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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Bart Smith


    Sorry Brits on Roberts - TS is down and we try contact provider asap
  2. Dont know yours expectations about Naval Action but i surly dont want another game similar to WoT or War Thunder. I want complex sandbox open world game based of great sea combat model with player driven economy and conquest. Hoping for that kind of game i bought pre order. If game will look like War Thunder or WoT i will be very disapointed. I have no fun at all playing with random poeple in random battles without comms. Thats what worry me a bit noticed earlier by somebody: even great sea combat it only sea combat and may be boring after few weeks of playing. This game HAVE to be something more something that PotBS wanted to be in past but much much better imo. And i know this will take a lot of developers time but no rush here...do what need to be done in peoper oder
  3. Jako ze forum PotBS nie dziala ciagle zapraszam do dyskusji tu: http://www.unitedpolishnavy.4umer.pl/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=17
  4. Hope early next year Ill join questions about how we get ships after relase of game without building them?
  5. How many times i have to say: i dont liked PotBS avacom...its suxx on every possible level:) I WANT sometning WAY better in Naval Action
  6. Well that is sometning well known already:)
  7. Ok i see your point now:) all i want to say that i want see my capitain as a 3d character and if possible i want fight during boarding
  8. Hi there My question is: how many people work curentlly on Naval Action and how many of 3d ship modellers you got atm? Cheers
  9. I will be luckiest person if i get key for xmas:)
  10. Game acording to developers plans at the end supposed to be sandbox with open world and conquest so for me its natural that will be boarding in it just as third phase of development as far i know. Weapons used by british infranty and navy: http://www.katetattersall.com/?p=4879 And again how poor rats will be fight when will be no boarding in game? That was main tactics for pirates and even from comercial side of whole game im pretty sure that developers dont want loose lot of players who always dream about be a "pirate" and take prizes...
  11. Recomend that website descriptions Trafalgar and many others battles: http://www.britishbattles.com/waterloo/battle-trafalgar.htm
  12. I understand that many of you no need avatar combat in NA from different reasons (boarding - to be specific). But nobody can disagree that boarding was VERY important part of naval warfare those days and as a "proper" game Naval Action should have it in my opinion. I also hate PotBS style boarding - which i was avoid as much as i can but to get complete naval fight game (i mean NA) boarding have to be in it. Not sure how this should be look like but again we got so many clever an beloved players here so share your ideas about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_boarding
  13. Spain? never! I was thinking more about Dutch if they not implement Poland into game
  14. Same here but i dont want play overpopulated nation. Maybe we will vote after. We will see...
  15. Bart Smith


    If anybody still playing and yours society/clan/guild have website put adress here and ill will add to our website as a link: http://www.upnonline.info. Cheers
  16. Hanseatic League on Northen Europe (multinantional) Main area covered from Holland to Inflants (Estonia currently) Here is a map: And here is map of trade main trade routes for Hanse: And interesting fact: Hanseatic League got biggest vessel of era: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adler_von_L%C3%BCbeck Even in hard times for our country we got: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kompania_Handlowa_Polska DUTCH: http://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/eng/ch2en/conc2en/map_VOC_Trade_Network.html NORTH AMERICA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudson's_Bay_Company FRANCE: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/219044/French-East-India-Company
  17. Bart Smith


    LOL Portalus put halloween content into game:) And guys hold tight now: after u finish missions and get special loot to exchange for special items ...U CANT:) becasue you have to be meber of Captains Club (subsription for those who never played PotBS) but there is only one problem they removed Capitans Club over year ago!? Massive LOL for developers + i was trying few weeks contact them and ask about NEW patch...no reply...i never liked how they treat players but...come on:) Players alwas will ask hard questions ...and you (PORTALUS GAMES) hide head in sand...grow up!
  18. All we want is devs telling us: u can download game tomorrow 12am;-) ouch wake up Bart! At leady give us updates much often pls;-)
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