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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. I figured it was known but you said you were confused
  2. Hopefully this clears up the confusion http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1539-pre-orders-open-for-naval-action/?p=34626 This should be the patch once it's released.
  3. This 'should' be the Sea Trials patch where the pre-orders get invited. However, it's still testing to iron out any remaining bugs before actual release.
  4. That is a testers only forum section but he is right.
  5. It was a battle of the most fearsome slowest ships on the high seas
  6. I'm up for helping to make new videos this weekend. Now we just need to gather up more testers...
  7. I don't mind the current UI that we have for testing and think it's okay as is. It really doesn't take anything away from the game in my opinion. It will be nice for everyone here to try it once the sea trials start to see how they feel after some hands-on experience. In theory it would be interesting to rely solely on visual cues but as stated many don't have the greatest rigs and highest graphics to see them. Another thought that crossed my mind today was hacking. I really hope we never see that kind of foolishness in this game but I know it's possible with any game. I've played a few games in the past that were plagued by hacking where people did extreme amounts of damage or went into 'god' mode and didn't take any damage. For this reason alone I think being able to see the enemy health bar would help police some of this activity or at least allow it to be reported. With the UI you should see that their ship isn't taking any damage and that something isn't quite right. However, without the UI their invincibility could go unnoticed for a period of time and their victories chalked up to real skill.
  8. I wouldn't say it would be an easy task, especially against a much larger ship, but it is possible. Would also depend a lot on range and viewing angle. There would be a lot more 'gray' area. The health bar more accurately depicts the armor or structure integrity. You can easily sink with a decent amount of health bar remaining if you have enough leaks taking on water.
  9. Listing and demasting visuals are in already. The current UI doesn't show if the enemies rudder, pump, or magazine are damaged. It is only visible for your own ship. Everything else you mentioned you can observe in game. *edit* fire is not currently in game but the devs are planning on it.
  10. Are you sure they said that Chilly? The only thing I remember them saying was that the last UI was temporary and only for testing purposes. I can't remember them saying the damage indicator would be completely removed. However, I haven't had my allotted amount of coffee for the day so I may be wrong.
  11. I'm all for the variations in ships to add some spice to the mix. I do wonder however how extreme the variations will be. If they are so minor that they are basically unnoticeable there's no point in having them to begin with. I think they need to be prominent enough that they can be discovered after some game play by the observant captain. However, If a new player acquires their first Surprise in the game they won't have experience with another Surprise to compare it to and may never notice the differences. I'm not sure how they will ever tell the difference without having access to a ship of the same type. I guess that would require the player to buy multiple (assuming we can own multiple of the same ship type) versions of the same ship for testing purposes, or sail against fellow captains in the same ship in testing maneuvers.
  12. To reference the videos you were asking about. The Bellona battle more closely displayed the type of game-play you were describing except that the other team was separated early on. The Surprise battle started as a brawl on purpose at the request of everyone to change the dynamics up. We were all on the same ts channel so there wasn't much discussion of tactics during the battle so it depended heavily on individual situational awareness. As far as the chain shot goes...I think Chilly has an affection for it
  13. Credit to the developers for listening to feedback and improving the sound with each new patch
  14. I think it was a joke since you said you were off work on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday It can't come soon enough though that's for sure.
  15. We've been testing for a while but there will be new content in the next patch. There will be a few new ships including a mortar brig as well as forts to test the mortars against. Overall it will help further fine tune the combat system before early access.
  16. I'm already in testing but can't wait for the Sea Trails just to get more people in the game. The population needs a boost.
  17. It would definitely add some life to the deck if it's ever possible to implement without hindering performance too much.
  18. You haven't missed anything yet. The devs said 3-4 weeks but it could be delayed. We are nearing a month since they said that so hopefully they can give us an updated ETA.
  19. Again, it's based on a percentage if I remember correctly but perhaps the developers can say for certain. Sometimes you may get demasted twice in a battle which would be the extreme end of things. On the other end of the spectrum you may go 10 battles and never lose a single mast. Even during the larger 25v25 AI/player fleet battles not that many masts were lost. Of course there were some but it wasn't like a timber company moved in and started logging masts off ships. If you're in a Cutter and take a broadside from a Victory through your sails your chances of losing a mast is probably significantly higher.
  20. In the game any time a mast is hit directly there is a chance for it to break. It's a very low percentage maybe around 10% if I remember correctly. It's not that common of an occurence and doesn't happen with every shot into the sails, but it's enough to make the battles dynamic. As for repairs, yes they are much faster than in real life, but this is also a game. For the sake of gameplay the repairs have to be faster than possible in real life just to keep the match alive. Keep in mind all of this can still be tweaked based on feedback in the future patch and at the developers discretion.
  21. Leviathan

    u tube heros

    We need the next patch before we all lose our sanity... well, what remains of our sanity... or my sanity... I need coffee
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