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Pagan Pete

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Everything posted by Pagan Pete

  1. I reckons there should be a 20 or 30 second cool down between the time tow ships disengage, and when a capn can chose to board again. Otherwise, "Disengage" is of no value, unless the other ship be out of prep, which is very rare. Seems bait more fair, as grappling hooks will need to be made again. The last set been hacked off.
  2. frothy tickle-brained hugger-mugger!
  3. Quartermaster: Organize Warehouse. That would be most helpful to organize our stores.
  4. http://wiredstar.com/NAInsults/ EPIC naval action insult generator! Thou churlish dread-bolted harpy!
  5. So Me, & nasty Nate & Greasy the grizzly took a prize and are celebrating the victory, when some bloke walks up to me and slaps me n calls me a coward. He gets offended when I slap him back… Go figure!
  6. Captain Holman… the voice o reason. We needs more fine mens like ye join in this here game
  7. Nice read Tommy, You proved my point exactly. You butt into my conversation, call me a coward, and decry my battle. You be haven no reason to say such things, other than to try and cut other people down. Now stay the hell out of my conversations in the future, and don't comment on battles ye weren't there for. listening to your crap isn't wot other players are here for. And if ye don;t like me online persona… just keep it to yerself and roll your eyes.
  8. Yarrr… seems like every time I mention an epic battle i been in, Tomm123 calls me a coward or some insult. In this specific instance, I mentioned that I took only 3% damage to one side, whilst capturing a cerbaerus from another player. He called me a coward for that. Is that really necessary to disparage another player, about a battle that he weren't even there to witness? And he says "Pagan, I honestly don't give a shit about you."… and yet he offers his rude comments top me whenever I celebrate an epic win. Seems rather personal... Toxic Behavior
  9. Sounds like a nice vessel. I look forward to stealing it from ye!
  10. Glory be unto Flying Pig Cloud! Me ISP vexation has been assuaged! Dear Devs, May ye Suckle at the teat of Pig Cloud. May ye wallow in her healing mud. May ye be blessed by the Salted Pork, The Ham, and the Holy Bacon. Thank you!
  11. Pagan Pete

    New Player.

    The "Guides" section o the forums has many good help topics. In game,there be a help channel. Be not shy bout usin' it. Tis where we all learned our trade! Yarrr [_]P
  12. Pagan Pete is posting the articles of the name-yet-to-be-revealed-for-securtiy-reasons clan! Look it up in the Guilds/clans section in the forums. Join us….
  13. Captains of the Black Flag "Who can join?" Any Pyrate who agrees sign the articles! Teamspeak server be up, courtesy of Singal Officer Kara Server: Ask for details in Clan chat. If ye be Interested in Join us, Drop me or one of our Officers a PM when we are online! Pagan Pete, Calico Jack, Kara, Flavalicious, Greasy, Dismembered Parts Articles: Article I: No man shall attack another of the Captains of the Black Flag Clan, unless by mutual consent. Article II: A Capn who wishes to sell Maser Craft or Exceptional ships, upgrades, Officers, etc… Shall first offer it up to his Captains of the Black Flag mates, so the Clan will be strengthened. Article III: Ship crews are free to draw up their own articles, as long as they do not contradict the articles of the Captains of the Black Flag Clan. Article IV: Members of the Captains of the Black Flag shall come to the aid of fellow captains in battle. Exception; Capns need not aide, when carrying extremely precious cargo such as gold or crafting notes, which may be lost as a result. Article V: No member of the Captains of the Black Flag shall issue a challenge to another nation or clan, without first bringing it to a vote before the clan council. If ye wont a private duel with someone not of the BLACK, please inform yer fellow Captains, so we don't come to your rescue and ruin it. Article VI: Members of theCaptains of the Black Flag may sail with friends of other nations or clans, but may NOT violate Articles One, Four, Five, etc… This is inviolate. Members must abide by the articles even if this means turning on the aforementioned friend. TheCaptains of the Black Flag must come first. Friends may come to the main deck channel, but the other decks be reserves for Captains of the Black Flag. Article VII: Members shall NEVER share information regarding; Secret words, Clan activities or Member activities to outsiders. Article VIII: No killin of women or children, save unless directly attacked by them with a weapon.
  14. Pagan Pete be stuck in harbor fer these doldrums. Cant sail without internet wind...
  15. I can't believe ye spent a week at sea and rode all day just to tell us that…
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