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Stupid idea

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On 2/2/2019 at 6:34 PM, Archaos said:

The question is, should the battle marker be readily visible? Shouldn't you have to keep a good look out for them rather than have a big beacon letting everyone know there is a battle

Let me ask this question differently - do we want more battles, or less? More content per hour spent in game, or less? 

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On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 9:00 AM, admin said:

30 % of men do not see red. 

True story.

We used to use LORAN C for navigation.  It had red lines all over the chart.  At night we lower the lighting in the control room to red.  Anything on paper that is red becomes invisible.  Adventures in navigation.

Also, I don't see unwashed dishes or an unmade bed...according to RL.

Edited by Angus MacDuff
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On 2/1/2019 at 11:45 PM, Cabral said:

 At night will be difficult to see at long distance.

You should go for the BMW orange, which is hideous but seems to be the most visible under all light conditions :)

I think white is fine, anything different from that may look a bit too cartoony. The other solution would be to simply display actual ships full stop in line formation firing bullets with smoke and all... Just to show battle location. A bit like the shipwreck thing.

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