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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 41 minutes ago, ElegantWay said:

    sorry for The chat system dropped, showing only the nation and clans.

    but At the end of the battle, we divided the enemy into 3 parts, which is very advantageous.

    when you escap,We are at a disadvantage.

    I'm sorry but sending a Santi and L'ocean to kill a mercury and Wasa is a waste when we could have killed their 1st rates. We had two of their 1st rates down to almost no side armor but lacked the firepower to get the killing blow. You were asked in battle chat a few times to join the main force but did not respond. We also warned you that their first rates were starting to head for you to assist their Bellona as they could not get to us. Even if we had remained in battle the outcome would have been no different.

    You choose not to communicate with us in battle, what are we supposed to do?

  2. All the way through that battle Elegant Way and his friends were asked to stay together with the main group. They were not on TS and did not respond to team chat. They chased after and managed to sink a mercury and Wasa for the loss of a Santi, instead of remaining with the main group where we were having some effect on the bigger targets. In the end without the additional fire power of their 2 first rates we could not press home our advantage and close to the end of the battle decided to escape. It was announced in team chat with still no response, but immediately after we left they messaged us asking why we had left.

    I understand there are language difficulties but to not have any communication through the battle and then once we leave they are suddenly able to message us??? In the end that battle was a waste of time for majority of us as all we ended up doing was keeping the first rates occupied while they killed easy targets.

  3. 1 hour ago, beagleplease said:

    yeah which just makes it even riskier to sail for hours with your cargo hold full.  and then the hunters are all like "wheres muh traders for to gankz"(the dont speak good you see).

    i'm not a pure trader though i sail pvp ships around too but ofc we carry repairs which slow us down.... or we don't ands have to sail back to buy more after every fight, thats if you were lucky enough to win without enough reps for a sustained fight.

    The thing is if OW speed becomes too fast then the trade runs are very short and thus there is less risk. It would get to a point where it would not be worth it to hunt traders as by the time you saw them and identified them as traders they would be in port. Trading without risk is boring.

    • Like 1
  4. I do not think they tested the Le Requin properly to discover all the likely issues before releasing it as DLC. Giving us only a single Le Requin to test and give feedback on was not the way to get good feedback as most people were too cautious with it and were not able to test different builds and setups and the ones that did push it to its limits most probably lost it quickly and thus were not able to test anymore.

    Now that it is a DLC and people can redeem daily the true issues of this vessel are being reported, but it is difficult to make changes to it without creating an uproar from people who have purchased it.

    Maybe in future for getting feedback they allow people unlimited ships to test, which at the end of the test period are deleted.

    • Like 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    This is not one-sided, both sides experience ship being teleported. Thus, it's not ISP connection one-side issue. @TemplarCrusader

    Its not very clear but to me it looks like your ship was the one that moved as the positions of the other two seem to remain the same relative to each other, so it could be an ISP connection issue on your side.

  6. 2 hours ago, Farrago said:

    Rare should be rare. Captains, please sail 3/5 ships with the perks, books, and mods you possess and don't worry about it.

    It's when these rare things become too common that they become OP. 

    Crafted another 2 Bellonas today one was 3/5 with Cramped and the other was 4/5 with nothing extra, so at the moment maintaining my 50% hit rate for 4/5. Will probably go the next few days just getting 3/5's.

    Thing is they will become common as people will keep crafting till they get the better ones because the economy is broken that mats, money and labor hours are plentiful. The other side of it is that there should be plenty cheap 3/5's for sale.

  7. 2 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    It's enough to shut down the game and they can do it 100% legally, but it's funny listening to people saying Devs can't legally adjust DLC content.

    They may legally be able to change things but if they are not careful they can leave themselves open to people requesting refunds. There have been cases where games companies have been successfully taken to court regarding in game items that were purchased with real money. Its still a grey area as many judges do not see intangible objects as having value. but as precedent is set from previous cases the ruling will develop. There was a case in Holland if I remember correctly regarding purchased in-game items and another in the US with regards to Linden Labs and second Life.

  8. 1 hour ago, Thonys said:
    • Capturable ports now give better chance to build a exceptional vessel.


    made some new ships in a capturable harbor but it is disappointing what i got only bleu 3/5 and no 4/5 or 5/5

    so no chance at all? or ?? what are the chances ??

    Thats the thing with RNG, even with increased chance its still random. For example if you removed another number and put a second 6 on a dice you would have a 2 in 6 chance of rolling a 6 and that is a large increase percentage wise, but you could still roll any other number other than 6 for quite a few throws.

    Since the patch I crafted 5 ships, 1 x Pirate Frigate which was 3/5, 4 x Bellona where I got 2 at 4/5 with one having additional heavy rig and 2 at 3/5 with nothing extra. So from my small sample it is a large increase but it is still down to luck.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, admin said:

    Did you use redeem button ? 
    If you did you should have X current slots + 10 new from the admiralty connection. ? Could you please check if you have them after you redeem?

    I used redeem and it only expanded to 25 slots total, I already had 20 slots open.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Tutorial, so far in this first iteration, is about combat. I am certain as development progresses we will see tutorial for the other parts of the game.

    This is a unreleased game with parts still under development. Maybe all of you should actually answer him and explain certain things. But easier to forget the obvious ?

    C'mon guys, you are not around for a couple days. And I am certain this is not your first Early Access game as well.

    The thing is the guy never asked a question, he just went to post a bad review on steam. I have seen the same question asked by a person in nation chat and they got plenty of help. Most of the community are very helpful even to the extent of gifting ships to new players and giving them gold.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Yes. Players should read... properly. Somehow I feel it is a problem beyond NA, have seen that same similar comment in other games.

