A wench was certainly a spy and even privateer captains were spies.

    Gameplay, how do you suggest to deal with this without giving way to said "paranoia" witch hunt ? 

    I suggest all of you want to outlaw because of alt spies to drop your alt accounts as well, because solomon's law does not distinguish between "this alt" or "that alt". In the end all are the same :)



    I do not know the solution that could not be abused in some way, but I do think that they have to recognize that allowing spies without some form of counter spoils the game. Personally I do not like the idea of outlaw battles as it can allow too much griefing.

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  14. 1 minute ago, Hethwill said:

    A good spy is as simple as a basic cutter anchored at large giving info on what ships left port and to where.


    But is'int this the problem? In real world if anyone was suspected of passing info to the enemy they would be arrested and have to stand trial, but in game there is nothing you can do even if you have irrefutable proof that they are doing it. Imagine the real world where spies could operate openly without fear of repercussion.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Capt Jubal Early said:

    Like the old days where you could lay a blow to a nation by trapping there massed reserves in a port by capture.

    But the issue would become limited ship slots and outpost slots, so you could theoretically end up in a position of being unable to get anymore ships because all slots are used and being unable to open new outposts because closing others would mean losing ships. Could end up being too much for some people. 

    I do not understand what the problem is with having a warship in your fleet, in a battle they are practically useless. Unless it is because the increased BR makes it harder for small raiders to tag, in which case make it so that fleet ships do not count for the person who is being tagged BR.

    Personally I do not use fleet warships, but I can see the need for them in some situations. Anyway jumping a trader with fleet ships in tow leaving a captured port must give good targets to raiders.

  16. 2 hours ago, vazco said:

    A simple fix - make player loose all fleet ships if he sank due to friendly fire. It will already greatly limit this issue.

    Another option which would solve all issues - if your fleet escapes but you're sunk, make player spawn in his next fleet ship on the OW after battle ends.

    The issues I have with spawning in your next fleet ship in the case outlined in the OP is the fact that they were not actually running from a battle, they had fought the battle and won and were doing it to avoid the revenge fleet outside. Maybe if you sink then you could appear in any captured ship, but not if the ship was originally in your fleet as outlined in the example below.

    Also if you are a trader and run in an escort ship with your traders in fleet, your whole intent is to use the escort ship to delay the hunters so your trade ships can escape, this may mean you lose your escort ship, so if you then end up in your trade ship ready to be tagged again it defeats the point of having and escort ship.

    This would all not be an issue if they could find a solution to the revenge fleet and the constant retag that is possible. Retag is more likely if you have fleet vessels as they slow you down.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    Step 3

    Protections against jumping missions.  Let's be honest here, popping into missions and/or AI battles is highly weighted towards the attacker.  It also ruins the gameplay for new players.  While making battles inside the blue zone close after the standard amount of time will help, people will still get jumped.  Any hostile players that join a mission or AI battle should automatically spawn AI reinforcements for the defender AND create a hot zone on the map.  

    aka - preventing ganks and creating more "honest" pvp.  People hate ganks, mission jumping is ganking.  Most folks don't mind losing in honest fights.

    This may be fine to stop mission jumping, but many gankers wait to get someone when they exit the mission, probably badly damaged and short of repairs.

  18. 1 minute ago, Chug said:

    As one of those players waiting outside for an hour+ to try recapture the Santi Otto managed to capture from a fellow pirate and have some pvp and defend our waters, for it all to be denied by an exploit of game mechanics is just total garbage. Hachi and Otto knew what they were doing and did it anyway to save their own ships and so waste 6-8 others peoples time.

    Why would you wait an hour+ for them to come out? I though they get kicked out maximum 15 minutes after battle end.

    But anyway it is good that they brought this to light rather than keep using it, hopefully something can be done to close this loop hole. I am sure others have found exploits and continue to use them for their advantage without telling anyone.

    Maybe if you have escaped ships and you sink in battle you transfer to OW in one of the escaped ships. But this also highlights the problems with revenge fleets, so there are 2 sides to the issue. They won the battle but would end up losing their ships if they had to face the revenge fleet that amassed outside.

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