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Everything posted by Astor

  1. Ok now that it's live, I look into to update the mod. Download is available now
  2. Hi guys, just wrapped up a mod installer which will make all hulls no longer be obsolete. So this allows you to keep on building torpedo boats or pre-dreadnought era ships till endgame. I also tweaked some AI values and changed the AI torpedo evasion distance trigger. You can download the mod from here: Google Drive There you find the installer or if you prefer the raw asset file too. This mod is updated for 1.3 live Install instructions: - Unzip the downloaded file - Start the mod installer.exe - Follow the UABE mod installer instructions - When asking for the path navigate it to your SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts_Data folder - Installer will proceed with changing files - Done! Additional notes: An automatic backup of the asset file will be created so you can return to the previous state anytime. Please leave some feedback if all works.
  3. @Bishotronyes thats possible, you can adjust the hulls for the nations. You can also add trade ship hull and Ironclads (Monitor / Virginia) to nations so you can build ships with those hulls.
  4. The placeholder flag could be maybe related to governments? As I don't know if minor nations flag do change like major ones.
  5. Does the nation work in custom battle? Do you see the flag in the selector? You wrote that its not visible in most parts. This would allow at least some fun experiments there too.
  6. Ok good to know it's possible! I experimented with nations too. There seem to be minor and medium types. My tries to make Ottoman playable ended beeing stuck in the initial loading screen.
  7. As far I know a possible DLC is considered starting from 1860.
  8. I posted this in steam forum, but will place it here too: it would be really nice to get more settings in custom battles. It feels quite barebone currently with the lack of options it has. - ability to mix/use multiple designs of same class I would like to use more designs at once, instead of one design per class like its now It's not possible to have a leader destroyer and smaller destroyers in the same battle as example. - pickable weather and time settings sunny, night, calm, clear, cloudy, fog, rain, snow, storm, etc - start position towards the enemy advantage / disadvantage / equal / random - setable fuel states per side How much fuel do ships start with 0-100%, or random - multiple nations in one battle having battles like germany + italy vs britain + russia etc - tonnage/budget limit per side having settings for total tonage/budget limits per side, like for example gold in Total War custom battles. They can range from a custom number to no limit. - ability to use older ships in later years when I design a ship in 1890, why can't I use/select it in 1895? it's currently impossible to mix dreadnoughts with pre-dreads on one side for example. if you fear that the designer gets clustered you could organize the designs in folders which are sorted by year. - custom startpositions let people place own and/or enemy ships on the start, so if you save the battle, then you could share these "challenges" with other players. This feature could be also used in campaign battles as many asked for pre battle placement of fleets. - selectable minor nations as playable (for custom battles that is) this can be a great addition for the above mentioned, to create more custom scenarios/challanges with flavour.
  9. It's the ship avoidance command. If two ships are too close to each other they both stop and don't move. in 95% of the cases thats the reason. But I also have this sometimes even with avoidance off, then I have to turn it on and suddenly the ship speeds up with it's last remembered speed like it was stopped in time prior to this. Then you disable the avoidance again and suddenly the ship gets frozen again. It's quite strange.
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