    Tutorial explains how to shoot with the exact controls usage.

    I am certain he wanted to shoot in the OW.

    But that may be the problem, there is no mention in the tutorial that there is a difference between OW and instances.

    • Like 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Sir Loorkon said:

    I purchased it, too and I do not have a single additional ship- or warehouse slot.


    I started steam again, but nothing changed. Does it take a while until the DLC works or is it a bug?



    have you applied the redeemable?

  13. 10 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    More outposts guys is making the game paytowin because of the massive advantage it gives to the player.

    I agree that outposts may be a bit P2W but with the current low numbers in game there is a desperate need for more outposts. I would not have a problem if this was increased for all players.

    Personally I have purchased the 3 DLC released today, more to support the development of the game than anything else, but as a ship crafter I really need those 10 extra slots as advertised.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Teutonic said:

    Can i just say that I am highly against this form of DLC :/.

    and 5 extra building slots? God damn. At least it doesn't give extra outpost slots.... borderline p2w again.

    Building slots should not make that much difference as the limitation will be labour hours to harvest them. Plus with the current game discounted price it only costs £1 more to get another copy of the game for an alt as compared to buying Admiralty Connection.

    • Like 3
  15. I purchased the DLC admiralty connections and it only gives me 5 additional ship slots.

    My dockspace was already expanded to maximum of 20 and now I can only have 25, is this a bug or a mistake?

    Also additional outposts would have been handy.

    • Like 2
  16. 56 minutes ago, admin said:

    You can now redeem the imported premium ships only if you do not have the same ships in docks

    Did we get an answer on what happens if you redeem an imported ship with the same ship in fleet? Will you then be able to have more than one in dock or are you forced to keep one in fleet, thus restricting you on teleporting?

  17. 5 hours ago, vazco said:

    Strange to quote myself... @admin, I think the new sinking mechanic is quite bad. If you can survive with only a part of 1 bar of structure, it's quite strange. In my opinion survivability is too high in this case, as when you fight 1 vs 4, very often you sink people by leaving them with only a fraction of their structure and you can't get closer. Those fights will be much harder now and ganks will have an additional advantage.

    I agree the new sinking is way too slow, a ship with no armor or structure left still takes a while to sink. Not sure if the issue is to do with the new leaks system where the water intake is halved when the vessel is stopped and all vessels are down to zero speed when their structure is gone so they take on water slower.

    The problem is very noticeable in fights against AI as they seem to be able to keep reloading and shooting broadsides well past the stage that a players ship would have everyone on survival. In PvP battles as Vazco pointed out you now have to ensure the other player is sunk before moving on as there is a chance they can repair enough to escape.

    If this is not adjusted it will possible bring pump mods in as more useful.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, vazco said:

    2 bellonas and 2 ai frigs vs 2 Vics when I was disconnected - sorry @Hans the Hawk :)


    You can find some interesting pictures of this battle below... Maybe it will give you a clue of what happened:



    First two people dropped out. Then for some time all ships merged into one. After that they re-appeared on their locations and two people out of 5 got in, yet game was laggy. After 30 secs all dropped out.

    You must have had serious lag issues as you did not notice there were 3 Bellonas in the battle, Hans dropped and reconnected then dropped again, you appeared to be going for the kill when you too dropped then your mate also disconnected. Henry, who was almost sunk by this stage, and myself did not disconnect and got out of battle. I think it was you and Hans who then appeared in OW and remained there till the log off timer (I could have tagged you for the afk kill). Not sure what happened to Ghastly as the AI were still shooting him when we left and he was sailing on autopilot.

    I think it was lucky for you there was disconnects or you would have lost your Vics 😋 

  19. 3 hours ago, William Death said:

    Must have been some slow frigates or else they weren't trying to run away from you. They should have easily outran you downwind if they wanted to. I don't think any semi-reasonable Xebec build can hit 13km-14kn+ running broad reach or running before the wind. If it can...well that would need to be changed I'd think. Trinc and Endy can both reach those speeds at downwind angles without sail force modifiers.

    But I do tend to agree with you about it being a good troll ship. Tiny upwind boats (Lynx, Privateer, Gunboat, Prince, and Xebec) make great trolling boats...they seem to be frequently used for that purpose too. "Just keep them tagged in battle while we assemble the fleet outside," situations are common uses for them. They'll be fast enough even at their worst point of sail to keep many slower square-rigged ships tagged long enough to serve that purpose. 

    Thats not to say that this is all they are good for: there are plenty of examples where 6th rates beat other 5th rates or larger in PvP, but their trolling/griefing ability seems to be used frequently as well.

    I did some testing tonight and with the wind on the beam I can reach 15.5kts and maintain it till about 15 to 20 degrees into the wind, from wind abeam till running with wind I reached 14.5 kts at 45 deg, 13kn at 30deg, 12.4kn at 20deg, 11.7 at 10deg and 10,4 running with wind, all done using autosail. That is on a teak/WO build with pirate rig, navy hull and copper plating and running art of ship handling and speed trim, with 32lb carronades and carrying 63.9tonnes of repairs and rum in total. So it is possible to achieve speeds to keep most 5th rates in battle if they are not running elite spanish to run with wind.

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  20. 6 minutes ago, DeRuyter said:

    I wouldn't  think that the xebec wouldn't be able to out run those ships going down wind. Maybe at 180 going wing on wing but any other angle greater than 90 xebec should be slower.

    Well I was able to keep up with them and had to actually slow down so i did not get too close running with the wind and if they turned to chase me I just ran close to the wind and was doing 15.5kn and that is in a Teak?white oak build.

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