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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. You have to look at the whole reason why a nation would open their port to all, and that would be to get more trade and consequently more tax income. The downside is it attracts people who prey on your traders and use the port as a base to attack other territories. A simple solution would be to not allow warships to use these ports.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Busterbloodvessel said:

    This idea has some merit. There are players who like to trade (not me though) and this would give them something useful to do. I would encourage the trading by having a good 'sell price' dependant upon city needs. I.e the 'sell' prices are determined by stocks in port and selected stocks need to be maintained at a minimum consumption level otherwise port chaos ensues and it reverts to neutral. I would suggest 'fish meat', salt and rum be three such items with the consumption level and minimum stock level set based on the port water depth or trading value.

    Worth a go?


    Buster (wader not trader)






    The idea is for the port owner to source the goods and then hand them in at the port rather than the maintenance fee that is automatically deducted at present. How they get the goods is up to them, they can set up buy orders that traders can fill or they can source the goods themselves and ship them on their own clan traders. The price would then be set by supply and demand.

  3. 5 hours ago, shaeberle84 said:

    Selling player-made ressources to NPCs is a bad idea in an economy that already lacks LH to supply enough ships, cannons and repairs.

    It would not have to be player made resources, it could be certain trade goods that are required. The main idea is to create some activity on the map transporting these goods to ports for their upkeep just as would have been done in real life.

    The more people you have at sea hauling goods the more targets you have for raiders and consequently a greater need to defend the traders, all helping to create more PvP. At the moment if you own a port you do not have to even go to the port to pay the maintenance, you can earn the gold doing easy PvE missions and as long as you have enough gold in your guild bank the maintenance gets paid. Bringing in more port management would create some more content for the game.

  4. The current system of Port maintenance fees misses a huge opportunity to increase traffic on the seas and create a better economy. At the moment you just pay a certain amount of gold per week depending on the port and how it is set up, this gold can be earned anywhere and you do not even have to deliver it to the port to pay it. 

    What if that maintenance cost was changed to trade goods that needed to be supplied to the port weekly, e.g. so much iron and wood for repairs, foodstuffs to feed the populace and gold and silver coins to pay the garrison. The overall cost per week could be the same based on basic prices of the goods, but it would generate a requirement for traders to haul the goods to the port and the port owner would actually have to do some port management to ensure they had sufficient supplies weekly, ans enemies could try and affect the port by blockading.

    Each port could have an indicator as to how many supplies they were lacking so people could know what the likely demand would be especially towards the end of a week.

    • Like 1
  5. What they really need to do is bring in a reason to trade rather than just trade for profit to fund PvP.  There should be a requirement for certain goods in certain ports and there should be consequences for not meeting that demand. That way it generates a reason to ship goods to that port while at the same time creating a supply and demand which will affect prices and hence create higher profit margins.

    The current system just relies on you finding a trade item with a good profit margin and then shipping as much of it as possible at a time you are least likely to be intercepted. If it gets to dangerous you stop that route and move to another safer trade route. If there is supply and demand created at particular ports then people would have no option than to try and supply that port and if it was more dangerous then the price would rise to compensate for that danger.

    For example, make ports require certain items weekly for port maintenance, if the maintenance is not met then there is a consequence for the port, maybe something like it is easier to raise hostility or one of the forts becomes inactive. 

    Make trading a game in itself rather than just a way to make money.

  6. 1 hour ago, JobaSet said:

    safe zone for newbs What a joke this will be.....HAHA every 1st rate ship in game will make their to it so they can lvl up safely and then they still wont take them out after. Bet you guys didn't think about that.  Just call it high sec Space that capital ships can fly in.  They can Do that right lol



    What they need to do is make every battle the same, You are red to everyone(PC) and everything (npc) in battle already. At start or if you join later.

    That is so easily solved, make missions in the safe zone only give XP and gold for the first 2 or 3 ranks after that you can do missions to any level but you do not get XP or gold. That way people can train using bigger ships but not farm XP and gold. The same can apply to AI fleets passing through the area, they give no XP, gold or loot over a certain rank.

