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Tobacco in Sant Iago


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I feel there is something wrong with Tobacco in Sant Iago

Sant Iago consumes Tobacco.

There is no NPC buyers of tobacco at 375 750 (normal price in a port that consumes tobacco) 

There are only players contracts buying at 250.

There is no quantity on sell so port is not over 25000


Edit. I was wrong with the selling price.

Edited by Reverendo
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Okay, I figured the bug. It makes for a very interesting situation.

If you place a buy when the AI stock is empty, the AI will never bring up its normal bid.

(And thus never get stock, which would "eliminate" the bug.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is NOT a bug - it is the same at all ports for all items = if the NPC trader at the port has zero stock it will not even show you the slot for buy/sell - unless - you arrive at the port with stock to sell to it then it will show you the "normal" sell price that you can sell your stock to the NPC or the normal "what your contract should offer" price for items NOT consumed at that port.


What happens is if a consuming port has zero stock of an item AND an enterprising Captain puts in a "offer to buy" contract the NPC will not compete with the "offer to buy" contract by offering to pay more. As it happens when the consuming port does have stock it will compete and offer it's regular "buy" price over the top of your "offer to buy".


Thus - if the port has no stock and you place a buy contract there - sellers will have to sell to you first - this is GOOD for the game. Any other "buyer" can offer more than you offer = competition


This is similar mechanics to the sell phenomenon where you can offer to sell for 1 gold less than the port and any buyers have to buy from you first and other sellers can offer to sell for even less.


I'll repeat: not a bug

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