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remove sniping

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29 minutes ago, hoarmurath said:

It's amazing how many of you didn't even bother reading the starting post.


I never suggested nerfing accuracy, i suggested making the ranging shots useful only for ranging, and not for damaging.

I think a large majority doesn't agree with removing damage from single shots. Then the discussion drifted off topic a bit.

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10 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

Willing to do a dismasting battle with me and no mods? We can even do it with meds and I'll show you mast sniping will always be a thing. 

I think you have misunderstood me. I don't want to remove mast sniping. I am not 100% for realism, I think mast sniping can be an interesting option for players, makes combat more versatile.

You say yourself that meds without mods are enough and mast sniping will always be a thing. Then why would it be so big thing to try accuracy -10%?

As you are challenging me to dismasting battle, I assume you have been practicing dismasting. On this forum many have been defending their own playstyle when they should think what is OP and what is UP, how to make this combat the best. I am not saying you are doing this but there has been more of this than testers on this forum.

Decreased accuracy has been asked for years now and devs have never done it. They seem to be very fixed with accuracy. Maybe 10% is not too much for them. This way they could experience a bit themselves how much it actually affects and was it really that bad.

If masts come easily down, chain damage has to be high OR else none will use chains. This seems to be very hard for devs to balance. People have been also saying often that masts went down after structural and rigging damage, not because those were sniped. Test it so that first chain to bring down rigging, making an opening to take weakened masts.

If damaging rigging and masts is too easy, this creates more imbalance between bigger and smaller ships. If one broadside of chains from a Bellona wrecks sails from a 5th rate, a bit bad for the game. High rig damage also supports ganking and zergs, big fleets getting clear benefit vs small fleets.

Accuracy makes it easier to use big cannons vs masts from distance.

etc. etc. maybe I just stop as this is getting long...

btw. Carronades were used to snipe masts when those had better penetration.

There are multiple good reasons to decrease accuracy.

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