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Can the fleet cutter skippers be given a few more smarts

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I am sailing a Brig and the escorting cutters keep on going out of their way to ram me. Now I'm the lead boat right....and they are smaller and maneuverable so surely any supporting skipper would make the utmost effort to get out of the way....but no....It's like where's he going now!! <take evasive action as you can> Not again!! The next cutter skipper to do this will be keelhauled. Can you imagine the actual fate of a cutter skipper who did this? Might be a yardarm involved. 


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The only thing they do well is act as a distraction, cannon fodder. They need to fix the fleet orders and make the little turds actually work in the enemy sails. I agree that the little Prique in the cutter is dumber than a bag of hammers. Prique is the name of one of my captains.

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I'd like to know why when enemy AI is shooting at me they're so accurate but when my fleet cutters are shooting with a "demast" command they NEVER hit a mast and it takes them 1/2 hour to reduce the target's sails by 8%.  Enemy AI is like Horatio Nelson and friendly AI is more like Gilligan


Also, it would be helpful to be able to order them to switch to grape. 

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