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"Naval Arms Race" mod overhaul. BETA 2.9 "Major Powers update"

o Barão

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1 hour ago, Fangoriously said:

The Spanish version of the new modernized dread can only have up to 14in guns for example, may be worth digging through there to find the override line. ..... . Maybe modern battleships shouldn't be build able with smaller than 14in guns, to protect the auto design from itself, etc.

I increase slightly the hull and added 16" guns. Above 16" guns, there are many issues to place the guns in the bow section.

There is only a "maxAllowedCaliber" modifier, not a minimum variant.

1 hour ago, Fangoriously said:

Though slightly tedious, you could change all the protected cruiser gun sizes to be different than you might find on a modern light cruiser.

To increase the limit to 9" guns to large protected cruisers hulls to make it possible to build the Blake class, Edgar class, Powerful class and others. It seems to be possible, yes.


update: Gun limit increase to 9" for all semi armored cruisers hulls.

Edited by o Barão
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ahahahah I made UABE work through WINE! :DDDDD

Good learning experience, I'm actually getting good at this.

PS: Screw Windows, even though I paid for a legit key it still advertises all over the whole freaking start menu, redirects me to Edge when I set Brave as default and just for good measure also tracks and reads everything I do ever.

Linux is so much cleaner, and the KDE suite is a tinkerer's dream come true.

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9 hours ago, o Barão said:

I increase slightly the hull and added 16" guns. Above 16" guns, there are many issues to place the guns in the bow section.

There is only a "maxAllowedCaliber" modifier, not a minimum variant.

To increase the limit to 9" guns to large protected cruisers hulls to make it possible to build the Blake class, Edgar class, Powerful class and others. It seems to be possible, yes.


update: Gun limit increase to 9" for all semi armored cruisers hulls.

On that Spanish hull in particular, those Spanish/British main gun models wile looking very compact seem to butt up against invisible walls more than any other gun model unfortunately. I could only even stick 14s on the bow with the beam set to +6, don't know how you even got 16s on there lol. If you do anything to that Spanish/Chinese hull, overhaul it's main towers. Thats the saddest selection of any ship in game. Funnels that would fit between that lifeboat crap would be nice too.

Semi armored with 9s, very cool. especially before you unlock twin guns on those, you were so lacking anything meaningful you could place there on the bow and stern. Even the casemates were limited to 2 or 3in, I presume those are up to like 5in now? Miserable ships before, what an improvement.

How about more modern flush deck light cruisers with up to 8in? And cruisers modern and heavy with up to 12in? at least those German advanced armored cruisers, and any new super cruisers.  The auto design being forced to build heaves with at least 8in guns would be nice to see too, including up to 8 in casemates on applicable hulls. I think Russia and Austria have some dreadnought era hulls that could mount them, if not some of those older armored cruiser hulls.

I wonder what would happen if you added a  "minAllowedCaliber" into a ship's file, in my past modding experience trying stuff like that works more often than not. Come to think of it, some later dreadnought hulls have a minimum size limit on what casemate you can place, like nothing below 5in for that big Chinese modernized dread, must be some line in there restricting a minimum size.

Edited by Fangoriously
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Update on the Linux UABE stuff.

In the end, Wine setup let me launch it but it would inevitably hang when trying to browse the actual asset files (the bundle would load, but clicking the asset tab was an instant freeze) and I didn't manage to find a solution to that

HOWEVER, my attempts were not in vain.

I ended up finding a cross platform re-implementation of UABE that not only works natively on Linux but also has some neat new features and is in active development.
Might wanna check it out: https://github.com/nesrak1/UABEA

Have a look
I'm currently investigating how the mod export format works. It seems to allow sharing of edits only (which would make mods both lighter and easier to inspect/combine, as one can check just the changed files and avoid unused asset bloat).
I don't think it'll be great as a way for the end user to install stuff (it's significantly more complicated than copy-pasting one file) but it seems a good option for both experienced mod users and modders themselves.

Edited by clavernever
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10 minutes ago, clavernever said:

Update on the Linux UABE stuff.

In the end, Wine setup let me launch it but it would inevitably hang when trying to browse the actual asset files (the bundle would load, but clicking the asset tab was an instant freeze) and I didn't manage to find a solution to that

HOWEVER, my attempts were not in vain.

I ended up finding a cross platform re-implementation of UABE that not only works natively on Linux but also has some neat new features and is in active development.
Might wanna check it out: https://github.com/nesrak1/UABEA

Have a look
I'm currently investigating how the mod export format works. It seems to allow sharing of edits only (which would make mods both lighter and easier to inspect/combine, as one can check just the changed files and avoid unused asset bloat).
I don't think it'll be great as a way for the end user to install stuff (it's significantly more complicated than copy-pasting one file) but it seems a good option for both experienced mod users and modders themselves.