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  7. I had a problem with my alt yesterday where he suddenly started doing silly speeds as if he had just come out of battle. I did notice at times that he would appear outside a port he had just been to even though he had left that port and was half way to the next. I could target him but could not attack as we are same nation. I wonder if this is a similar bug and that he appears there even though he is no longer there.

  8. This would be open to so much trolling and ganking. You find a wreck with something good inside (these are few and far between now), you open it up just to get people excited and they start heading there, then you take the stuff yourself, leaving them with a wasted journey. Or you dont have enough space to take the loot so you open it up and set a trap, someone comes to loot it, you let them loot it then jump them capture their ship and the loot and sail it home.

  9. I was doing a trade run on my alt on my laptop while playing on my main on my main computer when I noticed my alts speed was erratic and the sails were going up and down. Speed was still normal but fluctuating with the sails raising and lowering. I was sailing between Pedro Cay and KPR so I sailed my main out to observe while I tried to figure out what was happening. When my main had my alt in sight the alt suddenly disappeared although was still online on my laptop.

    I logged the alt out and then back in again and he appeared on my mains screen, I then proceeded to escort him into KPR but all of a sudden he appeared to stop although on my laptop he was still going. Next he started to move at speed of around 40kts but not visible to my main. I thought it must just be a lag spike, but it carried on at good speed all the way into KPR. I traded the goods I had then left KPR and again the speed was around 40kts almost directly into the wind as if I had the invisibility speed boost (I think I also had an invisibility timer) Since then it has slowed down to normal and speeded up randomly at one stage doing 30kts directly into the wind.

    Not sure whats happening I did F11 it but not sure how much info is shown in that report.

  10. 2 hours ago, Skully said:


    1. Idle Cutter
    2. Cannon-less Cutter
    3. Low rate shooting Cutter
    4. Normal Cutter
    5. etc.

    Make sure folks can repeat such training exercises and provide a very little reward.

    I think this is the way to go, give some basic training missions to let people get used to ship handling and aiming while slowly increasing difficulty before throwing them out in the open world.

    I dont think you should be able to get to rank 3 or 4 with it, because that will leave them unprepared for the realities in open world. You can give them a choice in OW to remain in a safe area for a few ranks but provide more encouragement to explore outside the safe area.

    • Like 2
  11. 29 minutes ago, Fastidius said:

    because it is a pvp server which means joining this server you are required to be food as much as everyone else


    That is where most PvP games fail, the PvP'ers prefer to prey on PvE'ers rather than face other like minded people. If these people dont want PvP at the time and it is forced on them then they leave the game so in the end you still dont get your easy prey. Just let them do their PvE as long as it does not have a big impact on the economy or other aspects of the game, and then encourage them to dip their toe in the PvP waters. If these people are on another server then there is no chance of them trying PvP.

  12. 21 hours ago, JobaSet said:

    Here is what really happened to the server.

    Black had a plan for the wipe why didn't you.
    WHY? Every single time there has been a wipe the Nations gang up, and as a group have slammed us to one port and kick us while we were down.  We were going to try and stop it this time.  We as a group combined and mass produced 1st rates as fast as we could, While also slowly taken ports for marks.  The main goal of to build even more 1st rates and then we lvled them all of them.   While many Nations wanted to RVR and PVP we put a self imposed limit on our selves for the long term Future of the pirates.  We defended all ports when needed until got pushed to far.

    And so it began! 

    The US would not leave it be, constantly beating their bird chest, attacking ports attempting to Duel flip .  So we punched them in the Nose and took Sav.  The US caved for Brit support and Shot them selves in the foot and Still to this Day have not even stopped the bleeding.
    They Lost every port in Gulf for support that never amounted to anything. As the Brit Nation Grew to big.  It is, Was, and Will never Change its all about numbers.  And they Had them.
    The whole Time Pirates Steadily pushing out more and more 1st rates and getting slots(I expect a nerf and any time now, now that most have all five slots in most 1st rates and the Nations do not).  

    Welcome to the other problem once we(Pirate) established that we are the Dominate Nation(Yes we are a Nation) in organization skills.  And the nations/Devs plan to stifle the Pirates Failed after completely changing how slots xp worked, removal of pvp marks, how getting Permits worked, Etc more or less everything we did was removed, So the other Nations would stop crying.  But we kept Adapting.  

