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Loosing Santisima and Pavel for server problems


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Dear Sirs, today at 16:20, me (MassimoSud) and Pilatus70 were playing and we have entered a fleet mission with a Pavel (Pilatus70) and a Santisima (MassimoSud). During the game Pilatus70 and then me, we crashed from the game (we try to connect but your server didn't let us go in again). Our internet connection was working fine, but your  servers didn' t allow us to return in game and in battle. The result was that we both lost our ships without having a chance to fight. Seems very strange that for a crash of your server, as well for a loss of connection in general, in the game the ship completely lowered the sails (as a suggestion could be better if the ship could continue sailing with the sails at the time of connection loss). I kindly ask you to check out the problem with your servers at the indicated time. The same problem occurs to other players in our guild. They complained that they have been disconnected from the server and they were able to return in game several minutes after. I'm sure you will verify the problem and  reimburse us the ships. I thank you in advance.


Sorry for my bad english.

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It was like this in Potbs there was always a risk you might lose your ship due to DC idk if there is anything that can be done about it

replay system or at least a battle log that is encrypted so you can send data in to verify  the last info you had.

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