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Some fun dancing around a Constitution in this one. Was very very close at the end (one more broadside on my right side and I'd been a goner), but also very fun to play :)



Another video have have to watch again and again!!! 


I know how that guy felt.   I was feeling pretty bad last night, but jumped in one more game and had a go at 2 Surprises against my Conny... I actually won.   Mostly because they tried to stay at distance but then attacked close-in too late, they were pretty mauled by that time.   And they didn't work together.


I did have some fun doing some pretty cool circles.   Now to go watch your match again!

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I have a question for you about that video RAMJB - since there was so little team chat, was there voice comms giving team direction that isn't in the audio of that recording?


Although I have unlocked the Brig I am still having a blast in Cutters in pvplight as I try to get used to the sailing and these videos are great for learning small fleet discipline. I have fallen foul of the "Get out of my line of fire I'll fire through you anyway!" once and it is great to see the other guy's perspective to help me understand WHY it was a bad idea being where I was.

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Big scale fleet action with the USS Constitution. In which people seem to like shooting at us more than shooting the ST besides us xDDDDD

(This was pre-Jan 27 patch, btw)


Great video Ram (and glad I wasn't on display again)...  I fully agree smaller ships should be behind the SOL's, in order of size!

I was actually called a coward for doing just that.


For some reason people do go straight for the Conny when it's seen, no idea why... especially when the big guys are right next to me.  Maybe they think they have nothing to damage a SOL but they do for a large frigate.


We need to have a strategy discussion about how the line-of-battle works.   Formations and movements.

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Someone wanted me to post the link to the 50 player Trafalgar match in the forums.


There you go!  :)


I beg your pardon for my almost non-existent editing skills.  :unsure:


Bad movie. You was to far from main battle all time  :lol:


btw, no wonder that your team lost this. Almost no leading, as i see it in chat, unless your team was in some voice ofc

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Bad movie. You was to far from main battle all time  :lol:


btw, no wonder that your team lost this. Almost no leading, as i see it in chat, unless your team was in some voice ofc

I never claimed to be Lord Nelson himself. In fact: I really didn't know anything about sailing and I still know very little. The video was put up because of the scale of the battle, not it's quality.

But thanks for your kind advice.  :)

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Not my highest damage score in a Victory by far, but even then probably my best game aboard one. It's not everyday that you essentially knock 2 enemy first rates out of the fight mostly on your own just by outmaneouvering them... :)


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Ram, you didn't bring the Victory on the rematch.....  Had I been one of the Vic's in this fight, different story :P


Sidestrafe, you're still marked   ;)  Kidding really.  You were pretty much close to sinking I just wanted to finish the job.  Things were going bad very early when our heavies tried to break the line into the wind.  It wasn't helped by a brig too close to the first rates for them to maneuver.

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