    The worse thing you can ever do to a well skilled and organized group... you wish to hamper, is give that organization a goal.  They gave it to pirates. Up until this point in Game there was no clear cut who was winning, who was not.  Enter the bullshit of Victory marks, I get it it should have been easy who every has the most people should get most reward.  But Once the Pirates had a goal it was over for the nations.  It was over before the 1st week was out and everyone knew it.  Then they Nerf how many VM you get,  We still on top.  Then they made it were VM didn't mean crap, and everyone and the Dog could have a 1st rate.....  None of that maters we are still on top.  

    With that all said

    We have and are still taken a hit with the French in PVP at the moment.  Not because we can't do it, we just didn't/don't have the Ships and Slots on many of the Ships to Fight head to head at that moment.  So we had to take a beating for a week or So near mort.  We listen to bird chest getting pounded we don't need Dots bla bla. From a Nation almost 2 hours away from home.  Then they(French) slipped, falling into a hype induced entitlement coma. hello kittyed up and  Flipped a port on us(Pirate) for some unknown reason.  This one act has changed the server as we know it!!!  The ramifications wont be seen for weeks to come.

    Every Single Post in last two or three weeks has been to nerf Pirates in some way.  Or being accused of Hacks, exploits, Alt abuse, Let us not forget the Cheaters. With nothing from the Mods to quail this, outright , other than me getting ban for saying DRINK to much. Nations are given a free pass to spew off the chain bullshit to get your side excited...  But in realty, As my not so Subtle friend once pointed out GETGOOD get organized.  The French are doing it and Brits are following suit with the US well we will have to see.  They may have an edge on right NOW, but I am not to worried, but it appears most are that we will adapt again.  Just look at post over last 2 weeks.


    This post right here shows what the biggest problem in the game is. Please dont take this personally as it is not just BLACK or Pirates as I have seen the same in many clans and nations. The game becomes about the winning not the taking part. It becomes more than a game it becomes winning at all costs.

    It is quite clear from the post that this was all planned and well organised and I would have to say well done your plan worked and you have become the big dogs on the server. The problem is now that you are in that position there appears to be some sort of vanity or entitlement. You seem to feel that decisions made by the Devs were done directly against you because people moaned. You made a plan in the start to sit back and build up in preparation for this, you ground out your ship slots and prepared to unleash your attack. But dont you see it has become all about the winning not about enjoying the game. Even your attitude to the French bringing the battle to your doorstep, you state that you are not ready yet to face them but soon you will have got all slots unlocked so you will be unbeatable. Its not as if the French are attacking you in ships that have all slots unlocked. Your reaction to the French having the temerity to flip one of your regions speaks volumes, its sort of "how dare they play the game".

    People say they are always looking for PvP in the game yet you hold back until you know you can win once you have all slots unlocked. This is the biggest failing of PvP in most games, people only PvP when they know they can win. 

    You claim people are out to get you nerfed, but what is actually happening is the same as would happen to any other dominant nation in the game, people will complain about any slight tactic you use for your advantage. Look at when the Brits were seen as the dominant nation, all the complaints about them and how they had it easy due to the population size, they were accused of not creating content for others etc.

    It may seem I am picking on BLACK but I am not, the reason I raise it is that this post makes it quite obvious. I saw the same on PvP1 with SORRY, also with the Danes pre-wipe where they felt it was their god given right to be able to enter port battles because thats where they were strongest. Look at the Swedes on EU at the moment, they are strong because they hand picked members after the wipe with the sole intent of becoming dominant on the server.

    I think people need to step back at times and look at what they really want out of the game, is it to be so powerful that you can crush all opposition or do you want to have fun PvP win or lose. Because at the end of the day that is what will make the server a success or failure.

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  13. 11 minutes ago, Quineloe said:

    I thought they just banned the people who did this.  So we sacrificed the game because cheaters aren't getting banned anymore?

    I guess the problem is proving that people have cheated. XP would not be so much of an issue but gold farming would be. I dont think they have the manpower to investigate the number of cases that would arise.

