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Idea: Mrs. nChance’s sister…!

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Idea: Mrs. nChance’s sister…!

or The NA-OW Developer Diary (YouTube)

Short version at the bottom. BEST READ THIS FIRST.


Grab a glass of red… (a Saint-Joseph)

The Idea

Here in NA-OW, communication can be a mine field. This worse than my current sleeping arrangements, with many different languages, time zones and no face to face contact. Keeping everybody, both Dev and Tester on the same page is a daunting task. However, having parties informed of current events regularly in an easy format help bridge these gaps. Putting everybody on the same page.

The NA-OW Developer Diary (YouTube)

This very short once a month video covers the current patches, near future roll out ideas and other general information worthy of note. This is filmed in RUSSIAN the Dev’s home language with English subtitles. With this added to the GL & STEAM Forum Dev patch note gives better feedback to the tester. He will feel much closer to the project and his inputs are listened too.

This stage is a preliminary information build into a marketing campaign for the full game launch. It won’t solve all the problems, but will bring the community (Dev & Tester) much closer together.

Some Examples

This is a 12minute WoWs Dev Diary


Although I feel its too long, we get to see what these Dev’s are trying to push. You get to see and hear them speak freely. The home language setting with English subtitles gives the tester a good insight. The “lost in translation” often seen in the forums is better mitigated here. The [Wargames.n] resources obviously help sell the product, but Game-Labs can use this format effectively as well. The idea to show an in-game clip with a new mechanic the Dev’s roll out help with the understanding and processes under taken.

This next clip is a very cheap 2minutes from the EvE Online Devblog. Listen to the first guy and what he says using the forum. Highlighting problem discovery etc.


This final link below is to the WoWs Dev Diary YouTube page. The clips range in time from just four minutes to fourteen in length. They don’t need to be long, just short information insights.



I’d like to see something like this idea from the Game-Labs team. I don’t need it all jazzed up and polished like [W.n] does it. Just seeing the team talking about the game, giving their insights and thoughts. I suggest to start with, restrict access and lock the public comments below. The Forums will be the place for feedback not YouTube. As the Dev’s get used to the Blog then start to open it up. This would work into launch build up. Even post Launch it would continue to help sell the product.

The other franchise products in the early stages could think about this also.


Thanks for reading,


Norfolk nChance


Short Version

Communication is always fraught with danger. Take Mrs. nChance for example, asked me the other day “Hey Norf, tell me something I’m good at…?” which I replied “You’re a better f***k than your sister…!”. She got the right answer, but not the one she was expecting. I got the sofa and it cost me a new handbag. Talk about shooting the messenger…

The NA-OW Developer Diary (YouTube)

A monthly short video covering current game status, patch roll outs and other general information. In Russian with English subtitles gets the Testers to see & hear the Dev’s at work. This compliments the FORUM patch notes bringing the community (Dev & Tester) closer in understanding and on the same page…

I later apologized to Mrs. nChance realizing how hurtful my comment was even though it was the right answer. To appease her I said “Look I’m sorry, why not tell me something that’ll make me both sad and happy at the same time…?”

“Well Norf, you do have the largest dick of all your mates…!” was her reply.

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1 hour ago, Norfolk nChance said:

Short Version

Communication is always fraught with danger. Take Mrs. nChance for example, asked me the other day “Hey Norf, tell me something I’m good at…?” which I replied “You’re a better f***k than your sister…!”. She got the right answer, but not the one she was expecting. I got the sofa and it cost me a new handbag. Talk about shooting the messenger…

The NA-OW Developer Diary (YouTube)

A monthly short video covering current game status, patch roll outs and other general information. In Russian with English subtitles gets the Testers to see & hear the Dev’s at work. This compliments the FORUM patch notes bringing the community (Dev & Tester) closer in understanding and on the same page…

I later apologized to Mrs. nChance realizing how hurtful my comment was even though it was the right answer. To appease her I said “Look I’m sorry, why not tell me something that’ll make me both sad and happy at the same time…?”

“Well Norf, you do have the largest dick of all your mates…!” was her reply.


You really are quite the character, Norfolk. 

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I’m sad, but more surprised the idea wasn’t liked by either Tester or Developer alike. General and current game play thoughts direct from the horse’s mouth would give much more clarity in mind than just single line Patch note entries. From someone willing to listen and another willing to be heard, this was in my humble opinion a nice bridge.

Oh well, back to the old drawing board so to speak...


Norfolk on the Sofa


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On 4/12/2019 at 1:37 AM, Norfolk nChance said:

I’m sad, but more surprised the idea wasn’t liked by either Tester or Developer alike. General and current game play thoughts direct from the horse’s mouth would give much more clarity in mind than just single line Patch note entries. From someone willing to listen and another willing to be heard, this was in my humble opinion a nice bridge.

Oh well, back to the old drawing board so to speak...


Norfolk on the Sofa


It's a good idea but producing videos may require time and a skill set the current team doesn't have. (Maybe they do.)

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