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Crimson Sunrise

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Everything posted by Crimson Sunrise

  1. alot of realism removed from the game ur not feeding ur crew for one or paying them wages ur not dealing with health hazards or magnetic abnormalities that mess with the compass, heavy storms that made sailing impossible till they passed, or stuff getting stuck in the rudder, or dealing with random natural disasters.
  2. devs why not remove the BR limit on ports historically no one would put a limit on what u can attack a port with
  3. yes game maybe multiplayer but it does not force anyone to play with another player in a clan or otherwise setting the PVE server is a great example there is no reason or need to be in a clan or to play with others there is no reason to
  4. if the port isnt valuable its not worth going after
  5. ok realistically remove all ships that arent from the carribean between the era our game is based on for ship choices then it would be realistic
  6. solo is the default its the choice of the players to join a clan and a first rate is no different then a 5th other then size and firepower a 5th can kill a first
  7. atleast before if i lost it it wouldnt take me 5 days or more to replace it by myself
  8. and loose them to a gank fleet outside my own nations capital no thanks
  9. not what i said those are ur words not mine, whats the point of being a rear admiral if our largest ships are left to collect dust
  10. lol sadly that isnt how it plays out on the server u rarely see first rates duking it out outside of rvr sure historically thats accurate but interms of a game its boring
  11. alot of players cant play or have no incentive to do so
  12. no but the devs didnt need to make it pointless to even have first rates there is nothing worth risking them on anything the devs simply removed them from the game as a useable ship
  13. no it means more targets given the games current population at the beginning we had 5k players plenty to fill so many different nations now we have enough to fill a single clans roster of players
  14. yes firsts are rarer but so are the players to use them, any game that looses players constantly can atest any change that it achieved the desired outcome. based on how often a ship is used. but its not a very complex game its pretty simple actually take ship out kill stuff get dubloons from missions earn reals from trading its practically boring with no real content, its not worth the time or energy for any nation to attempt to rally enough ships to go after nassau, the game doesnt have the activity to rival GB in active players, a few days ago GB clan BAIT had 1/10 of the server population online, we can rally ships to defend nassau easily its why no one attempts to take it its not worth the effort. there is no incentive to do rvr with the new system, by taking a port near an enemy capital u give them more ai to hunt making it easier for them to have them to farm. the new system makes it pointless to take ports near enemy capitals, the bahamas are a great example we have almost every nation owning a port around nassau, and its open to all to use. so we got almost every nation worth of ai spawning nearby. why would any nation want to waste manpower and ships to attack a port that gives them no guarantee they could keep the brits from retaking it with sheer numbers.
  15. its more about the point of it no one wants to take ports because it gives the nearest enemy capital more ai in their area of other nations
  16. lol u wouldnt even be able to fill 1 server with that idea, the game would need to go Free to Play before i can see even 1 server being full
  17. so basically no point being a pvp player no real incentive there. not to mention that declining player count, captured 5ths why does the pve server have the ability to cap firsts but not a war server. u'd think it be more logical to have that reversed as in war any ships was worth taking as ur own. be more incentive to see first rates and what not being caped in battle if u had the chance and ability to do so. the sea is pretty empty given we have about 250 players online on a server that supports 2500 players, a tenth of what the server supports and is getting smaller all the time. yes they could of gone with a 1:1 scale map but then no one actually sails and pays attention on long runs most players multitask they line themselves up with their destination and go do other things till they get there. if they get jumped thats a miracle considering how few are left looking for pvp. we dont really see capital ships anymore bellona is about the highest u see in pvp no one wants to waste their firsts now even tho we can replace them pretty easily now because there is no reason to outside of rvr which doesnt happen much anymore. the game is dying the seas are becoming barren and not much is left to do in this game for the vets, were swimming in dubs and reals. what can the devs provide that would give anyone here an incentive to keep playings what can NA offer that no other game in its genre can.
