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Everything posted by Lima

  1. I think it's still not as good as it was previously (1.09), but it's MUCH better than before this update.
  2. Army siesta I have been at war with France for 2 turns already and my army is not even thinking of increasing. A reborn Britain in peacetime has more.
  3. These are the type of events that I want to see.
  4. The thing is that I did not notice that an invasion from different directions into the same province somehow affected the effectiveness of the battle. It's all like different battles that are completely unrelated to each other. I mean, if the army had invaded with 5 million soldiers from one direction, it would have achieved more success.
  5. So far, there is no way to choose a minor to attack.
  6. Space battleships with space marines are ready
  7. I carried out another massacre called the landing. The situation is strange - my army was quite comparable to the US army, but the losses were still very high. The fourth landing was successful. Then the US lived for another year and eventually broke up. They lost very few transports, because all these hundreds sunk in battles do not count.
  8. European bordergore, 1912 (1890 start). In fact, this is far from the worst map I've seen. In this one country has not captured so much. Only the southern provinces and Galicia remained of the "Austro-Hungarian Empire", their army is 5 times inferior to the French, but every French offensive in Galicia ends in one turn. This massacre has been going on for 6 years, they have few battles at sea and few VP, although the French fleet is the second most powerful in the world (after mine). Germany and Italy tried to revive many times, but immediately disintegrated. Perhaps this is because parts of these countries have been captured. Britain was reborn 4 years after its collapse.
  9. I understand that the struggle inside Florida will be a HUGE problem. But I don't need to capture the center, I need ports. Then, I think the population will support me. My empire has a stable economy, and theirs...Yes, communism. Also, the coastal fortifications of the US are not comparable to what was in Normandy. There are a lot of unprotected beaches. But in any case, on the seventh landing, the empire of Pain won. My losses are huge, but it doesn't matter, now the entire population of the Gulf is Spanish. I am very surprised that they are not trying to throw me into the sea. I expected an attack from all sides, but the US does not make a counterattack, and neither does my army. So I decided to make another massacre called the landing.
  10. With the full support of a fleet consisting of all possible classes of ships, with qualitative superiority, I expect to capture at least the coast. No one is asking the army to run into positions with their bare hands. But my losses speak as if that's what they're doing. This does not mean that their army in this particular place will be larger than mine. It's impossible to get them all to Florida. Thanks to the supply from the sea, my logistics should be much better. History example - Second Sino-Japanese War. You can say bruh, the US is much stronger than China. Historically, obviously yes. But in this game, the US has lost four wars since 1890, and SPain feels great. My GDP is larger than that of the US.
  11. After many years of preparation and destruction of the entire US fleet, I was able to make a landing. And I lost, for the third time. I do not know what else needs to be done to win. Of course, my army is smaller. But I can't do anything about it. Just look at this nonsense. I just don't have the words. What else should I do?
  12. My fleet was attacked by one destroyer. This time I did the battle manually. She was running. I found out that for some reason all my ships, except battleships, abandoned the TF. Why? Naval invasions are hell. All the problems that we have been talking about for a long time are coming together into one. Something absolutely incredible is happening with TFs. You can't be sure whether your ships will be at the right point on the next turn or not. You don't know how they will behave. They don't care about orders. RNG damage bug. If there is a TF that will obey orders and hold a position, this bug will destroy it. The enemy just needs to scratch your ships, and then run away. Submarines. They stop your ships and take very little damage. Mines. Okay, in general, this aspect works well. However, there is one problem. When a ship is laying mines inside a port, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. They're just invulnerable, and you can't attack the port. Even if this port is being invaded right now.
  13. I do not receive reports on the battle (a sheet where such and such a ship is damaged, such and such is sunk). I usually didn't care about that, but then an incident happened... My 16 CAs 4CLs are stationed near the port on an invasion mission. They were attacked by ONE destroyer. I didn't get the battle report, but I got a long crew rescue sheet...When I looked at the state of the TF, I was horrified. More than half of the ships are heavily damaged. I don't even know if they sank that destroyer. Meanwhile This is the last major US navy TF. I have a TF of 2BBs 4CAs 4CLs 12DDs and they are not able to notice the US Navy. And of course the super DD attacked my fleet again. I did the fight manually, she run away. Now most of my fleet has 90% damage. FIX THE BUG WITH RNG DAMAGE, PLEASE.
  14. @Nick Thomadis Are transports sunk in battle counted in the "transport capacity"? Recently, 10 of my transports were sunk in battle, but my transport capacity remained 200%. Also, I have sunk a huge number of US transports (I have 500K VP), but it doesn't look like it has affected them in any way.
  15. Ships with a mine module install them when they are in your port during the war.
  16. Sooner or later, all AI become communists. There is a very good modifier for rebellion, so they are not so worried about constant defeats. Without the participation of the player (without a very strong beating), AI will never give up being a communist. And this is a problem, given the absolutely unplayable -GDP modifier for communists, AI grows very slowly, even at high difficulty.
  17. What I don't like most about this is the inconsistency. I fought the fleet consisting of shared design ships and as a result, all my ships were seriously damaged (20-40% damage). The repair priority is "Very High". And... my TF does not return to the port, it stands quietly in place. Considering that a bug with RNG damage awaits them in the next battle, this is a problem. And at the same time, a fleet with a repair priority of "Very Low" can return to port after one battle in which it will not even receive damage.
  18. Did it just now, continuous session. 1890 January 1892
  19. When I first concentrated 100,000 tons in the region, I pressed the invasion button, but nothing happened. Since then, the button has been gray.
  20. Has anyone managed to land on the main territory of the US?
  21. We don't have a land border, but it doesn't matter.
  22. I want to overthrow the government and establish a dictatorship. I have hundreds of hours in Victoria 2, I can definitely handle it.
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