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Everything posted by Suts

  1. Interesting bug I've come across in my 1900 start German campaign with your excellent mod. I've unlocked the Mk 4 8-inch guns and the base barrel length is 6 calibres long, and the performance is proportionally lacking as well.
  2. Can we the player have more control over our nation's diplomacy? I've had two campaigns in a row suddenly declare peace as I'm a turn or two away from annexing a major region from an enemy, despite all my best efforts to decline any peace treaties ! The first being Manchuria playing as Japan and just now Hungary and Croatia playing as Italy, both with 1900 starts. The game is at it's most frustrating when crucial information is not relayed to the player and player choice is completely neglected.
  3. Having the exact same issues, I've given up on actually trying to play and enjoy the game until this gets resolved, anything larger than a small skirmish is just impossible to play without it devolving into a hopeless, un controllable blender of ships.
  4. Tension mechanics working as intended I suppose ))) No but seriously we need to have more direct control over Diplomacy, targeting certain nations we want to go to war with as well as being able to force negotiations after a hilariously one sided but never ending war.
  5. Park a task force in the South China Sea, it should build tension against the Japanese and Russians and you'll be at war in a matter of turns, this is how I've instigated wars as the Japanese.
  6. Im having issues with CA hulls not firing their main armament at all. I have a Myoko style Heavy Cruiser in my 1920s Japan campaign with 5x2 8.2-inch/50 mk.IV guns and when providing full broadside to an enemy only one turret forward and occasionally one aft would engage, the rest would aim, track but never fire despite being loaded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2P3X5boKi4 As you can see the Secondaries have no problem lighting up the target but the main guns just refuse to fire at all, and when they do they never do so in salvos.
  7. One of the main reasons I much prefer playing Japan and Italy over anyone else at the moment in the campaign is precisely because of their decent variety of unique cruiser hulls and structures. I'd like to see a proper Leander, Town/Crown Colony and County class Hulls, super structures and Turrets for the RN, Omaha, Brooklyn and Northampton types for the US, as well as more varied destroyer hull and turret types. Cruisers also need a lot of rebalancing especially when it comes to speed and armour, you can easily make 35+ kn light cruisers with near enough 6 inches of armour all over the hull on ~8,000 tonnes displacement going from around the mid 1920s onwards, which is completely ludicrous. This obviously takes back seat to making the campaign work and getting a solid interactable diplomacy system in place (please let me take the enemy to the negotiating table if i've crushed their entire fleet and blockaded them for 3 years.)
  8. For the love of all that is good stop with the bloated feature creep. Fix and refine what you currently have and then drip-feed in new features that are actually meaningful and engaging. There are still plenty of issues with balancing of certain hull types, gun calibres etc in the ship designer that have been around for ages and don't seem to being addressed. Why are the Refitted Dreadnought hulls so ridiculously heavy? Why am I able to have 5,000 tonne light cruisers with good speed, heavy torpedo armament, guns and covered all over in 6 inches of armour plate? Why do ships magically teleport to random ports? Why are 12" guns laser accurate and why are guns in excess of 16" completely useless? Why are guns just not to scale between different turret models? Seriously look at the insane size of French guns compared to say German styled turrets, it's absurd. These are issues that have been present in previous versions and haven't been addressed and I doubt they will at the current rate. Now we have to worry about the asinine """realistic""" fuel system, flaws in construction that are so hilariously disparaging I'm surprised all big gun battleships were able to set to sea in the first place, AI that doesn't want to engage at all. There are still plenty of systems in the campaign that need fixing and refining from 1.08 such as the questionable Fleet Tension mechanics, Diplomacy feeling absolutely useless, the AI just being braindead. The UK has this nasty habit of putting it's entire fleet in Cyprus for no good reason in 1.08, I shudder to imagine what ridiculous fleet manoeuvres the AI will pull with the entire Globe at it's disposal. Please stop slapping on more features that inevitably cause more issues and make previous flaws even worse and work with what you have first.
  9. It's about as reasonable as running around with 38kn+ destroyers in 1910. The 8" was a testbed from the late 1970s, far from the scope of the game. The DD hulls we have in game struggled to handle guns in the 6-inch range, I'm all for more freedom in design but it is best to temper the more outlandish modifications for regular play. Tweaking other adjustments such as crew surrender seems questionable as well, I doubt warships from the period could be combat effective with less than half the crew available and I'm curious as to your reasoning for up to 5 inches of armour on transports and the hilarious number of guns. The changes to the shipyard and research tree however are much appreciated and definitive improvements over vanilla.
  10. Interesting bug, what was a perfectly fine Destroyer starting the battle with 0% structural integrity. I guess what people say about the structural integrity of post WW1 German Destroyers is true.
  11. Spent my day honestly frustrated with the campaign, funding is ass-backwards and completely random, some games will start off balanced, others the AI will have in excess of 20 or even 30 battleships or over 50 CAs, combined with the still appalling AI designer that puts a huge emphasis on torpedoes and giving their capital ships next to no armour, I'm feeling pretty burned out on the campaign right now.
  12. This, I hate doing 1930+1940s campaigns just because the AI will deadass slap on 8x quintuple launchers per side on cruisers and they suffer next to nothing for it, there needs to be a hard limit imposed on the AI designer for torpedoes on cruisers, as well as taking so many an actual liability as it was historically.
  13. same campaign, battleship with single bottom and anti-torp II, it took one hit to make it go the way of the HMS Queen Mary.
  14. Destroyer hulls seem excessively tanky once again, this hull is crippled sure but it took 3x 19-inch mark 2 torpedoes in quick succession and is still in remarkable condition all things considered, that is enough to outright sink a cruiser in my experience, or cripple battleships with strong anti-torpedo protection.
