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Nothing whatsoever about bounty hunting


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6 hours ago, Batman said:

Even Robin could sink you.

And don't even think about asking for a 1v1. We dueled in the past and you lost, so that point is already clarified.

That was a long time ago and in your ship choice. I don't sail 1st rates and never liked em. You refused frigates or 4th rates so I pandered to your desires and used a ship with no mods that I'd captured with a frigate to shut you up and stop asking for a duel. You weren't that great even in a 1st rate, but I'd never used one. Still haven't to this day. Don't let that "win" go to your head. It meant nothing then and means even less now. 

Ive been one of the big boys of EU pvp for a long time now. I've never seen you rolling with us when you had the chance, but more importantly, I have seen you hiding in reinforcement zones like every other spineless Brit, when you could have opposed us. You've never been relevant in pvp or otherwise. Just a blow hard like every other Brit who strives for forum relevance but has nothing to back it up.

Edited by Malachy
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9 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

This entire topic :lol:

I didn't post this as a topic. Some moderator thought it would be a great idea to pull these posts from the battle reports thread and make it a bounty hunting thread? Basically it's a thread where we can exhibit our complete disdain for other denizens of this server :)

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On 11/11/2017 at 4:37 PM, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

To the rats, you are nothing and you will accomplish nothing against our determination to rise again from the ashes. You are like the moskito in the horn of a bull.


Two questions....

One, what is a moskito?  Do you mean Mosquito?

And two, how did it get in the horn of a bull?

They were solid last time I checked.



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2 hours ago, Hodo said:

Two questions....

One, what is a moskito?  Do you mean Mosquito?

And two, how did it get in the horn of a bull?

They were solid last time I checked.




Fables of Aesop.

I suggest you to read more and play less NA. There is a fantastic world out there.


To the God of PVP, Malachy. I'm truly sorry to discover you were defeated by a player who plays rvr. As you said, all rvr players are noobs. 


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5 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:


Fables of Aesop.

I suggest you to read more and play less NA. There is a fantastic world out there.


To the God of PVP, Malachy. I'm truly sorry to discover you were defeated by a player who plays rvr. As you said, all rvr players are noobs. 


No offense but I well versed in the Grimm tales and all sorts of stories, this must be a European peasant tale.  

And I have read quite a bit... I am from the generation that knew a world BEFORE the internet.

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7 hours ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:


To the God of PVP, Malachy. I'm truly sorry to discover you were defeated by a player who plays rvr. As you said, all rvr players are noobs. 


Ancient history and wasn't even a real fight. Back when the duel room existed. I certainly didn't take it seriously, didn't even remember it til he brought it up. You don't get to be a god of pvp by sitting in the harbor like you do.

I'm happy to see you are still with us. I was getting to think you took your little ball and went home in a apoplectic fit or did us all a favor and had an aneurysm or something. 

For the record, I was never a Brit. I sailed under the colors, but I was never a part of your pathetic nation. I remained there while it suited me as I was able to fight against others of my ability. When the opportunity to join with others who were of like mind and ability and given the opportunity To destroy the people I found to be despicable, I siezed it. 

Edited by Malachy
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1 hour ago, Malachy said:

Ancient history and wasn't even a real fight. Back when the duel room existed. I certainly didn't take it seriously, didn't even remember it til he brought it up. You don't get to be a god of pvp by sitting in the harbor like you do.

I'm happy to see you are still with us. I was getting to think you took your little ball and went home in a apoplectic fit or did us all a favor and had an aneurysm or something.

I'm still happy to see you are still having trouble finding good excuses.

I desire you good health. You provide, along with ALOHA, the facts why GB is so much better without you. You are as toxic as the vanished kid, and the nation does not need you.

It'd be awesome if you convince your friends from the clan FIRST to join your ranks. They do nothing for GB (except blocking contracts). 

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49 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

I'm still happy to see you are still having trouble finding good excuses.

I desire you good health. You provide, along with ALOHA, the facts why GB is so much better without you. You are as toxic as the vanished kid, and the nation does not need you.

It'd be awesome if you convince your friends from the clan FIRST to join your ranks. They do nothing for GB (except blocking contracts). 

Nah, we took the best folks from Britain and left those that didn't meet the grade. If a person was any good they were given an opportunity to join Us. Anyone who refused was wiped out. Anyone left are merely animals we conserve for safari purposes. It's fun to shoot fish in a barrel sometimes. If we want a real fight we fight the Danes, swedes, Russians, Spanish, or even the French. We keep brits around for fast, easy pvp marks to farm. Some things never change. 

Edited by Malachy
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1 hour ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

Spantards and lenins... Lol. 

You seem to love ganking rvr noobs.

You made me laugh, thanks a lot Malachy the Hunted Fisher.

Every one of them is worth 10 brits in combat ability. You would do well to learn at their knee. Maybe if you are really good little boys they will teach you to pvp.

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