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Everything posted by Meraun

  1. Besides the Crafting -problems, we woud get serious Recruitmentrpoblems with one Port and no possiblity to do Missions. We will get you PvP dont worry :-)
  2. After the War between Danish-Norway and Sweden escalated in the past Days leading to heavy losses on the swedish side, negotations between all Major Danish and all Major Swedish Clans happend yesterday Night. After literally hours of talks between all Factions taking part in this War, an agreement between Danish-Norway and Sweden was made. Following Ports well be returned to Sweden: -Codrington, Phillipsburg, Oranjestad, Basseterre, Charlestown, St.Johns, English Harbour The Danes will keep Fort Baai and Marigot. Further agreement’s are included: -Both sides will stop any Missionsganking -Both Sides will stop to attack each others Traders (this also opens many Northwestern ports for Sweden) -No more Portbattles between Sweden and the Dane’s -Fleet PvP is allowed. All agreements will stop with the next Map-wipe No Alliances with any Nation like France or Britian was broken. Sweden saw this agreement necessaire in Order to provide a Region for our Players to do Missions and Level up as well a provide us with resources for Crafting. Dont worry you well get PvP, we take care of that. :-)
  3. https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svenska_flottan nope
  4. Tahts a lie. No organised Clan apporached you for Peace.
  5. lol, not gonna happen. there is nothing to lose now anyway. So why shoud we ever surrender?
  6. Were is your Pride Reki? this is pathetic
  7. Hey Dev's First the American players used the Timedifference against the Spanish, now the Danes abuse it against Sweden and France. Marigot 12-14 Aves 14-16 Charlestown 14-16 Oranjestad 14-16 BasseTerre 14-16 These are Mid European work times (Not in Russia....) i think this is a clear abuse. We wont be able to Counterattack against the Danes because the purposly set the timers in Worktime. This is killing the GAME. only People with wich are unemployeed can attack at this time. Or defend... Terre-de-bas 6-8 Deshaies 6-8 Basse-Terre 6-8 Point-a-Pitre 6-8 Le Moule 6-8 These hours are even worse, nobody can ever take any of these Ports again. Danes are abuse this system massively I think best woud be to limited the Attack window to a certain time frame: 16:00 - 24:00 server time or something like it..
  8. i knew the Danes woud set time timer when everyone is at work. pathetic.
  9. i'am afraid of that as well. If they set the timers into our Work time i wont ever be able to defend anything. Because i work from 6am to 6pm. Then get Home, shower dinner with Wife and kid and all.. Americans used this against the Spains, now russian might do it as well.... I hope the Devs will do something about it... Set the timer on Servertime or something. Fixed. Serverwide.. is this confirmed? The British betrayed the alliance?
  10. lol, think before you write but bad for this game. Will i dont mind play underdog against Dansih-grinders, other will leave the game for good. game mechanic shoud'nt psuh gamers away from a game. Danes and Ducht have played very well yesterday.but if we get reduced to one port some players will Stop play NA at all and nobody will join Sweden. So if the Dev want Faction to die, alright. If not they well have to adjust someting. Otherwise they will have to wip the map every 3 months.
  11. dont, we will fight back. will be rougher now, but will withstand them.
  12. we wont stop, if we lose, we take the lesson and fight them after Map wipe again. But than again, the Danes will exploied the game again to get 3rd as they have done already
  13. Es gibt bei den Schweden derzeit einige Clan TS die Privat sind. Man kann über den Sinn streiten (Wir benutzen keinen eigenen, zumindest net für Naval Action). Die meisten Clans haben aber zugestimmt das alle grösseren Attacken auf Ninja stattfinden. Wir hatten auch schon angriffe mit 129 Spielern auf den Server. Es geht also schon. In der Cooridation zwischen den Clanleadern arbeiten wir noch, sind aber auf dem richtigen Weg. Es ist son das es in den grösseren Clans einige Leute gibt die kein oder nur sehr wenig English sprechen. Diese sind wohl lieber auf dem privaten TS. Wir hatten auch schon Probleme auf Ninja mit gemischten Gruppen weil ein Teil net gut Englisch verstanden hat. Wir werden in Zukunft die Gruppen noch mehr auf die Sprachen ausrichten müssen.
  14. we shoud let this Thread rest before it gets out of hand.... and personal. wich is it about the get. and i mean Swedish and Danish Players. let it rest, and solve it in PB's.
  15. you right, i'am and my wife is like taht as well... our discussions are endless... literally
  16. but dont worry, as soon as we retake Orangjestad or Baai, i will open the Counteroffensive against the Countoffensive against the Majoroffensive
  17. you have to take this less Serious mate, jesus.. Also we do not have people leaving to the dutch
  18. aye, they still got a lot more 3rd they we do. But our numbers are Rising.
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