  15. A well co-ordinated mass torpedo strike works wonders, the AI is very efficient at dodging in skirmishes, but in large engagements they are pretty poor. I find 1920 and 1940 campaigns to be dominated by effective use of torpedoes, which is a testament to just how absolutely bonkers they are right now, with how easy it is to just cover hulls in torpedoes for relatively little cost.
  16. There's a popular thread here all about the wild and wacky things the AI can come up with, as for an example here's Germany's Armoured Cruiser of choice, it isn't especially egregious compared to other cruisers I've seen the AI build (try a 1910s Light Cruiser hull, with the deck absolutely covered in an absurd amount of 5" guns.) Compared to my Light Cruiser design of choice which vaguely resembles a squashed Leander with a rally big mast, but overall much more capable, 11 years older and on a much smaller displacement, something that I firmly believe needs to be balanced going forward. Here's the stat card for the German BB design for this campaign, much less capable and half the price of my own BB design, so on further reflection the economy doesn't seem to be as bad as I had first thought, but this is also not my regular approach for a 1920s campaign, going for a pseudo-fast Battleship and forgoing Battlecruisers, for comparison the AI's BC is around 32million per unit as well. End of the day hope this feedback is at least useful in some way.
  17. Funds seem really harsh and questionable in the current build, during the mid-point of the Beta it seemed very generous, able to have a healthy sized fleet alongside your opponents, now you're lucky to get a full battleship squadron with appropriate screening elements as the UK, let alone any of the other power, whilst your AI opponents are typically have able up to a dozen BBs, half a dozen BCs and over 20 CAs, and god forbid if you're in a 1930s+ campaign with each AI cruiser sporting 20+ torpedo tubes per side. Most recent 1920s campaign, Im meant to challenge that many German ships? With only a little over a Billion dollars? I'll be lucky to design a competitive BB design and get half a dozen, all whilst forgoing a much needed screening and escorts in the shape of cruisers. Starting economy is very questionable right now, during the beta it was admittedly far too generous, but now it seems far too harsh, especially with Austro-Hungary consistently having a MASSIVE fleet that it's 3 ports are frankly incapable of supporting. I have a feeling this is a band-aid solution to balance out the fact the AI often makes terrible capital ship designs during the campaign, the AI designer needs looking into much more, possibly with much harsher restrictions to give a semblance of historical design for each nation, as opposed to fleets of mostly clown cars.
  18. The groundwork for the campaign is there, but refinement is 100% necessary one what we currently have, kind of taken out of it when my Fleet concentrated in the Adriatic is somehow pulled all the way up north into a Fleet engagement in...the middle of Germany ? I know early tanks were called landships but this is ridiculous! Besides refinements to bugs affecting the campaign, I think you should follow up on the huge variety of new capital ship type hulls with more unique cruiser and destroyer designs, as they are mostly very bland and generic at the moment, and you can make some hilariously efficient builds compared to historically.
  19. AI needs a hard limit on the number of torpedoes it can bring to a single hull, 1930 and 1940 Campaigns are just unfun with how much the AI floods the sea with these things, latest offence was the standard CL of the Austro-Hungarians in a 1930 campaign with a 20 torpedo broadside PER SIDE. Cruisers as a whole, especially Light Cruisers, and Destroyers need a lot more focus going onwards in my opinion as far as new Hull types and balances in the Ship Designer are concerned, seem to be able to put way too much on a CL hull of 10,000 tonnes as compared to Historically as well as very little variety in hull types, superstructures and turret models, as well as some confusing choices such as Tribal class superstructures being in game but being unavailable to the British in my experience. Overall though loving the game as a whole and hope you boys keep up the good work.
  20. The Campaign is very buggy at the moment, I've been playing as the Italians, 1890 went by rather smoothly, but 1900 was 6 years of hitting Next Turn because the Austro-Hungarians just wanted to turtle until the British eventually collapsed due to Germany establishing a blockade, which ended the campaign. In my current 1910 game things are going exceptionally well for me, or at least they should be as I've completely destroyed any fleets the Astro-Hungarians have sent out (moving assets out of the Eastern Mediterranean seems to actually stop the AI from turbo-turtling so I can actually get some action) sinking several battleships and cruisers and having only lost a handful of destroyers in return, but the game is giving VP and Prestige the wrong away around. Also I was unaware of Austria-Hungary's extensive slipway capacity, able to have 30 ships, mostly Armoured Cruisers, in construction at any one time. I'm enjoying the changes added, especially with the added levels of customization for shells, I'm adoring my rapid firing hyper accurate 12" railguns, but the Campaign is approaching unplayable in some cases due to how bugged it is at the current moment, although this is a beta and completely understandable.
  21. First of all, very happy and pleased with the new content, finding the new missions in the naval academy quite the challenge if I say so myself. Capital ships are much tougher nuts to crack in gunnery duels now (which is generally good), but as mentioned in other posts the "soft-kill" features need a rework I feel, as well as a hard limit on the speeds some capital ships can go, 40+ knots is absurd for such warships. One thing however that hasn't been mentioned and I don't rightly know where to put this query but, I had built a Destroyer flotilla for the missions "Hurry up" and the lead vessel...blew itself up with it's own torpedoes. HMS Swan was sailing along, on her way to repel the attackers assailing the merchant convoy and then she spontaneously explodes, to one of her own torpedoes. Pic related is the build of the destroyer in question, who was currently sailing directly towards her target, i'll try to replicate results and post more findings, as well as my immaculate artist rendition of what I think happened. (I was so genuinely shocked that I looked at my monitor mouth agape, and forgot to pause the battle to take screenies of the ship report detailing that in fact the DD launched and hit itself with it's own torpedoes simultaneously.) edit: artist rendition is meant to say "stern" instead of bow.
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