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Decisive Pirate victory over USA fleet in AYS

Lord Vicious

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What happened to Vicious' claimed amount of 90, and the claim that only Rachira and Crayon didn't turn pirate?  And if Sorry only has 60ish, when multiple clans formed into sorry, that means that not even close to all the stars people joined.


Think about it mate..    we formed a clan.. then reformed to bring down the outrage of the SS tag 'Skulls and Stars'..     we took a vote and went with SORRY so as not to offend.. we are quite politically correct over here.


As you reform a clan multiple times it takes awhile to gather the troops.(real life gets in the way) But the point of only a couple not turning pirates is pretty close..  We actually discussed the change a couple days and the truth is it was damn near unanimous.  

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You obviously did not fully read or understand this post... let me speak in your terms


>25 vs whole nation. USA complain about pirates having bigger guns. USA is defeated badly when an even match happens.

>Pirates lose Jobe and Rio Seco. USA unites to form mutiple fleets then take ports that are un defended. All ports capped by pirates were 25 vs 25 fights.

> USA is now doing what they have been accusing the pirates and this clan "have been doing", taking undefended ports. As well when they asked and bitched for a fair fight , they got it and lost.


Is this more clear for you.


looks like a good achievement for the Pirates.

Was not the whole nation

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SORRY is correct, the US fleet very slightly outgunned them at Ays. Pirates fought well and chose correct strategy (shooting masts seems to always be the best option, in every situation).

The Americans put themselves in a bad situation by joining the battle very late, then attempting a frontal assault upwind into the Pirate line.

Sadly it takes me two weeks of PVE to pay for participating in a single port battle loss. The disparity between winning and losing is huge, on the order of a million gold for the winners and 50-100k for the losers. I'm surprised any nation can sustain deep water campaigns for more than a couple weeks.

Much of the great naval action in this game is walled off behind thousands of hours of grind, and it wears people down. Almost makes me miss Sea Trials. Hope to have at least a couple more good fights while I can still afford it.

Cheers rats, we'll meet again soon.


Agreed on the timing. The dillydally cost you both time and wind, and when your ships finally made the turn towards our line we had plenty of time to give you multiple  broadsides to the mast. Had the wind been in your favor and lessened the time it took to get into our line, we would have had a much hard fought battle. GF though, looking forward to the next. And hopefully a bugged battle circle won't sink the survivors at the end. Shame about the ships it sank, for both sides.

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Agreed on the timing. The dillydally cost you both time and wind, and when your ships finally made the turn towards our line we had plenty of time to give you multiple broadsides to the mast. Had the wind been in your favor and lessened the time it took to get into our line, we would have had a much hard fought battle. GF though, looking forward to the next. And hopefully a bugged battle circle won't sink the survivors at the end. Shame about the ships it sank, for both sides.

Perhaps Lord Nelson was on to something...

"Never mind maneuvers, always go at them."

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The wind really screwed us in that fight, but the point of the fight over all was to engage the heavy pirate fleet to see what we could do despite the wind disadvantage.  We made it possible for the other ports to be taken and we did what we could with a crappy situation in battle.  All in all it was not bad.  These battles are going to get more and more interesting.

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The wind really screwed us in that fight, but the point of the fight over all was to engage the heavy pirate fleet to see what we could do despite the wind disadvantage.  We made it possible for the other ports to be taken and we did what we could with a crappy situation in battle.  All in all it was not bad.  These battles are going to get more and more interesting.

Land in battles will be interesting for sure. 

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The wind really screwed us in that fight, but the point of the fight over all was to engage the heavy pirate fleet to see what we could do despite the wind disadvantage.  We made it possible for the other ports to be taken and we did what we could with a crappy situation in battle.  All in all it was not bad.  These battles are going to get more and more interesting.

I concur with this assessment. We did well despite the disadvantages we faced.


Overall it was a fun battle, and lets try to keep our banter civil and sportsman like.

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