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Global Server Downtime

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Right now we have a downtime that leaves SE Asian player missing out on prime time by happening between 8 and 9 pm destroying any chance of playing.

Why cannot this server downtime be moved at least two hours right to then mean we can play, NZ can play and its still the middle of the downtime in the US being early in the morning?

Why does it have to happen when EU server goes down? we dont give two hoots for their downtime and our server is located in another country.

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1 hour ago, BallsOfSteel said:

Right now we have a downtime that leaves SE Asian player missing out on prime time by happening between 8 and 9 pm destroying any chance of playing.

Why cannot this server downtime be moved at least two hours right to then mean we can play, NZ can play and its still the middle of the downtime in the US being early in the morning?

Why does it have to happen when EU server goes down? we dont give two hoots for their downtime and our server is located in another country.

ye it sucks big time another few hours would be nice in fact 3 to left would be nicer just to suit daylight savings :) 

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6 hours ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

What is this talk of "left" or "right" in discussing time?  :blink: 


It's going to screw up someone's time, whenever it happens.


Lol it's left (prior current time) right (post current time) so 3 hours prior to its current time shouldn't affect anyone except nz a little that would make DT 7pm currently and 8pm during winter daylight savings, 4 hours would be optimal that would make it 6pm now and when daylight savings happens for winter that would make it 7pm usually when I'm on during the 6-7:30 pm the server is in a lul till the ausi guys log on also it would make it early morning EU (6-8am) and very early us (2-4am). (Times are a rough guess) this would suck during the weekend as most of us are up later/earlier but no matter what time it is it's sucks on the weekend they should only do maintenance once a week unless it's a patch or update 

Edited by Rebrall
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I know downtime sucks when it happens when you want to play but I'm not sure any move would be better. If if moves "left" 3 hours that will put it at 11pm on the North American West Coast. "Doable" I guess but probably not desirable for long term game development. Moving it "right" enough to help you will reduce European early prime time and  North American East Coast daytime play. Basicallly no perfect solution. Sorry. 

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