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Choice Access to ports.

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Hello all
feedback time

I just want to have a small discussion and give some feedback about the access to hostility to ports from the Dutch perspective.
and also to generate an answer about a topic where the admin spoke about how he looked at the RvR.

For the moment when we look west and see the Swedish nation conquering ports, the Dutch don't want to be left behind. and we would like to deploy enemy activists at San Andres without overriding the sweden




and also at Nassau.


- What's wrong with the Dutch.
Since the Dutch are not represented in the north at fixed ports and can only operate from freeports ao shroud cay and great corn.
the Dutch cannot apply for hostility for San Andres from the port great corn and nassau from shroud cay. this is therefore something that does not generate access for Dutch troops to gain access to those areas. So there is a restriction that does not really work for the Dutch.
- ( The Dutch are therefore trapped in their own region where they have to deal with double ports north-south ports in the main area, and west-east ports in the gulf which, in the bargain, also swallow too many port slots .(scattered buildings everywhere) also (port point issues)  , and (The extra port requested in the past, which led to the removal of those port restrictions was never granted).

-What also ensured that non-loyal clans who first sought refuge with the Dutch now no longer see salvation in their expansion and point to each other finger-pointing at laxity for waging hostility. and as a final conclusion after the end of this distress leave the nation (which you can see in the many quarrels we have had with; cabal, monks, lions and the rapid decline of active members who no longer see it at all) to deliver their share in RvR.

with the conclusion that; The current hostility mechanism does not cooperate to lend a helping hand to this process. so this system does not work to make a leap for the dutch clans to the so-called north and to get away from the south. the Dutch are stuck.
The same is for the shallow harbor in the north of shroud cay one can make hostility for nassau (which is now neutral) so here too it is so that we can do nothing (except attack ports in a crawling process which Dutch people do not want at all and cannot live up to anything because of heavily falling numbers.

What I do see is that the Dutch have a shortage of gates to maintain an establishment. and always have to switch between gates (north-south own area, west-east own area) where the supervisory body loses its influence in areas that are not always under pressure, but which are attacked from time to time, whereby no access is made has more to respond on time. with the current numbers.

On the other hand, other nations need not be afraid that the Dutch are still a threat to the other nations.
(That does not mean that the Coast Guard is not there. You will lose your ship if you touch us.)

the question remains also. is this the way and should this work as "working as intended" should the dutch be or become a programmed carebear state.

- But how should we go on?
I have no real idea in the current situation, and I hope the leadership can come up with something. for the dutch those restrictions do not work quite well.
 in EVE you also do not have the gate and port restrictions and that is for a purpose, especially if you have to travel.
or have possessions or must defend or conquer territories.
a vision of this could help me and many others. since this is a core event (RVR) at some point for players to keep playing at all.
something does not work quite well for the dutch people in contrast to other nations that do not have this problem, at least that is how I see it. 

if other nations have similar problems, i want to hear them gladly.

ps.dit is not meant to offend people or pass judgment, but a sincere view. on port hostility access . also i am not asking for the old flag system. and sorry for the bad english and long reed.

Edited by Thonys
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The situation you describe has always been that way for the Dutch in game. Even before front line mechanic the Dutch had a geographic handicap for PVP and expansion but that same limitation helped protect them, enabling easier crafting and trade. It kind of fits the Dutch don’t you think?

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On 1/27/2020 at 12:39 PM, Thonys said:

For the moment when we look west and see the Swedish nation conquering ports, the Dutch don't want to be left behind. and we would like to deploy enemy activists at San Andres without overriding the sweden


Then fight Sweden and take their ports, problem solved.


Edited by ashley
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6 minutes ago, ashley said:


Then fight Sweden and take their ports, problem solved.



just ... change of plans....


and if you want to know what it is  it`s called "the burning water tactic " (similar what in perspective the russians did historically)

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2 minutes ago, ashley said:

So we have to change mechanic to suite dutch?

No other nations have difficulty taking ports, why do the dutch?

They don't have the balls to fight...

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2 minutes ago, Robert Lance said:

Says the guys who most likely joined the Russians. Like most of population that would not fight them. Then when they are on the biggest nation. They seemed to find their balls.

But I'm not russian...

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18 minutes ago, Robert Lance said:

Says the guys who most likely joined the Russians. Like most of population that would not fight them. Then when they are on the biggest nation. They seemed to find their balls.

But I'm a dane.. Who of us has the hardest conditions? We (proper danno-norwegians) don't fight to win the server, we fight for the battles and for puerto rico.. the dutch? You can't even fight despite your access to multiple lvl 50 ports.

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1 hour ago, Lars Kjaer said:

But I'm a dane.. Who of us has the hardest conditions? We (proper danno-norwegians) don't fight to win the server, we fight for the battles and for puerto rico.. the dutch? You can't even fight despite your access to multiple lvl 50 ports.

i am biggest noob :)

and we only fight for chilli peppers  and    ....  mona toetjes

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