You might want to check the Hull Unlocker mod installer I did, thats basically the installer variant done via UABE.

The installer variants is useful for addon options. Like the unlock all hulls or more agressive AI. So people could run specific patches to add those things in to a major mod.

@o Barãoif you want I can provide you with a patcher file for a no obsolete hull version of NAR. So if people want that too, they can pick it as additional option. It could be also used for a "arcade aim" version of NAR.

Also yes UABEA is a spiritual successor to UABE. It's a total rewrite but heavily inspired by the first one.

Edited by Astor
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12 hours ago, Fangoriously said:

Bravo gentlemen! At the very least those awful armored cruiser, semi armored cruiser and protected cruiser hulls should feel slightly less pathetic.

In addition to these general global settings, there are quite a few hulls with main gun size limitations as well, their individual file must contain override on gun size. The Spanish version of the new modernized dread can only have up to 14in guns for example, may be worth digging through there to find the override line. Though slightly tedious, you could change all the protected cruiser gun sizes to be different than you might find on a modern light cruiser. Maybe modern battleships shouldn't be build able with smaller than 14in guns, to protect the auto design from itself, etc.

Mate, I want my USN 8" CL's.



4,000 ton protected cruiser with 2x8" guns fore and aft and secondary 6" guns in open mounts on the sides, with a few Hotchkiss 6-pounder guns in between the sponson mounts.  Also don't forget that even with the naval treaties in force the USN still designated the Pensacola class as CL's for several years of service before they were forced to change that.

Edited by SpardaSon21
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2 hours ago, clavernever said:

I ended up finding a cross platform re-implementation of UABE that not only works natively on Linux but also has some neat new features and is in active development.
Might wanna check it out: https://github.com/nesrak1/UABEA

If you find how it is possible to edit images, that would be very useful. To change the scout plane icon.


2 hours ago, Astor said:


@o Barãoif you want I can provide you with a patcher file for a no obsolete hull version of NAR. So if people want that too, they can pick it as additional option. It could be also used for a "arcade aim" version of NAR.


Not interested, thanks.


1 hour ago, SpardaSon21 said:

Mate, I want my USN 8" CL's.

Not possible, at least not for the moment. What you are asking for also needs a new gun model for that 8", that would need to be available only for americans CL to work. That involve a lot of work, and I am already busy with a list of things that I want to make.


To make things worse, the recent update, is making the mod crash, and I still didn't find the source of the issue. I know what is the file causing the issue, that is the good part. So no update today.

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o Barão

Would you have any idea which assets text file has the ability to alter the stats of guns aside from what is obvious in the guns txt file? 

If you look at something like the Mark 2 9 inch, 10 inch, and 11 inch guns side by side. There's a drop in the default caliber rating from 9 to 10 [which kind of makes sense since the 9 inch gun is a different model] but then an increase going from 10 to 11 despite the fact that both are the same model. This has the effect of making the 10 inch gun have a  shorter range and accuracy than 9 or 11 inch guns with no apparent reason why if you're just looking at the guns text file

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11 minutes ago, admiralsnackbar said:

If you look at something like the Mark 2 9 inch, 10 inch, and 11 inch guns side by side. There's a drop in the default caliber rating from 9 to 10 [which kind of makes sense since the 9 inch gun is a different model] but then an increase going from 10 to 11 despite the fact that both are the same model. This has the effect of making the 10 inch gun have a  shorter range and accuracy than 9 or 11 inch guns with no apparent reason why if you're just looking at the guns text file

My suggestion would be to take a look at "partsModel" file.


4 is mk4 guns in this example.

But the caliber length modifiers are not being used. At least, I don't remember ever to see a gun using this modifier.

Since every nation can have different guns packages, tell me what is the exact gun, so I know exactly where to search.


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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

Not possible, at least not for the moment. What you are asking for also needs a new gun model for that 8", that would need to be available only for americans CL to work. That involve a lot of work, and I am already busy with a list of things that I want to make.


Yeah, I know, sadly.  If possible I would like some sort of 8" CL hull for the USA to represent the Pensacolas though.  Would also allow them to mount torpedoes due to the odd restrictions on those.  Never mind that USS Olympia carried above-water tubes...


Still glad that we're getting 5" and 6" casemates on CL's though.  Finally a reason to use those semi-armoreds for something!  Especially since if things work as described by @clavernever I'll be able to slap the 5"/38 on my later CL's as secondary guns.

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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

My suggestion would be to take a look at "partsModel" file.


