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EVE Online and Naval Action

Matthew Talbot

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Howdy, folks. After browsing the forums a bit, I’ve seen several people reference things from EVE that could parallel well into Naval Actions: fishing “belts”, economy systems, etc. So, I wanted to start a thread where current and former EVE players could discuss Naval Action and EVE, create some friendships between games, and discuss some of their favorite things they would like to see in NA.

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Wormhole equivalent: Bermuda Triangle

Lol, I know, no magical stuff in NA. Though truthfully, that phenomenon still hasn't been figured out and plays into the NA history quite well


Well, they have said they plan to include exploration as a gameplay mechanic. They could do something like "uncharted islands" that won't show up on any maps, but you either have to find by chance or get hints of its location from passing ships or legends.


And it wouldn't be too far-fetched to have those islands simply disappear a week or so after they appear. It could be explained as you being unable to find it again. Then again, I don't know much about cartography. I'm sure someone could cook up an explanation though that would make sense.


Adding an element of randomness can be a very good thing for a game. Especially after players often map things out completely within a few days after a feature is released. Wormholes in EVE accomplish this in part, forcing their residents and travelers to adapt at least once a day as connections change.

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Its not all about combat.... ;)  Its often all about the other cool stuff you can choose to ignore or bury yourself in...


I have several accounts on Eve, although last few months I've taken a Hiatus giving my wormhole ships to the Corp and moving my pilot back to the land of nod. I have the Santissima to sail after all...


Ok, Good and bad.


Bad first, character ability/training/experience/progression is WAY TOO SLOW in EVE. The main reason i have mutliple accounts is so that I can 'cheat' the real time training cycles and have 4 characters all good at 1 aspect, rather than 1 character who is mediocre at 4.



Good, THE REST. Its such a good game for me, you can immerse yourself in so many different aspects of the game.


A seeded economy and then 100% player economy.

Crafting - EVERYTHING. The larger the item the longer the build time, though I think we would have to condense the building of a SOL to a usable timescale, but I am still thinking number of weeks, rather than hours or days for a first rate.

Manufacturing, Raw materials, trade hubs, offfline player 'shops' to place orders with a player or purchase his goods even when he's offline

Player controlled industrial buildings etc

Player controlled outposts. (Though I am not in favour of a player or faction "Owning" a major town or city, merely perhaps co-ordinating it somewhat whilst temporarily in control)

Max ship size areas (Wormholes = Shallow seas)


I could go on, I think NA have battle mechanics very close to a usable system. EVE doesn't have controlled strength of combatants in fixed battles unless you count tournaments.


I think important realm vs realm attacks in NA should have some 'form'. POTBS had their Port battles, WOT's have their normal clan war battles etc etc. I don't have a suggestion for this but would like to see a lot of flexibility in what ships players can command. I don't want to see solo players or smaller 'clans' being bullied out of using their preferred ships by larger clans with louder voices. "You guys bring the Frigs, we already have the 10 1st rates we need...."

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Bad first, character ability/training/experience/progression is WAY TOO SLOW in EVE. The main reason i have mutliple accounts is so that I can 'cheat' the real time training cycles and have 4 characters all good at 1 aspect, rather than 1 character who is mediocre at 4.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this point. This thread isn't to debate skill training in EVE, but I believe the system works well for EVE. It's currently set so that to fully train every skill in EVE, it would take like 20 some years of real time. This is set up so that no player will be that "all powerful" one who can fly every ship to it's maximum advantage. If you train skills with specific goals in mind, you can easily derivive most of the advantage that comes from skill training, the rest coming from skill and fitting choices. The problem is that most players want to be good at everything right when they start, and that just isn't the game is designed to work.



Good, THE REST. Its such a good game for me, you can immerse yourself in so many different aspects of the game.


A seeded economy and then 100% player economy.

Crafting - EVERYTHING. The larger the item the longer the build time, though I think we would have to condense the building of a SOL to a usable timescale, but I am still thinking number of weeks, rather than hours or days for a first rate.

Manufacturing, Raw materials, trade hubs, offfline player 'shops' to place orders with a player or purchase his goods even when he's offline

Player controlled industrial buildings etc

Player controlled outposts. (Though I am not in favour of a player or faction "Owning" a major town or city, merely perhaps co-ordinating it somewhat whilst temporarily in control)

Max ship size areas (Wormholes = Shallow seas)

A seeded economy and a player economy? I'd like to hear your thoughts a bit more detailed on that. Are you asking that just so ships and such are available for purchase, they will always be on the market? But players can also make the ships for (hopefully) a lower cost than what they are sold for seeded? I really like the thought of a seeded market if it's done right, as compared to the current POTBS market, where newbies can't even find ships for under level 20.


The rest of these points, I agree with. I hope that manufacturing and raw materials take a system similar to EVE. That any player can produce inputs (with effort equaling reward) and sell to make money. One thing I really like about EVE compared to POTBS, is there are many ways to make money. I don't have to go fleet for hours and hours on end to afford a decent pvp ship.



I could go on, I think NA have battle mechanics very close to a usable system. EVE doesn't have controlled strength of combatants in fixed battles unless you count tournaments.


I think important realm vs realm attacks in NA should have some 'form'. POTBS had their Port battles, WOT's have their normal clan war battles etc etc. I don't have a suggestion for this but would like to see a lot of flexibility in what ships players can command. I don't want to see solo players or smaller 'clans' being bullied out of using their preferred ships by larger clans with louder voices. "You guys bring the Frigs, we already have the 10 1st rates we need...."

Okay, I might be misunderstanding you, but here's my thoughts. The current battle mechanics (referring to how ships are valued and sorted based on strength) now don't have much to do with how open sea battles will take place hopefully. When a fleet of ships encounters and engages another group of ships, I hope we arn't all going to enter a lobby and be auto-assigned teams based on strength. If I am sailing with my friends and we encounter a lone merchantman sailing through a hostile area, I don't believe that merchantman should magically get some members of my fleet on his side.


Here's my opinions on number balancing though, and I'm going to use EVE as my example. I'm currently with the HERO coalition, that is comprised mostly by new players. We are currently fighting one of the best alliances made up exclusively of older, skilled players, who are known as some of the best pvpers. We can't fight them on an even ground if we both bring the same ships and the same numbers. So, we have to field 2 or 3x their numbers in order to have a chance. In Naval Action, I'm not sure how or if there can be some number balancing without being broken, but that's just my thoughts on that.


And then as for the ships, I absoultely agree. Every ship should have a purpose, strengths and weaknesses. I hope that there will be situations where a cutter, a frig, or a SOL would be best used. Also, I hope that new players will also have a place in the "RvR". When I stopped playing POTBS, only once you had hit 50 could you really make a difference. I hope there will be systems in place where new players can participate, and make an impact.

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