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Everything posted by sRuLe

  1. Actually not if GameLabs gets the 4" and up to 6" guns working properly. One squadron of a well armed escort CL's fitted with radar can do a tons of damage to those DD/TB "torp&warp" things... if only they are not heading 40+ knots to target. Plus to that my idea to have Repair and Supply Transport would fit to good multiplayer team play.
  2. You mean Tillman vs Tillman? Nobody asking for restrictions, just for smarter displacement use, that's all. Btw, smart displacement allow you to throw against one Tillmans Behemoth two or more well protected and well armed ships to simple outgun and outprotect such "Yamatolike". Any way on same 100k tons of displacement you can build a swarm of Torpwhores and simply turn surrounding waters into a pond full of sharks. But that is much easier to do with more customization. Believe me you can build a DD/TB with 16-24 torpedoes in a single salvo that can have an speed reaching 42-44 knots and few gun mounts.
  3. AA in NF was manually controlled... it was just an secondary armament loaded with AA Proximity Shells. And by the way planes wasn't endless like in WoWS.
  4. If it still afloat, like KMS Bismarck IRL... it can be even 0%, until it floats. I'll be whole relentless it self than.
  5. Depends of aircraft controls, amount of planes in a charge and possibility of their armament customization. If it will turn numbers like in NavyField, CV's will be deadly... cause getting an 80-100 attack planes in the air in a single go against a single target, yes they do overkill. If it'll be like in WoWS, than CV class just be a fat, large, tasty target to everything that got some gun on board. According to our "meta" these'll be pretty large CV's in game. But I also imagine what a size subs people will make against.😹
  6. Absolutely agree with you. As example is funnel damage... Yes, it's true in the age of Pre-Dreadnoughts where forced vents and forced boilers wasn't widely used. But Since 1908 most of a ship are designed with forced exhaust vents. Which means... you can shoot-off the funnel and there will be just more smoke around the deck. Another thing is hull damage. If we talking about capital ships with capital armor... there is armor belt that protect waterline. If we talk about CA/CL/DD, yap, damage to hull in waterline level can do impact on sea keeping. All over the waterline, just burn or get destroyed without major impact on stuff below the main deck. That's why we got 2 major figures in the game: - Structural Strength in % - Floating Capacity in % That is more than enough. Ending a Structural Strength make ship brake apart. Ending of a Floating Capacity, a ship starts to sail like a brick. Both of them already does impact on a model, modules, artillery accuracy it's ROF, speed and turn of a ship.
  7. And immediately sunk due Structural Damage. Depends what cracked, hull sheets or it's rig... in second case it's an immediate flooding and sinking. But some seems right... flooding slows down the ship, give it a list that can turn into capsizing. Overall it s all called... COLLATERAL DAMAGE. After primary damage done by shelling. Fires by explosion of HEshes, Internal fires called as a result of APS/CPS hits and damage to internals, underline penetrations and overpens that cause a flooding. That's all is just an consequences not a major cause.
  8. Plus to that DCR says: - Can't handle it, seal it cutting from an air supply.
  9. Not exactly... only flooding that can be caused by fire, is flooding made by extinguishing the fire with water without bringing a countermeasures to pump it back into the sea. Most of the structural armor and hardened steel on ships have degradation temps from around 1600-1800 degrees by Celsius, not less. Oil fire without air-burn blast forcing actually burns under 1100 degrees max. So I vote rather NO than Yes.
  10. Ohhh... Thanks, didn't know that! So it's just an such compact turret design. I always thought that french quads are twin-bolted together two-guns turret)))
  11. First, "stealth" is kind a myth... if you know about such thing like Radio Wave Dispersion. If single pointed radar can be tricked, than multiple triangulated radars can't. So whats happened to few F/A-117 in sky of Yugoslavia, when they got shoot down by aged SAM-9 AA missile. There is no actual stealth at all, it depends of a length an frequency of a radio wave, and the yield of an emitter. Exactly, CV's are just floating Airfields. Yes and No. Modern drones, and I talking about what was made by US and Soviets during period from 1965 to 1988 are already able to take more firepower than F-18 or Su-33, plus to that lost of one does not meant loss of a expensive, highly trained crew. And modern drones are actually are even more versatile than any conventional plane and helicopter. The biggest yet example of a large "attack drone-helicopter" was Ka-50, which actually is a semi-robot until project was closed. There is a "funny" moment about that, I can tell you and show you how that works, but it doesn't fit this thread. Downside of a Unmanned Aircraft is ECM(Electronic Counter Measures) or even creation of an GEMC(Global ECM) System... just push the button and whole population of Earth gonna sit without YouTube and Facebook for a while. Depends only by missile size and size of a missile platform. If CVN can carry only around 90 planes of all sorts, than a missile carrier of an equal size as CVN, can carry an 11 time more payload. It means... 800 to 1200 pieces of ammunition on CVN against 5000-8000 pieces of ammunition of an Arsenal Ship. And the Arsenal Ship can carry around 30-100 pieces of an full ballistic strategic missiles. What it means? It means that Arsenal Ship can destroy a few CVN's with all their escort in a single salvo even in non-nuclear configuration Actually not. Cause missile DD can not be protected enough. Most of modern MDD's are a single shot target. That's why US an USSR got a bunch of.B-1, F-111 and Tu-22 bombers with cruise and anti-ship missiles, just to destroy "enemy" MDD not even entering the "death section" of MDD's AA arsenal. Plus to that both have a loads of Attack Nuclear Submarines to "rack and pack" MDD's by dozens. Since creation of USS Roger Moore and few years after an K-222(K-162 Gold Fish), the subs which underwater speed was from 34 up to 44 knots(faster than torpedo) MDD's become something kamikaze-alike glass cannon, powerful but fragile. As far is known during Cold War both sides was projected and tested elements of design for an Arsenal Ships with displacement starting from 130k long-tons (empty weight). Exactly. They where operating on Pacific in a tactical groups by 3-4 CV together. Rather, their "payload per minute" was much less that any BB of same time. As example... payload of TBD's squadron was literally equal by weight to a full broad side salvo of an USS Iowa BB. If Iowa can repeat it more times, CV need to land it's planes, refuel and re-arm them. Btw, to sink a BB there where needed much more effort putted in than sunk CV... Just take a look on how many planes used to sunk Yamato, how RAF sunk Tirpitz(3 direct hit of an 12 ton heavy Grandslams and 4 near hits of them), how long it took to sunk Bismark, with what was sunk Rome(3 hit by 2 tons heavy guided bombs Fritz-X), even good old USS Arizona got 7 hits before 500kg AP Bomb struck a 14" gun turret roof and fall into magazines. And we not talking about IJN Nagato who been as a test target for Crossroads Test, which was towed away and sunk only after by US destroyer 3 torpedoes. What I'm talking about is... Some people over-estimating the CV as a class, forgetting the fate of Taiho, Yorcktown and Royal Arc where a single torpedo from the sub put a thick large cross on a class it self in the future. Cause, the opportunity of a class is evaluated by the cheapness and the effectiveness of the way to do it's end. Which actually didn't happened with BB's when torpedo boats/destroyers come out on scene since Robert Whitehead designed his torpedo. I'm also fan of a Flattops, but I clearly know who was made to dominate the seas and who wear the crown now... and that is not a CV.