4 is mk4 guns in this example.

But the caliber length modifiers are not being used. At least, I don't remember ever to see a gun using this modifier.

Since every nation can have different guns packages, tell me what is the exact gun, so I know exactly where to search.


uh do Austria, but the problem seems to apply to each country i looked at. 

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7 hours ago, admiralsnackbar said:

uh do Austria, but the problem seems to apply to each country i looked at. 



Yes, there is a big difference. And there is nothing in the "partModels" file that can explain why this is happening.

The caliber length modifier is not being used for any of the guns.



The good news is that it can be manually fixed.


Here, I applied a value of "2" to caliber_length_modifier  for the Austrian 10" inch mk2.


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N.A.R. alpha 0.8.6 part II


  • Updated for UAD 1.3.3
  • Added quad Bofors for Britain and USA. Credits to "Callsign" for finding the solution.
  • Added 4" and 5" casemates for the protected cruisers. Credits to "clavernever" for finding the solution.
  • Increased the gun limit for all semi armored cruiser to 9". *Note: Both the CA "Armored Cruiser I" and the "Torpedo Cruiser" are limited to 4" casemates guns. I will try to fix the CA hull to also use 5" casemates.
  • Lowered the fuel replenishment at sea. (1)
  • Lowered the campaign battle distance. (1)
  • Withdraw and delay factor according to average speed of ships increased. (1)
  • Lowered the range limit for AI divisions to help the fleet cohesion in battle. (1)
  • Chance for allied to buy used ships event increased. You need to mothball your ships for this to happen.
  • "Standard funnel" added to "CA small hull variants" (1890 - "britain, japan, china, usa, russia, spain, italy")
  • Modernized Dreadnought gun limit increased to 16 inch guns. Small hull size tweaks. (spain)
  • Austria "Armored cruiser III" size tweaks. Becomes available in 1892
  • Added secondaries to DDs
  • Added Triple gun barrel secondaries for destroyers (1927)
  • Added Quadruple gun barrel secondaries for destroyers (1935) (only France; Russia; Britain and USA will benefit from this)

(1) mechanics being tested and tweaked according to what I see in the campaigns.

It is needed to download and replace both "resource" and "English" files.

Because of the changes to "parts" file, it is highly recommended to delete your custom and campaign save files.


My priority list things to do for the next weeks.

  • To make all 2" and 3" guns in game to be non turret models for all Mk variants.
  • To rebalance where is needed, the gun caliber size.
  • To improve the DDs hulls from early period and interwar period design language to have a more distinct look between nations. A similar thing as I did to all the modern DD hulls but in a small scale since the components list is more limited.
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They just released 1.3.3 R.. man i don't envy you modding this game.. (But i had my share of similar frustrations when modding Total War games, so can relate) 

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N.A.R. alpha 0.8.6 part II


  • Updated to UAD 1.3.3R
  • Increase the chance to hit and damage the fire control (battle). *Both penalty modifiers values for damaging the conning tower and fire control are under observation and can be changed in the future to better represent the importance they historical have in the battlefield.



  • No chance to the mod update version.
  • If you already had updated the alpha 0.8.6 before, now you only need to update and change the resource file.
Edited by o Barão
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Really like how the game flows with this mod. I can properly design ships, battles are more challenging. Only minor thing i would want to see adjusted (just a very little bit) is the gun accuracy, as its quite easy to run out of ammo right now, even with increased ammo loadout.  (or another solution would be to boost the ammo a bit?)

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Hopping in to share this neat icon I made for UABEA (At least on Linux I use it by creating a shortcut and editing it's properties)

I use a dark theme (and my file manager has a dark grey background) so I made the gear light-blue to keep up contrast, but you can easily edit it with paint or whatever to make it better for light themed desktops.


How it looks in practice:image.png.db4f283fde72d935d43ae56587cbaccb.png

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2 hours ago, JaM said:

Really like how the game flows with this mod. I can properly design ships, battles are more challenging. Only minor thing i would want to see adjusted (just a very little bit) is the gun accuracy, as its quite easy to run out of ammo right now, even with increased ammo loadout.  (or another solution would be to boost the ammo a bit?)

When the mod development ends in a few months, I will release another version with improved accuracy.

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3 hours ago, JaM said:

Really like how the game flows with this mod. I can properly design ships, battles are more challenging. Only minor thing i would want to see adjusted (just a very little bit) is the gun accuracy, as its quite easy to run out of ammo right now, even with increased ammo loadout.  (or another solution would be to boost the ammo a bit?)

I always choose reduced ammo and tell my ships to fix bayonets

It works 90% of most of the time, and it's fun all the way :D

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