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Ask allied AI ships for thier dead reckoning

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Currently players used "dead reckoning" to determine where they are on the map, basically guessing their location based on their last point of call or land mark and their current bearing.  I like this, it's realistic and provides a bit of a challenge.  Obviously a lot of people hate this because it's easy to get lost in the big ol' ocean.  While questioning my dead reckoning last night ("I definitely should have made landfall by now..."...turns out I wasn't lost, I just needed to wait another 5 minutes before making a perfect landfall.) I was thinking how great it would be if I could just ask some of the AI ships I saw what their dead reckoning is, since this was realistic.  Historically ships would confirm their reckoning with other ships they met in the ocean to help them navigate.  So what I propose is this:


Give the ability to ask any allied AI ship with in "hailing distance" (however close you want to make this) what their reckoning is and they'll provide you with the base coordinates for grid on the map. I think this is a nice balance between  helping lost players while also not just giving them a freebie "you're here" on the map.  People will still have the sense of being lost because there won't always be another AI in the middle of the waters but it'll be a bit of help.

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It's a great idea.   I'd like to hail NPCs.  Would be even better if the info provided varied, depending on; how skilled the crew was, and/or how recently the NPC obtained an accurate fix, and/or the weather.  A small trader, or fisher, far way from land, will not be much help, but a large warship could be expected to have skilled officers and several chronometers.

But I don't expect the Devs will spend any time improving options for navigating.  We have the GPS perk, there is nothing else needed for finding our way to the next battle.  

But I'm pleased to hear other players enjoy a challenge of dead reckoning.  I find that charting a course and tracking my progress is much more entertaining than mindlessly watching the sea rapidly rushing past the side of the ship.


Edited by Macjimm
added map
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I like this. Distance between ships could be within the tag circle. You could have the Ai answer 2 questions: Current locale and distance to or from. Yes, ppl can just use the Sextant perk, but that waste a good perk slot and points. Yes, ppl could just use the Trader Tool to enter an item and click distance to see what port is closest. But I like the OP.

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