  18. the fact that pirates and only pirates can join both sides of a OW battle. is a huge advantage and a griefing mechanic on that we know FENIX clan exploits when they can
  19. this game lacks content, lacks a willingness to anything aside from trading crafting and pvp, there is nothing else nothing to bring in more players
  20. mechanic could easily be exploited to running the whole battle and leave at the end
  21. since they nerfed crew perks i find crew space to not be worth while on any ship before i had a 977 crew victory it was LO/CS and was my boarding vic now i cant have that
  22. not to mention but all ai ships when caped are something crew space, not even worth taking into battle its a liability, DLC ships dont create pvp they create the openness to willingly sacrifice the ship in pvp, mindset "its just a herc or its just a requin i can redeem a new one if this gets sunk its no loss to me", most ships lost in patrol zones or pvp with DLC ships are base ships blue quality or purple with basic or easy to acquire mods. with in regards to hercs pen or reload skill books and with requin boarding skills. there is no variety u dont get brawling requins and boarding hercs, it doesnt work that way. if u were to go with the stats between oceans/ bellona's compared to hercs and requins, ur comparing high end expensive warships that rarely are used outside ganking fleets and instantly redeemable 5th and 6th rate ships the stats will show high death count for hercs and requins over high end 1st and 3rd rates. because of the frequency they can be built used or deployed. we dont have huge bellona or ocean fleets roaming around hunting for things we got massive herc and requin fleets. as they are the throw away ships we can easily replace
  23. prince, heavy rat, standard rat, snow all have about the same thing wrong with it high speed high turn rate. bow and stern chasers. u can easily use one of these ships to counter the herc
  24. How can u say that updated descriptions will lure those on the pvp server to the pve server there is no real difference aside from the lack of pvp on either server, also the plans u speak of how will they give new players new things to do when even your sale at $15 for the game during steams autumn sale did not yield many if any new players, this game is in decline the way u state the decline does not matter shows (excuse my wording) arrogance that you as the devs can turn a game with less then 500 active players playing throughout the day every day into a more active game, if this was possible why has it not been implemented so far. between reviews activity charts and lack of pvp even on the war server it would turn off any hardcore player off the game due to its lack of content. yes this is early access but turning around and saying the decline in players doesn't concern your plans does not instill confidence or reliance in a end product to a consumer. if a sandbox naval game like NA has less then 500 players while in early access and a sale of 60% off did not yield a increase in players isn't likely to recover if it continues, we the testers are leaving the game faster then new testers are joining if you the devs cant convince new testers to play the game what confidence can u have that you can bring in enough new players on release to really make this game work. the map is too big, RvR is practically pointless on either server, pvp usually only happens outside nation capitals and patrol zones (90% of actual pvp combat) this game is not tailored to casual players its tailored to those that can spend countless hours playing. as a consumer and as a previous closed alpha tester of several other titles i don't see this game succeeding as it could have too many patches were implemented too quickly without first being thoroughly tested out and all problems dealt with before being applied to live servers. many game mechanics were changed without first getting input from both the pve and pvp players, servers were merged without first getting the info of how many players would quit because of it. too many mistakes were made during early access that it doesn't seem like your focus is on naval action but on other projects rather then focusing on 1 title your manpower is spread thin, decisions made in haste. this is my opinion as is not intended to spread false information this is but an opinion on how i have watched and played NA and have seen the results of many different patches merges and changes and how it affected player activity, player count, and combat patterns.
  25. there is a real difference between sailing around the map and getting jumped by enemy fleets and sailing out of a capital and being ganked by enemy players hunting outside the starting ports. historically it would never happen to catch a single enemy or a few enemy ships sinking small ships right outside a nations capital, blockades are one thing done with massive fleets what is happening is getting sunk right in ur own waters outside of capital waters is not historical. eg. lucinio hunting right outside KPR every day. killing off small players in a requin historically that would never happen, for 1 requin is a mediterranean ship not historically from the caribbean. and 2 its not historical for npc or nation ships to completely ignore an enemy ships in their waters they patrol. and the herc/requin isnt available to all as it is pay to use not something fully acquirable ingame without the use of real money.
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