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[PvP1] August 3rd, The French Émissaire


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There we were, sitting in our lair, bored to the teeth and bathing in Gold.

What to do? What to do?

Escort more supply ships into Mortimer Town? Too easy, nobody would dare enter Pirate waters while AUSFC sails.

Defend some little port, because some freemason plantation pleb was whining about the Batavians coming to attack? Nah, let them come.

Even inspecting the "stock" in the w[h]arehouses could not entice us.

But then ...

"Excusez-moi. Pardon. Désolé de vous interrompre."

A French Émissaire came shuffling in.

"Je voudrais demander une faveur."

"Demand a favor! Is he mad?"


"Oh he has a proposal for us. What is it?"

"Pourriez-vous capturer une Victory pour moi, s'il vous plaît."

"Capture a Victory... hmm... yeah, that sounds like jolly good fun."


And thus we readied a fleet for a raid on Jamaica at Ile-A-Vache. A Renommee, a Santa Cecillia, a Suprise and a Constitution. The French Émissaire would be sailing along in his own Constitution. We also brought along some Cutters to serve as scouts and getaway ships.

A Frigate came at the ready at Mortimer, setting sail directly for Jamaica to link up.

With all of us together we sailed for the southeast tip of Jamaica.

In front of Port Antonio sat a Bucentaure, apparently thinking himself save from any AUSFC attack. With some work he was taken.

A lone British Renommee tried to cut the corner from Port Morant to Port Antonio. He did not make it.

An Indiaman sailed south along the coast to be quickly dealt with.

Another AUSFC Trincomalee was called to Port Morrant to serve as a scout, only to find out we had moved to Port Antonio.

But the Trincomalee had spotted our target, a British Victory. So we turned hard and sailed fast back down south.

Thus we hit the Victory with our mercenary fleet and crushed him into submission.

By now British were well aware of our intentions and brought up more ships and reinforcements.

Having successfully executed our mission, I switched to my Cutter. Our next step was to get everyone home.

The British none-the-wiser started engaging both the Cutter and the Renommee, tying in their revenge fleet into engagements.

This left the door open for our main fleet to make their escape.

However the British were too many and caught our main fleet...


"Mon Dieu! Je levai le mauvais coleurs!"

"Wot? What's the bugger saying now?"


"He raised the wrong flag!?"

And there he was, sailing a British flag. Apparently he had blindly picked one from his cabinet.

"Tell him, if he wants his Victory, state his intentions to the British, give a prayer to his gods and bloody open fire!"


"D'accord, je vais vous donner un salut au canon et rentrer dans son pays."

Some shots where fired from the French Constitution missing their mark completely.

"He didn't pay for this? What is he going on about?"

And before we even got to the answer, the French Constitution broke off the engagement.


Mon Dieu! How can the gods expect the French to get alliances right!?


The French didn't (and still don't) even understand the concept of surrendering. ;) They gave the wrong form of gun salutes, turned the ensign up-side-down etc. In essence they only "abandonner le combat" to withdraw for croissants and wine. :D Hence we still have the term "Ruse de guerre".


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A fun story. Silly French.


In regards to your quote; I don't think running up the French ensign upside down really is going to do much. Maybe the royal French ensign (Vive le Roi!), but not the Revolutionary/Napoleonic French ensign.

Edited by EricKilla
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