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Pirate news


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I was actually fortunate enough to get the kill on Roberts,, my crew went down in the end to overwhelming  cover fire from the other British vessels,  but Roberts was finished off by Xander's Trinc,, and the whole episode started when Fap crashed and exploded his burning ship into Roberts taking his crew down to low levels,,  An Epic battle, one I will remember , most of my crew along with my self managed to cling to wreckage until the current washed us up close to Parrot cay,, 



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Ooooh I'm famous :D I made the pirate news, I thank you sirs this is a great honor :) though your information seems a bit bias and wrong but that's okay, we all got to say the right things to boost moral.

That's the spirit! All the best with it then ay? 

Edited by Clink
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