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Change "Lord-Protector" to "Governor"

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Minor thing, but Lord-Protector feels like something pulled out of Skyrim or another fantasy world. Governor is historically relevent, and confers a nice sense of responsibility and civic duty that can later be expanded upon once port improvements are introduced.

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I would love the names to be faction based! I'd imagine Pirates would not have the same title as Governor like the British, and the same goes for the French compared to the Danish.


After all, playing as a pirate our rank names are very different. Thief, Rascal, Scoundrel, Maurader, etc.

Edited by Bigvalco
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^I agree with the different names for different factions. "Lord-Protector" is a title that would never have been issued by the US (or the Pirates). For example, Lord Protector for the British, Governor for the US, Comte for France, Viceroy for Spain, and something else for the other factions as I'm not as familiar with them

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