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Ramming - why so serious?

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besides, every ram I make produces data, and I have rammed with all the ships, even a Bellona. ill ram something with my Victory if I can catch it. its not poor sportsmanship, its testing. testing implies finding as many bugs and exploits as we can, then exploit those bugs and exploits until they are squashed by the devs and can no longer be used. I welcome the day I can no longer use my ship as a weapon.


but until then, keep an eye out when im around, you never know if I am going to go on a ramming spree.

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I find ramming to be a perfectly legit strategy especially when sailing a smaller ship that can't be of much use. One situation I had was when I was in a Cerberus, one of my friendlies in a Victory was getting harassed by a Bellona hanging on his Stern. I wasn't making the situation better quick enough to change the outcome just by shooting at him. So I decided to to do a head on frontal ram. This resulted in the victory managing to get two good broadsides into the Bellona and also I received a lot of abuse from the Bellona player. I'm sorry guys but ramming was and still is a perfectly reasonable tactic. If you don't like it, get use to it, it will never go away.

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Sure. Try aiming.

I've unlocked all the ships. I forget that some are still trying to accumulate "points". Tour chez,but feel free to insert the word "raises sails, turn rudder, use eye glass", there is no point for any of those either.

Your logic is flawed, with respect ro the argument made against ramming.

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If you don't like it, get use to it, it will never go away.

Away? Nah. It will go to the bottom of the seas along with your ship. But hey, if you want to lose ships by playing destruction derby, it's up to you. I'll try my best to dodge.

Enjoy it while we are in the shoebox. It won't last.

Edited by Iñigo Montoya
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I was rammed 5 times in another game some days ago in a Vic or Bell chasing a Vic. The 1st time it was simultaneously form both sides midships, 1 friendly sailing a Bell totally unaware of what is going on around him, the other an enemy Bell doing it intentionally. That enemy Bell did it once again, plus an enemy Cerberus doing it twice on me. It is VERY hard not to go ballistic there and if you do you get hung in the Tribunals for being the offender...  WHAT??? This I call rewarding the wrong side for acting perfidious and destroying. Will there be means to counter that? I really am not sure...


And there are ALWAYS trolls waiting just to hop on the bus and line up to hunt you down. Read up the 1st "hotrod" thing on the "T" section it´s a perfect example for it. Do those ramming trolls get a warning? NO WAY, it is called a viable tactic! Blame is always put on the one who gets affected by "players" that intentionally exploit all means to "win" -> Slamz



Am I upset about that? Yup

Edited by Kpt Ahab
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A small ship ramming a larger should have a very great risk of catastrophic damage to both the ship and masts.  I mean they all go overboard and sinking likely!


Larger ramming smaller should also face great risks but, because of the laws of physics, less damage.  It should still be sever and enough to make folks think twice about doing it.

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Kpt - Personally, I'm all for ramming being far more catastrophic for ships, especially smaller ships hitting larger ones.  I'm not sure the ramming mechanic as currently implemented adds to gameplay fun.


I could see this as a valid way to fix the issue. Typically, smaller ships tend to intentionally ram. If it caused them to instantly sink, it would deter most people from intentionally ramming.

Edited by StormtrooperCaptain
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that's why this is a test module and not the final release.


what do you think would happen if nobody in the test module did any ramming, and nothing was changed, only to release the game to the public and find a lot of people ramming with the current damage model.


by doing it now and making it rampant, the devs have a reason to fix it so when it does reach the public it wont be an issue.


ram, ram, and ram some more until we can ram no more !

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