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It Is Possible To Have Only 1 Character?


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People voted for 1 only, because it adds more meaning to choosing a nation and prevents too much piracy/spying.

i totally agree with this one. why should u want 2 characters? just choose the Nation u have the most feeling with and try that for a bit. if it doesnt suit u try another. the grind for the santi is long enuff as it is  :lol:  ;)

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At this time, yes.  You can only have one character.  If you're unsure about your nation, it's best to create a character, play for a little bit in on nation (don't get too far!), and then delete it and create another in another nation until you find the "right" one.

And pretty please keep it this way.

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I also prefer that they keep it this way, but IF the developers decide to add Portugal sometime in the future or any other nation that I have more sympathy towards than the current ones, then I will be forced to start from scratch loosing all my progress in the past few years(i think it will take 1-2 years be4 the devs add any new nation)

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I also prefer that they keep it this way, but IF the developers decide to add Portugal sometime in the future or any other nation that I have more sympathy towards than the current ones, then I will be forced to start from scratch loosing all my progress in the past few years(i think it will take 1-2 years be4 the devs add any new nation)


If such a thing happens, and the devs understand this, they can give a redeemable that would allow a onetime transfer of your character and all coin/xp, ships/resources to that nation.

God forbid they do microtransactions of such a thing...

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I believe this is a poor decision. If people are worried about espionage, why not restrict each player to one character per PvP server, while allowing several on the PvE server? This would allow people to experiment easily with nations in PvE before committing to one nation for PvP.

Imposing artificial scarcity like this in a completely imaginary virtual world is just silly.

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I believe this is a poor decision. If people are worried about espionage, why not restrict each player to one character per PvP server, while allowing several on the PvE server? This would allow people to experiment easily with nations in PvE before committing to one nation for PvP.

Imposing artificial scarcity like this in a completely imaginary virtual world is just silly.

you mean here are really people playing on the naval action pve server?

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you mean here are really people playing on the naval action pve server?

Probably, though I would guess the numbers would be significantly lower unless there was a serious bug or radical pvp mechanic change that would see a shift in numbers to that server.

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Why divide attention at present in EA Alpha state between people who want to play with themselves vs AI (read: very Special and Unique snowflakes) and Gamers..Who want to play Naval Action and the AI is just the Other Other Target that you hit when PVP isnt making itself or Port Battles available...

That's very amusing. You do realize there were computer games and gamers long before there were online games, don't you? Or is that too much to ask from someone who throws out a gratuitous insult at anyone who isn't just like themselves?

If there are any "Special and Unique snowflakes" in this game, it's the self-important snobs who demand the game be played only in the way they want to play it. I, on the other hand, believe people should have choice in how they play the game. But I suppose if people have the choice of not being available for you to attack, that will provide you with fewer chances to feel special and unique.

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Having only had a computer since I was 3..please continue to explain how killing silly AI is fun?

Neither I nor anyone else owe you an explanation for our choices. That you insist everyone must enjoy the game in the same manner you enjoy the game demonstrates your lack of maturity, so you likely wouldn't understand any other viewpoint anyway.

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Why divide attention at present in EA Alpha state between people who want to play with themselves vs AI (read: very Special and Unique snowflakes) and Gamers..Who want to play Naval Action and the AI is just the Other Other Target that you hit when PVP isnt making itself or Port Battles available...

- 1


That's very amusing. You do realize there were computer games and gamers long before there were online games, don't you? Or is that too much to ask from someone who throws out a gratuitous insult at anyone who isn't just like themselves?

If there are any "Special and Unique snowflakes" in this game, it's the self-important snobs who demand the game be played only in the way they want to play it. I, on the other hand, believe people should have choice in how they play the game. But I suppose if people have the choice of not being available for you to attack, that will provide you with fewer chances to feel special and unique.



Neither I nor anyone else owe you an explanation for our choices. That you insist everyone must enjoy the game in the same manner you enjoy the game demonstrates your lack of maturity, so you likely wouldn't understand any other viewpoint anyway.


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