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Suggestion to fix the Port Battle Reward Problem

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It's a common complaint in the game that upon winning a port battle - either defensively or offensively - you receive a quantity of materials as reward that you are not able to fully take possession of. For example, getting 450 compass wood as a reward is a great thing, but not if you're in a Constitution and can only fit a fraction of it inside your hold.


What I propose is that upon successful completion of a port battle, the victorious side respawns inside the port. The port is contested during that time frame where both sides can freely enter, so respawning inside allows the victorious player the option to set up an outpost to keep the goods or to sell it so that the bulk of the reward is not lost.


It is incredibly frustrating to see time and again more than half your winnings be destroyed as you cannot fit them in your cargo hold. This suggestion makes sense and would eliminate that problem.

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Has anyone tried bringing a trader ship along in fleet?

Never tried it myself, but your flagship should do the port battle. Then afterwards on the battle screen you switch to your trader, and voila.

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Has anyone tried bringing a trader ship along in fleet?

Never tried it myself, but your flagship should do the port battle. Then afterwards on the battle screen you switch to your trader, and voila.

and lose all the upgrades and guns off your ship? Unless you TP it to outpost but soon that wont help. Also doing that might make you late for the battle since if your in a fleet you move at the speed in OW of your slowest ship

Edited by CaptVonGunn
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I think if we're debating the merits of bringing a trader ship along with you to a port battle, that proves that reward system is seriously flawed.

and lose all the upgrades and guns off your ship? Unless you TP it to outpost but soon that wont help. Also doing that might make you late for the battle since if your in a fleet you move at the speed in OW of your slowest ship

Ah yes, the "it-is-tough-so-it-must-be-flawed" argument. :rolleyes:


Is it even possible to build an outpost in a contested port? Last I checked it wasn't.

I don't like losing the upgrades and guns. So I think the original suggestion makes sense, plus somebody still needs to sail in a trader. I like that. :)


[edit] forgot the obvious :rolleyes:

Edited by Skully
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