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List of suggested changes

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List of suggestions that would not require huge amounts of development time in no particular order of importance:

1. Significantly reduce cost of production of low caliber guns. - Reducing "cost" for new players to equip their 7th and 6th rate ships so that they can afford losing them while learning the game.

2. Reduce amount of repair kits needed for 7th and 6th rates. - reducing "cost" for new players to learn playing the game.

3. Make low rank NPCs more "stupid". - again, new player experience improvement to increase new player retention rate.

4. Implement significant scaling of xp, gold, mark gains in PvP based on BR. Current gains should apply for PvP in 7th and 6th rates, but PvP gains for fighting in 5th rates and above should be increased multiple times: 5th rate ship sinking gain increased 2 times, 4th rate ship sinking gain increased 5 times, 3d, 2nd and 1st rate ship sinking increased 10 times. This would give good enough incentive even for average skill players to not be too afraid of PvP while also preventing possible abuses of alt farming.

5. Implement 24h cool down to jump to/out of Freetown if you have an outpost in it.

6. Give 2x OW ship speed while in invisibility after exiting battle, invisibility timer 90 seconds.

7. Hostility generation only from PvP or from blockading capital of the region.

8. PvP rewards 1 hour before and during PB in the region of the PB increased 5x - to give incentive for screening fleets and to reward not only the lucky 25 who got inside of PB.

9. All modules craftable.

10. High rank missions (starting from 4th rate ship missions) placed only on "outer" regions of your nation.

11. Remove speed cap from ships, add stacking penalties for stacking same bonus with various skills/modules. Example: if you have 1 module with + speed equiped it gives 100% of the bonus, if you have 2 modules with +speed equiped it gives 80% of the speed bonuses from those modules, if you have 3 modules with + speed you get 60% of the speed bonuses from those modules. This obviously should apply not only to speed but to all bonuses. Like rate of fire, HP and so on.

12. Add ALL books to Admiralty store.

13. Deadmans chest event - make looting of the wreck take 2 to 4 minutes. To make people fight for them.


Edited by Aphilas
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There is an example of eve staking module system

  • 1st mod: 100.0% effectiveness
  • 2nd mod: 86.9% effectiveness
  • 3rd mod: 57.1% effectiveness
  • 4th mod: 28.3% effectiveness
  • 5th mod: 10.6% effectiveness
  • 6th mod: 3.0% effectiveness


1st item 100. 2nd 85. 3rd 50% 4th gives almost nothing (around 10%).


If I good remember both games sort modules by strength.  1st one is the strongest one and so on.

Edited by Rychu Karas
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32 minutes ago, rediii said:

Also the grind of big ships should be less of a pain ...

Not so sure, personally I think that NA being MMO long experience grind is kinda alright. We all are a little bit spoiled by being max rank for ages now:) One of my clanmates decided to not redeem XP and he's playing the game daily enjoying the game slowly climbing up the ranks.

Edited by Aphilas
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4 hours ago, Aphilas said:

List of suggestions that would not require huge amounts of development time in no particular order of importance:

1. Significantly reduce cost of production of low caliber guns. - Reducing "cost" for new players to equip their 7th and 6th rate ships so that they can afford losing them while learning the game. (Agree)

2. Reduce amount of repair kits needed for 7th and 6th rates. - reducing "cost" for new players to learn playing the game. (Agree)

3. Make low rank NPCs more "stupid". - again, new player experience improvement to increase new player retention rate. (Maybe)

4. Implement significant scaling of xp, gold, mark gains in PvP based on BR. Current gains should apply for PvP in 7th and 6th rates, but PvP gains for fighting in 5th rates and above should be increased multiple times: 5th rate ship sinking gain increased 2 times, 4th rate ship sinking gain increased 5 times, 3d, 2nd and 1st rate ship sinking increased 10 times. This would give good enough incentive even for average skill players to not be too afraid of PvP while also preventing possible abuses of alt farming. (no getting rewards is too easy as it is)

5. Implement 24h cool down to jump to/out of Freetown if you have an outpost in it.(no, stop care bearing with your neighbours)

6. Give 2x OW ship speed while in invisibility after exiting battle, invisibility timer 90 seconds. (not considered enough how do you stop invisibility ganking etc)

7. Hostility generation only from PvP or from blockading capital of the region. (not considered enough, how would this work)

8. PvP rewards 1 hour before and during PB in the region of the PB increased 5x - to give incentive for screening fleets and to reward not only the lucky 25 who got inside of PB. (no, screening is already broken this will just make it worse)

9. All modules craftable. (ok but should be very, very expensive)

10. High rank missions (starting from 4th rate ship missions) placed only on "outer" regions of your nation. (no don't like this gank fest breeder)

11. Remove speed cap from ships, add stacking penalties for stacking same bonus with various skills/modules. Example: if you have 1 module with + speed equiped it gives 100% of the bonus, if you have 2 modules with +speed equiped it gives 80% of the speed bonuses from those modules, if you have 3 modules with + speed you get 60% of the speed bonuses from those modules. This obviously should apply not only to speed but to all bonuses. Like rate of fire, HP and so on. (unnecessarily complicated)

12. Add ALL books to Admiralty store. (ok but should be very, very expensive)

13. Deadmans chest event - make looting of the wreck take 2 to 4 minutes. To make people fight for them. (last ones I did were emptied in minutes, waste of time)


Like or loath. My response in red above. 

