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Everything posted by Lima

  1. My Italian 1920 campaign survived until 1934, when the world descended into an endless war and the save broke.
  2. It looks like the eternal war is back. I'm fighting against Britain and France. Britain made peace, but remained an ally with France. The next turn is war. Works and vice versa.
  3. Italy can't take a breath. Even if you defeat this monster, it will blow up your game.
  4. The British Space Empire can afford it (population lol).
  5. Battles with submarines are still trash One submarine against four the newest top ASW experienced DDs
  6. This is very noticeable on ships from SD. The AI should simply improve fire control, replace shells, etc like IRL.
  7. The maximum range affects the amount of fuel in custom battles. 100% is an almost unattainable value.
  8. Austria-Hungary is the main protagonist, confirmed.
  9. 4. Click on another hull, you can create a new ship. The button doesn't work, yes. It is possible to make non-symmetrical ships,, choose one of the side turrets, move it and remove it.
  10. I know. This is shown in the interface. Far-right/left, absolute monarchy have monstrous debuffs to GDP growth. Previously, a difference of 10% GDP growth was enough to lead the world at a long distance. Now one country can have +30%, and the other -35% (-45% communism lol). It's completely out of balance. All your naval victories mean nothing. Your country will be in ruins simply because you have such a government. You could take over Iraq/Venezuela, so that oil somehow corrects the situation, but this is the will of RNG. The only option when playing for these countries is extensive expansion. And as always, this is a problem not so much for the player as for the AI. As soon as the enemy country gets one of these governments, it is doomed.
  11. 5 - try the USSR. They never have money and the economy is not growing. I call it unplayable government, but for hardcore it will go. 6 -that's right, every country has design preferences. You can enable random behavior and use shared designs.
  12. I am quite satisfied with the hulls, but there is one almost empty spot. I don't often play for the US since this is easy mod. But it seems to me that many of your average buyers will play for the US (and this is the best country for beginners). The US has huge problems with dreadnought hulls. I think before the release you can add at least standard battleships. The rest I'm ready to buy in the dlc.
  13. I had a long fight. During the whole fight, I saw only a couple of hits in the main belt. Everything hits into the deck from any distance. I assume that the mortar trajectory is an attempt by the developers to correct hits to other ships. Well, I can say that there really are much fewer such hits. However, the price for this is absolutely broken shooting mechanics.
  14. I know. But the fact that I couldn't make peace so many times, I've never had this before.
  15. I can't make peace. I have agreed to make peace with different countries more than ten times, but this has not happened.
  16. Now there was a battle where my BCs fought with enemy BBs. The distances varied from 1km to 10km. My BCs are poorly armored, but neither they nor the enemy BBs have received a single penetration into the belt or deck. Pens were only in casemates and superstructure. Reject AP embrace HE spam.
  17. Something very strange is happening with pens...I am continuing the campaign from beta 20. Then I easily punched these ships. I've made hundreds of hits in fore/aft belt with 100mm armor.
  18. Shared design (SD) report First, as @Stealth17 said you can't fight with a SD ship on your side in custom battles. The enemy ship from SD is perfectly registered. I'm making a pack for 1910 start. No matter what I do, AI never takes the design of destroyers. I think the reason is that there are no sonars in SD before 1911. 1910 1911 The campaign for 1910 start has sonar technology and AI considers it very important, so it does not take destroyers without sonar. Special: This is what AI built in 1910. Please teach AI equip to mine hunter! We don't have this technology, but the ship is still built. I have a lot of questions about how exactly SD works. I made ships only for 1908. AI sometimes did not choose them, although there was more than enough technology. In other cases, it always chose them. I made ships for 1906-1910 so that I always had ships at the start. But how will AI build ships in the future? Can it build a 1910 ship in 1912?
  19. Close locations for torpedoes - Chinese "Medium cruiser"
  20. Restart the game urgently. I had such bugs, it's very bad.
  21. Soviet super thick 102-127mm guns have been fixed, but some new guns are also susceptible to this problem 127>152
  22. Open as txt What does it look like in my Spanish save: "government":1,"mainParty":1,"percentByParty":[0.0,0.0,0.0,100.0,0.0] Government. 0 - absolute monarchy, 1 - constitutional monarchy, 2 - democracy. MainParty. 0 is far-right and 4 is far-left, everything else between them. PercentByParty. I think it works the same way.
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