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Everything posted by neph

  1. Ah, got it. I'm comparing the pre 1.0.9 (?) economy with the current one, then.
  2. Exactly what I mentioned. Just lower the overall money at the start. We simply amass money during war with no regard to cost & cannot spend it all during peace. Personally, I quite liked the vanilla economy balance, and appreciated having to juggle active navy & ship mothballing during peace.
  3. Bug with invasions. I am invading a province. A revolt starts. I win it. Soon, the revolt succeeds (against the weak former controller) & I lose the province.
  4. Also, I think autoloaders should be heavier & provide much more of a step-up in firing rate. Going from +15% to +20% is extremely underwhelming, & the light weight means you slap them on everything. If it was twice as heavy as a normal gun but fired ~2.5x as fast, it'd be absolutely worth it in some cases, but not always.
  5. I think there's too much money still. As France in 1910, I've been able to just slam the slider to the right & have everybody on sea control through war or peace. Haven't sold or scrapped a ship & am only limited by shipyard limits. Sure, I run a deficit during peace, but with between 1 and 2 billion always on hand, it doesn't matter. Suggest nerfing the economy by between ~5-15%.
  6. I think you misread. Battlecruiser weapons (11-12") that have semi-ballistic or other high-penetration HE, will fire HE at me because their AP cannot pen. When they do, their high-penetration, high caliber HE achieves a full penetration on my stern/bow. When that happens, components inside my citadel are damaged. They will quickly kill the entire ship by shooting at my bow, without ever being able to achieve a main penetrating hit. This is unrealistic because in real life, the citadel has a front & back to it, so explosions in the bow/stern do not damage the interior of the citadel.
  7. Another, related example. Clearly, my opponent's 14.1" shells are only getting partials. Good! So why is it that when the main tower is hit, suddenly the entire front of the ship explodes, down into the machinery spaces? All this damage is from a single hit... to the superstructure. You can observe the same issue with funnels. Frequently, my battleships will hit an enemy's funnel & the whole ship goes up. It's not right. Damage bleed is good, but not from outside the citadel to inside the citadel.
  8. Whoops, I didn't mean to post that in this topic. My bad. No, because nobody is putting 10+" of armor in those sections. My point isn't about protecting the extended parts of the ships--if you choose to armor them, that's your decision. The issue is that if they're destroyed, the citadel starts to become destroyed. That shouldn't happen. It simultaneously makes realistic sall-or-nothing designs pointless (even the Iowa has ~1.5" of splinter protection) while requiring you to never armor those sections at all, because you'd better have 0" to guarantee an overpen, as any damage will destroy critical protected parts of the ship.
  9. Damage bleed is cool, but not from unarmored sections to the citadel. Ok, they blew my bow off with HE because they can't pen my citadel. That's absolutely fair. But because they keep landing hits on the destroyed extended sections, it should NOT destroy protected sections deeper in the ship. That's absurd. This is the fourth capital ship I've lost in this campaign to enemy battlecruisers shooting <12" HE. I'm going to start putting exactly 0 armor on extended sections and see if that saves it. We need a front/back box to the citadel. https://imgur.com/dOHoQ
  10. There's a difference between building up the sides of a hull with panels to increase the freeboard & stretching the height of every deck. There's a difference between adding larger torpedo bulges & widening the frame of the vessel. One is a (relatively) modest job, the other involves deconstructing the entire ship & rebuilding it as essentially a new hull with the same components. I think there's also a game balance argument that would say constraints drive interesting decisions. Being able to freely refit your old 12" BB with a new 13.8" setup is bad enough, but when it's enabled because you can find the extra displacement from maxing out the beam & draft sliders, that's bad game design. You should have to choose between designing a new vessel or reducing the scope of your refit ambition. My personal take.
  11. I'm afraid that's not how buoyancy calculations work. Heavy machinery doesn't mean that the segment displaces less water. If you've got heavy machinery, it doesn't matter if it's submerged in water or not--it contributes to the mass of the hull. As long as the weight (of the mass) of the hull does is exceed by the weight (of the mass) of the displaced water, the ship stays afloat. I think they're treating each segment as displacing the same amount, when in reality the stern-most sections should displace less than the center sections, and the bow sections displace much less.
  12. One thing that doesn't seem to be entirely modeled is that the width of the hull varies. The majority of the buoyancy is in the widest part of the hull, but the game seems to treat every segment as equivalent.
