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15 min ROE - ASAP!

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16 minutes ago, Fletch67 said:

17 people had fun 5 didn't?

Seriously, I know it was not perfect but there was some huge open world battles went down during that time. I think its too far now in the other extreme, just my opinion.

So basically you are a advocate for ganking. i see that now. thanks for at least admiting it.

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10 minutes ago, Rramsha said:

Now I do not mind the return of the 2 minute timer if the reinforcements came in the distance and had to sail into battle, but admin stated that for this to happen they would have to remove land from battles, I much prefer the current system, that is for sure, and keep the land in the battle instance.

This is implying that there is no way to detect whether a ship is spawning onto water or land. How can that be? I don't doubt it involves coding effort, but cannot wrap my head around it not being possible at all.

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The current two ring ROE sucks for overall game play.  Not because of why you might think it does. it makes the fights to easy. It is way way to much of crutch for easy play and truth be told it reduces the total number of participants in PvP.

I generally sail solo or in small groups. I am generally the aggressor.  This two circle ROE allows the tagger to control and know all factors of the upcoming fight. There are almost no variables to make the contest interesting. As soon as those circles close most of the fights are already determined.  Sure 1v1s might go either way but let's be honest. If I'm the one hunting then I'm probably the one that is prepared and the other guy generally isn't. So it's not like the 1v1s are all that hard either.

i actually miss the days when the screen would shudder and suddenly x5 ship enemy patrol appeared on the fringes of the battles inside the instance. Now you mind has to race, weigh new variables, adapt and overcome. Can I still sink this guy before they catch up? Perhaps now a rage board makes more sense than a slow demasting? Maybe it's time to escape but which direction?  These battles have far more thrill and excitement than the two ring ROE battles ever will.

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2 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

So basically you are a advocate for ganking. i see that now. thanks for at least admiting it.

I don't know weather your a fool, or your just trying to be funny. My point remains the same, for me it was more fun when the battles stayed open a while. I don't care if the battle went my way or I lost, it was the simple fact it could turn either way. At the moment when you enter a battle and its closed that's it, who ever has the upper hand is going to win its just a matter of time. The social perk changed all that, a battle could swing one way or the other you simply did not know what was going to happen. Was it realistic? no not really but it sure was fun. I think reinforcements turning up in  battle should be possible they should of course appear quite away off from the action.

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3 hours ago, Mrdoomed said:

When we had the long timers before it was a nightmare because every battle was open to everyone anywhere practically and it let asshole try hards who would sit in battle screens and set up massive ganks all day long or 50 players sittig in port doing nothing but waiting to gank and that waBEFORE no cooldown teleports . 

With  no cooldown teleports here is how every battle will go. You tag a ship. Entire server teleports to your battle and since you was out looking for pvp youare near enemy turf ad the battle is 25vs you.  yeah ill pass on that.

The players already are here crying about open missions not being fair because people can keep joining. Imagine every battle being open for the entre server.

Maybe like alot of players youndont care ablut solo or small groups or casual players but its just another nail in thier coffin.

Most arguments against the open/longer timer seems to revolve around ganking and unfair metagaming, if this was dealt with in another way would the longer/ open timer be ok for any of you?

I understand why you think the instant timer is good and I agree with you on several points, the question for me is weather the grief we avoid is more fun the fun we create by having battles open. I am not discussing fairness or realism, just fun.

Some of you might not like volatile pvp when ships from either side can join at any time, but I think it added lots of flavour and suprises, these dynamic instances had wild twists and turns which sometimes can feel like gods rng. And I absolutley loved hopping into missions helping nation members from getting ganked or tipping balance in a battle, now when I tag someone I know he is dead or fleeing already, and very often the white flag is raised before the combat timer is up with since my target has no chance for rescue.

There are other ways to deal with port hoppers and horizon gankers then to limit entrytimer, as an example any reinforcents will spawn faar faar away, giving ample time for combatants to react accordingly.

I would even argue that a longer time 15+ would enable friends to come and help should some poor trader beeing tagged and chased in combat. The shorter timer(2min) on the other hand would only encourage ganking since the only ships who gets into the combat are those already aware that there will be one. So for me a short timer is kinda worse then instant close.

Finally I think it also depends on what kind of fights you like, solo, small or large, as some of you points out a longer time favours bigger fights and vice versa.

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4 hours ago, Angus McGregor said:

This is implying that there is no way to detect whether a ship is spawning onto water or land. How can that be? I don't doubt it involves coding effort, but cannot wrap my head around it not being possible at all.

This is what ADMIN wrote in this post page 1

On 8/10/2016 at 7:42 AM, admin said:



This is possible but it creates a lot of problems with land if battles are close to land

one of the sides will then never receive reinforcements if circle moves into land over time 


the alternative is to use the Battlefield squad spawn system and spawn ship 200 m away from the most distant ships in the instance 

but still it could create cases when your ship can be dropped on land


another drastic solution is to remove land from OW battles and only keep land in coastal battles or in port battles. Then we can bring back normal time/distance based spawns that existed before the land in battles introduction 



My dream ROE would be an instance that stays open for 15 with an ever expanding reinforcement ring as time progresses, that also includes land, however apparently admin states that there will/may be a problem if land is near by.


Edited by Rramsha
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No to forever open battles or long timers.

Some people, like me, like small battles and do not want our battles to turn into mosh pits. 

Imho, what you see is what you get ROE is good. Two minute timers was good except the spawn location of late joiners  To help protect areas around ports there are already forts & AI. 

Edited by Anne Wildcat
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