  12. The french is actually is Two-Twin Single Gun Bed(Cradle) Mount... For example US Navy in New Mexico class BB's used Triple-Single Bed Gun Mounts on 14"/52 guns. Which mean that all guns in a "single bed" elevated together and can't be elevated separately Such "single bed/cradle" mount actually weight on 35% less than separate gun elevation turret. And... Yes, Pure Quad is only british KGV class BB's.
  13. Navy Field: Resurrection of the Steel Fleet it's French level 120 BB6 MN Charlemagne, also know as a "carrot".
  14. Let's make a results: - Most of a population here wants a Wide Single Player with Massive Campaign Editor, to play without "kids", trolls etc.Cause tired of spending, meta changing and wasting money for a wrong product saturation. Am-I-rite? About 53% of UAD wants one or another way an Multiplayer Options, but not MMO like. Some, about 34% want an Official Server to play with trades, leader boards and gilds(don't spell dilds). So, what I think... let's go the way like Sierra when launched World In Conflict. The game has all, Campaign, Editor, and Multiplayer. What do you think guy's?
  15. Oh... not exactly like old EVE))) Just add Multiplayer. And btw I mostly agree with you, just want an option to play against those lousy humans👿 For such thing like robbits I got Mech Warrior Online. Add a one set for me to basket.
  16. So much effort on the "going class" such as CV's. They where good at their time, today for example missile ship, or dron-carrier can obliterate modern carrier with whole his support group. Plus to that CV it's a massive floating grave for from 2500 up to 7000 sailors on board. Some one just forgot the fate of Taiho, Yorcktown and Royal Arc. CV is just a step, and not suitable for same war theaters. If in Pacific CV's done the major job, than in Atlantic they done almost nothing including Normandy Landing which where air supported on 98% from ground airfields in Britain, nor a CV's. If battleship can come again as Arsenal Ship/Massive Missile Ship... than CV's are going for good.
  17. You forgot the H-51 design with 3x3 53 cm/52 (21") Gerät 36.
  18. Look guys, I agree with your feelings but... HOW!? How you can compare a huge, fun, sandbox of fully manual ship designing and customization to such POOR OF CHOICE project like WoWs and Thunder? Just how? I know you afraid to open that door, unleash the beast. But, there is no other game yet that allow ya to build a ship of any class from scratch and throw it into the battle against other players, and not just a single ship... a squadron, an whole Fleet. Might be there is solution to keep both Campaign and Massive Multiplayer... like early EVE-Online of Battlefield. Buy a game, have an Official Server, and... Here We Go, the clash of a Titans))) Just think about it.
  19. Over 200k long tons in netto displacement... good bye Panama Channel)
  20. About sailing... lads, one question: - Why in game we always have a Rough Sea? Did you see those waves? It's a stormy weather out there. Gun mech atm is kind a fine, just need some tuning a bit. If I might not right tell me more about situation overall. Depends how you program your AI. I've saw on one vid on YT where some guy made an couple CA to beat the BC, and in both goes AI created BC that beat a life out of player CA's) What I suggested are not complicated, not for players, nor for AI. I mostly understand you about "let's make that thing works first" but also I think that direction must be given where the whole project must be going. Cause, for example I can't build such DD like French MN Le Fantasque or IJN Shimakaze during a lack of customization. Just can't, literally. Sorry but that is bare naked fact about the game at a moment.
  21. I know these things but... just take a look on SMS Mackensen or Erzatz Yorck design, or HMS Hood design. Both launched in 1916-1917. For example Izmail/Navarin class russian superdreadnoughts are designed with double casemate decks. And where it's in a game... and I not talking about MN Normandie. It's just "ere we go"... any way need a hull-form designer and especially bow-form presets to chose from. Exactly, just one example... SS Normandie fourth times Blue Ribbon Champion. Have an Steam-Turbine Electric Propulsion. Plus to that O2+Peroxide Hydrogen... I just mentioned widely used ones. Totally agree with you. As many same opinions as more chance to knock that door off the hinges) Very debatable. Cause as more players, as better. And there is just no such games in MMO section. Just none at all. Just image coop with your friends into great battle with your fleets against other players with their fleets... to prove that you are better commander and designer. Isn't that sounds tasty?
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