My view is that its too easy to make and keep rated ships. 25 first rate battles are a nonsense. Only clans should be able to afford SOL and it should be damned costly for them to maintain with something like a daily drain on combat marks, food supplies and maintenance gold to keep the ship. I am thinking a clan should only be able to afford one or two first rates with 4x2nd rates, 8x3rd rates and the rest 4th rates and below (numbers open for discussion).. I would MUCH prefer to see port battle having a variety of ships with a few first rates being protected by a fleet of escorts into battle. Since the wipe look at how many SOL are around hunting in packs, game attainment is too swift and money making by trading far too easy. The game is not hard core enough for my taste. The loss of three first rates should be crippling, instead the loss is made up in a few days. Make the smaller ships cheap to buy and cheap to keep but make the rates bloody near impossible to build and maintain except by dedicated group effort. 

Buster 's Parrot

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4 hours ago, Intrepido said:

Change CD timer of repairs to 12-14 min.

It is insane a guy could repair 9 times in a battle.

Remember since day one of test bed for this patch I said it need to be about 12 mins.  10 is to fast and I think 15 is a bit to long.  That gives you the 2 mins to repair (minus any mods) and than 10 mins for the repair to cool down.  I like that it still has to be shared though to keep from spamming all repairs at once. 12 mins just seems like a good happy medium. 

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11 hours ago, Rychu Karas said:

There is an example of eve staking module system

  • 1st mod: 100.0% effectiveness
  • 2nd mod: 86.9% effectiveness
  • 3rd mod: 57.1% effectiveness
  • 4th mod: 28.3% effectiveness
  • 5th mod: 10.6% effectiveness
  • 6th mod: 3.0% effectiveness


1st item 100. 2nd 85. 3rd 50% 4th gives almost nothing (around 10%).


If I good remember both games sort modules by strength.  1st one is the strongest one and so on.

Far to effective..

1st module 100%

2nd module 50%

3rd module 25%

Same for knowledge tree.. 


The current min/maxing of Fighting sail ships is stupid

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5 hours ago, Alado said:

One repair like before wype. Its ridiculous that repairs ship in a battle, but unlimited is insane.

Ships repaired in battle all the time.. Insane is fully replacing a shot away mast with anything more then a spar providing maybe 20% the sail power of the mast. 

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#4 - getting reward in PvE is easy, yes. I am talking about PvP rewards which atm are non existant. For example I've spent a week PvPing around Habana, daily. Lost only 1 ship. My net +/- in a week was about as much as I get in PvE in about 2-3 hours. Have you heard about Risk vs Reward concept? Atm Naval Action Risk vs Reward is same if, let's say, EVE would give 5 times higher ISK per hour in highsec compared to 0/lowsec, or if WoW rewarded you with legendary items in lvl 20 dungeon and blue stuff in end game raids.

#5 - I don't think you can say clan Rubli is carebaring with our neighbours. We are even at war with about half of our own faction and ignoring Sorry agreement with Spanish and USA. Yet getting decent PvP for small scale (1-3) or medium scale (3-8) is almost impossible and takes hours upon hours. By decent I mean not ganks and not revenge fleets. Big issue is that if you go PvPing out of neutral town, you are stuck there without possibility to even spend your craft hours or in any other ways to play together with your friend/clan unless everyone does the move. 24 hour cooldown ability to jump to your outpost in Freetown would provide more PvP possibilities as well as prevent large hostile fleets in a few mins all over the world which we've seen before with jump to Freetown without CD.

#6 - what invisibility ganking? You are invisible and everyone else is invisible to you. Too many mechanics in this game are taken away because of percieved "abuses" which quite often are not even an issue or an extreemly minor issue.

#7 - Quite self explanatory. PvE does not influence hostility generation at all. PvP does + blockading capital of the region does. Don't you think a fleet of 40 ships happily camping outside regions capital should increase hostility over time? Meanwhile, this gives plenty of time for "defending" nation to assemble a counter fleet and actually duke it out. Imagine large battles where blockaders actually bring even mortar brigs to deal with defenders hugging the forts. Pretty much PB battle scale fighting in actual generation of hostility. _Hostility_.

#8. Instead of adressing issues, hide head in sand pretending everything is alright and prevent screening fleets from recieving their due rewards. Logic=false;

#10. Using your own words " I would MUCH prefer to see port battle having a variety of ships with a few first rates being protected by a fleet of escorts into battle.". Not that I think that rates should be escorted into missions, but nation should ensure relative security for mission runners to generate income, not artificial greenzones and NPC forts. Sandbox game where it's up to players to ensure security, not themepark "you're safe".

#11. Not complicated at all and already used in multiple games as stated above. But obviously we can try to invent a bycicle in NA and continue buffing/nerfing modules/skills, implementing hardcaps and other crap over and over for years to never get to the "acceptable" level of finetuning ships and their performance as well as ability to modify it.

Edited by Aphilas
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