  13. 0. How on earth do we sill have convoy raids ending before they are all killed!?! Fixed! Thanks devs. 1. It is crazy that having both dual- and triple-barreled turrets still gives the "mixed barrels" accuracy penalty. Needs to be fixed. 2. We need to be able to accelerate time more freely. 3. We need more freedom over formations. What is a "loose" screen in 1890 is far too tight for 1940. Perhaps change the spacing toggle to a distance slider we can set in km? 4. We need front/back citadel armor (probably for citadel III & higher). Right now, an enemy that cannot penetrate your armor is the most dangerous. They will shoot you with HE & destroy you by penning your bow & stern. Damage bleed means your ship's protected spaces will rapidly become destroyed & then flood. 5. Number of hulls, beam/draft, and citadel type must be locked during refits. Possibly armor type, number of bulkheads, and barbette class. 6. Spotting needs to be increased to 150-200% of what it currently is. 7. We need a "hold formation" toggle to prevent ships from falling out of line when they take damage! 8. Please make the "reverse" button turn red when you hover your mouse of it, and/or move it away from the "attach or remove from division" button. 9. We MUST be able to share ship designs on the steam workshop! 10. Moving to ports is very buggy. If the tooltip pops up, I should always go to that port. In practice, I end up very often right next to it. 11. Moving a superstructure with barbettes/funnels attached *STILL* somehow doesn't move the turrets on those barbettes or funnels. Extremely annoying. 12. (Not sure) It seems like the width of the hull is not taken into account for buoyancy calculations. There should be a lot more floating percentage in the middle of the hull than in the bow. It seems like every segment is treated the same, which should not be the case. 13. Mothballing a ship is STILL cancelled by "add crew". Impossible to fight a war & still have ships mothballed. 14. This is supposedly the final release. Do you really want all that "aim info" in the side panel? Should we really be able to know what every component of the enemy ship is? Should we know exactly when they fire torpedoes? Is this game really finished? Anyways, should probably hide all that stuff (& eventually build an espionage system). God, this game is not release-ready. 15. Higher tech levels should have a "counterflooding" technology which reduces or prevents roll due to flooding. 16. The AI really really really needs to prioritize ship balance more. It's very rare that it comes up with a design capable of landing first hits. 17. Needs to be an "offer for sale" button in the Fleet tab. Also, you need to counteroffer a minor power with "what about this different design" or "how about this ship I already have built?" 18. Need to be able to armor the steering gear, the same way we can armor the conning tower. 19. Must investigate why battleships achieve disproportionate numbers (>90%) of deck hits vs cruisers at short (<5km) range. 20. Need to have fore/aft pitch effects due to flooding. Bow flooding ought to cause far more of a slowdown than stern flooding, due to being bow-down. 21. Naval invasions are very strange. You can be invading an army of ~300 men with overwhelming (~300,000ts in a ~30,000-ton-required invasion) force, and still fail after 6 months. 22. Deck hits are still broken (see #20). Please do away with deck vs belt and just simulate the angle of the hit. Right now, a ship with very low freeboard ONLY gets deck hits, even at very very close range! 23. We need some kind of intelligence system to find out what our opponents have/are building before we face them in combat. Everything else I have is more extensive than a must-fix item (eg: we need distinct turret models/sizes for single vs triple turrets), so I won't include them here.
  14. Agreed with all your points. Even loose is way too tight usually
  15. I am consistently getting wrecked by ships that can't punch through my armor & end up blowing my ship to bits with HE through the bow/stern.
  16. If you make two scout divisions they'll set up one to your port & one to your starboard. As you make more they'll fill in more. I think the terminology is a little weird. "Screen" is very much in the modern carrier-based task force concept of the word, insofar as it produces a circular formation surrounding the screened division. "Scout" produces a single line, which, if it were always between you & the enemy, would be exactly a classical screen. Honestly, they should probably reverse the name of the commands. To get what you want, assign them to "screen" with loose spacing. The only problem then is that while "screening" ships seem very eager to go run off & independently engage the enemy. While "scouting" they are much more disciplined. I've lost all hope to see any of this changed, however. I don't think the devs have any interest in refining these features any longer beyond minor tweaks. Systems that need a complete overhaul are probably never being touched in that depth. Seems like it's bug fixes & then DLC from here on out.
  17. This isn't this-mod-specific, but it is a lot more relevant with the overpen changes. Packing punchy HE (S-B) is insanely powerful for killing battleships. Throw it at them until you get an extended pen or two. Massive HP damage & at least 2-3 compartments flooding. The excess damage bleeds over to the main belt. Now your AP can punch through. Long story short: don't bring too much armor to a brawl. The AI will start throwing HP, and they will win. We really need a model for the front & back of the citadel. It's bonkers that HP that would pop harmlessly on the belt ruins the machinery spaces just because it went through the bow first.
  18. Battleship guns should overpen! That's fine. I just can't even get a pen with a 2" firing nose fuse
  19. Ships should NEVER leave their formation to go the back of one that's following them. I just lost yet another battleship because it got a little too much damage & decided to pull out of line to enter the following division of CLs that I was trying to bring into the fight from across the map without micromanagement. Even though I caught it immediately, it was already too late: out of formation, angled wrong, & giving up the chase vs the enemy battlecruiser that I'd just spend 45 IRL minutes chasing, it shows its bow to the foe in close quarters & gets destroyed. When ships decide to change formation *without player input* they cross their own T with the enemy & get wrecked through the fore belt. This "feature" has got to go. (or at least have a "hold formation" toggle)
  20. Wow! Ships hold formation through turns! Even in complex formations! Never thought I'd see the day. Great work
  21. Interesting side effect: god it is hard to kill transports now. Can you say overpens?
  22. default settings for shells should be equal, not max HE should not be able to change beam, draft, citadel type, or # of hulls during refit
  23. Literally just pop the "end battle" button up. If you want to go hunt transports down you can. I literally just lost a BB to this--1930s campaign, my battleship had struck their BB at ~20 km with a few nasty deck punches & it was ready to sink. Told the BB to hold fire & my escorts went after the transport. Well, their BB recovered & sank me with some lethal long-range deck hits of her own. I would have certainly won that fight if I'd been firing--my accuracy was far higher & I'd already drawn first blood--but I couldn't take their battleship out of the fight without killing it outright. This game is NOT ready for release.
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