  14. 2 hours ago, z4ys said:

    A even more safer way is:

    1. Take a mission at your capital

    2. Cancel the mission as long it doesn't spawn in the safe zone

    3. Enter the highest rank mission in your safe zone.

    4. Enjoy pve

    I never understand why people get worked up about others doing this. The people that do this are not looking for PvP they are looking to do PvE. If you force them to go out to an area that they could get jumped in their mission then they get upset when it does happen. All that achieves is chase them from the game.

    You have to encourage people to go out and PvP not force them to do it. Making people that want to PvE go out so they are targets for PvP'ers is not the way the game should be going. Make the rewards better for PvP or give some other encouragement for people to risk PvP.

    I personally think all the capital regions should be non-PvP zones where new players can learn the game and do missions in peace for the first 3 or 4 ranks. Missions higher than that should not give XP or rewards, so people can use them for practice but not be able to farm them.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    The game dont need radical changes every patch. Every patch the playerbase have to learn a new game, this is not good, not good at all.

    This cycle of "I develop one thing and 3 weeks after I throw all to the bin" has to stop.

    Devs have to made small steps to reach to the right balance through tweaks and tunnings of systems that can work.

    I can agree with tweaks and minor changes when the system is close on working, but RvR at the moment is far from working and is actually driving people away. They got rid of alliances for a reason which most agreed was right, yet you want them to reintroduce them, You may as well just have 2 nations in the game for people to choose from. Alliances if they are reintroduced need to be dynamic and constantly changing rather than the static alliances we had before.

  16. 1 hour ago, Intrepido said:

    This is very good news.


    Im quite satisfied with all of this.

    However, let me suggest 2 things:

    You should get back the alliance system for all those weak or small nations. A help for the helpless.

    Keep the hostility system. Use flags for raids, if finally are going to be implemented. The hostility system gives you some time to react and make decisions. Less exploits, simple rules that everyone can understand.

    Keep the regions, they have a very good ressource distribution and the PBs in their capital are nicely balanced. I would only make them a bit smaller, I mean, regions should have at max. 4 ports. This way new regions and new capitals (more PBs) will be created providing a bit more varied content and strategical possibilities. There is no need to make individual ports, that will kill the quality in favour of the quantity.





    What you are asking for here is things to stay basically the same as they are now, just with a few more regions. 

    They have said they want to make the small nations hardmode yet you want alliances so they are no longer hardmode and they can join a big block.

    Personally I think they have started to water down their original suggestions too much rather than trying to use the opportunity to bring in some serious changes to RvR. The need to remove regions from RvR and allow individual ports to make port battles more dynamic and not so critical. At the same time not keep every port battle as a 25v25 but let there be smaller battles for some ports. Make it easy to join in RvR.

  17. People will come back if they get the game mechanics right and people start enjoying the game more. Like every game you get an influx of players (usually returners) who appear just after a major patch. They play for a while and then leave again if it does not hold their attention. The same will happen again with the new proposed RvR mechanics and that is why I feel they have to get them right to keep the players this time.

    I can understand your reasoning behind a smaller or fictional map but I think that too would drive away a certain portion of the player base who enjoy the historical setting of the game.

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Skully said:

    Is there a need for such a delay?

    In effect you won't see or know the difference unless you are part of such an agreement.

    I actually liked the idea of War Companies, I just see this loose grouping of clans as similar to the way we already play with organizing the defense just before the battle with last minute friend agreements, whereas with a War Company you had more identity which could be further developed later with the introduction of company flags/banners etc.

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  19. 1 minute ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Maybe do a flat maintenance few for the port just to keep it running but any improvements cost donations of certain goods to keep them at those levels or something.

    I did post a thread in suggestions that had a more detailed suggestion for ports where ports started neutral at level 1 and once captured had to be built up with buildings, docks, fortifications etc all which required basic resources. As the buildings got built the port would level up to a maximum level and tied into that was trade resources weekly to maintain the port or it would de-level. Just a way to ensure that port owners did not just capture and forget a port set the tax rate and collect the money. Make the owner have to ensure the port is maintained.

    The higher the port level the bigger the port battle e.g. a level 1 port may only need a 5v5 battle while a level 10 port would be a full 25v25 with varying battles in between. I thought it would add more interest in the ports and create more OW traffic with traders transporting goods.

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