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Realism Gripe Regarding Contracts

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@adminIn an earlier iteration of the game, a Trader Ship under Smuggler's Flag could stealth into a foreign Port and place a Contract to buy or sell a Resource / Material. 

This has been removed and takes with it Realism, Potential PvP engagements and "Come-back" ability of the non-owning Nation.  I advocate for this feature to be re-introduced into the game.

When a Nation does not have access to a Resource, they can be severely handicapped; and if they a smaller Nation, their chance of gaining said Resource through Conquest maybe rather limited, meaning their chances of "making a comeback" are hampered.

By allowing Contracts in foreign Ports, enemies are encouraged to "take a chance" and risk PvP encounters both going in to establish these contracts AND returning later to collect whatever resources they have managed to acquire.

Also, I would argue that realism is at stake, as often in human affairs the "highest bidder" has won out over National Pride/Loyalty.  A prime example were the US oil tankers in the mid-Atlantic who regularly sold oil to German U-Boats because it was a lucrative business.

As I have argued before, and will continue to advocate for, this game is a RICH one, having MANY paths to "victory," and multiple ways to provide the individual Player with a sense of accomplishment; and it is always disappointing when one gets turned off or shut-down.  There is "smash-mouth" PvP and Conquest; but also stealth, shadows and alternative routes to the same end.  I think the alternate "fix" of having Contracts expire is the correct route to take -  it forces the Contracting player to return to the danger-zone to collect, AND, it eliminates the "trolling" type Contracts that might cripple a Port out of malice or neglect, such as ones set by a player who then stops playing.

This game is the best I have ever played, please keep up the good work!

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Would have to agree.

- Smuggled gold and silver into Willemstad using a fleet of trader lynxes since I heard that they had a shortage and needed a hand. Really sucked to realize that it wasn't possible to set up a sell contract, had to sit there and message ships coming into the capital, ended up giving it all away for free because it was too much of a hassle.

- Limited resources are being locked away through the use of contracts, so unless you're of the same nation as the port owner there's nothing you can do even if you're willing to pay far more, and heavily encourages the use of alts to circumvent it.

On that note though, the TP with cargo has to be removed/tweaked as well since it provides an easy way to get into enemy ports.

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3 hours ago, Aegir said:

On that note though, the TP with cargo has to be removed/tweaked as well since it provides an easy way to get into enemy ports.

Is anybody really going to bother trying if you have to risk your ships going both ways?  One way is risk enough when a ship can be identified at draw distance.  It seems to me that teleport is the lure that makes it tempting enough to smuggle.  (on that note, running a smuggler flag should obfuscate your identity in some way)


Edited by Barbancourt (rownd)
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1 minute ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

Is anybody really going to bother trying if you have to risk your ships going both ways?  One way is risk enough when a ship can be ID'd at draw distance.  Teleport is the lure that makes it possible to smuggle.

Is anybody going to bother trader hunting if the traders that leave the area are empty and the full ones teleport in?

And it doesn't make smuggling *possible*, it makes it super-easy. You can literally teleport a fully loaded indiaman straight into a nation's capital with zero effort and miniscule risk, and then maximize your chances of escaping it since now the hold is empty and you can just wait for good wind and few opponents.

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10 minutes ago, Aegir said:

Is anybody going to bother trader hunting if the traders that leave the area are empty and the full ones teleport in?

Well, when I'm doing it I only teleport in empty and leave full. I'm smuggling out, not in.


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Contracts were heavily abused sadly. Especially KPR would see people sail in during underpopulated times and placing contracts invalidating others by significant margins. I.e. Conquest marks were usually bought for somewhere between 10k-15k until some pirate sailed into port and started buying them for 50k. This then either forces the nation to supply an enemy or to completely shift the usual prices into the ridiculous range. I really don't want to return to that as alts are already making the markets a hassle at times

Realistically speaking a smuggler should get in and out of port without much notice of him being there. You can't really place contracts on a respectable market when you fly the wrong flag.

I could however support this as a feature for the smaller nations ports so they can be supplies. Otherwise a max/min mechanic needs to be implemented that keeps the prices within reasonable limits should this return.

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Smuggling during the Napoleonic era was rampant, Some of the richest families in Britain (and I suspect in France too) made their money smuggling. It's why Customs and Excise was created to stop them. Smugglers irrespective of nationality were at risk from both Britain and France and cutters of both nations were heavily involved in interdiction of smugglers.

Smugglers would not even consider low value cargos, They would carry high value cargos, lace, Cognac, Rum ect. They were of course not above doing the odd job for the government on the quiet too, landing agents or against them by landing aristocrats escaping the terror in France.

In game if a trader has enough nerve he can be of great service to himself, White Oak, Live Oak and other scarce mats can command huge prices sold privately, or to clans even in small nations, Indeed the removal of nationality temporarily while smuggling would provide PVP targets, increase risk and profitability for smugglers, and provide for the smaller nations clans and even individuals a fighting chance of getting the more scarce mats.

Like your friendly, neighbourhood Pirate he is both every ones enemy  and their friend, for a price!

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Need no specific mechanic to create this type of content.

As Sir Holland well puts, a word in the right ear can provide commercial opportunities.

( and actually work in a underhand war drying a opponent of their own trade )

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4 hours ago, Sir Lancelot Holland said:

In game if a trader has enough nerve he can be of great service to himself, White Oak, Live Oak and other scarce mats can command huge prices sold privately, or to clans even in small nations, Indeed the removal of nationality temporarily while smuggling would provide PVP targets, increase risk and profitability for smugglers, and provide for the smaller nations clans and even individuals a fighting chance of getting the more scarce mats.

People will probably load up alts before playing "huge prices".

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