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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. If you're going to buy the early BGs you really want to try and get them to MG pre Shiloh. If you can get the MGs for Shiloh it will be a big boost for all your units and should probably make things easier. To get them there you want them either deployed in corps command or assigned to rookie units who are going to get a lot of kills. I usually use artillery for my playstyle. Rookie units will gain stats faster so the officer will gain more xp. I don't think going above AO 5 is worth it for Shiloh anymore. 18 units gives you the maximum deployment in the first phase and you probably aren't going to be able to field 48 units anyways.
  2. Yeah, every now and again it'll happen. You can also get that officer wounded/killed if you are baiting with the supply wagon but it also has no effect that I'm aware of.
  3. I don't think so. As far as I know those commanders are just generated at the start of each battle.
  4. Detached skirmishers have been disabled for several versions. Perhaps you re-enabled them if you previously had 1.24 installed? C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance\ConfigFile.csv. Edit with notepad and set disableSkirmishers to false if you would like to turn them back on. The mod is balanced around them being disabled and bringing dedicated skirmisher units armed with infantry weapons in the extra deploy slots provided. But if you'd prefer to play with them on go for it.
  5. Buell's reinforcements felt very useful to me as is. Even 0* and with muskets they can give your units a valuable break. Delaying the CSA advance and inflicting casualties as you go is critically important to making it to the landing phase. If you let the AI stack up there is no defensive line on the map strong enough to hold their entire army.
  6. The details are mostly obscured to me, but the AI definitely has different aggressiveness settings that change between phases. It also seems to have internal timers where it will push for VPs it doesn't control towards the end of timers. This is most noticeable at a battle like Cold Harbor where you could abandon a point entirely for most of the phase and the AI will come in and steal it at the very end. For all 3 starting phases the AI mostly seems aggressive up to the point where it captures the VPs. It only seems to push beyond them if your units are in sight and that results in a cascade of charges to push its units forward. The AI also seems to rely on initial battle deploy orders in many cases. Crossroads and Rendevous are good examples of this. The AI is expecting to move to the center of the map and have player units to engage. But if the player withdraws and hides the AI just moves to the middle of the map and stands around. While there are some conditions that seem to break the AI out of this loop often they will remain very passive. Reloading saves does seem to override this at least partially as I've seen it significantly change up AI behavior on these maps.
  7. If anyone is having trouble with the Union Shiloh, here is how I got through it.
  8. I have to admit I don't quite understand the issue here. If you chose to stay at 6 AO you are short one unit compared to the previous setup, but only have to commit 4 officers to field those units. Do you move units by selecting the division and then moving the entire group frequently? I almost never use that so maybe that is where the disconnect is on the benefits of 5 vs 6 units in a division. The first battle where you have the chance to field the full 30 units in a corps is 2nd bull run. Since the base game AO 9 has always been the requirement to be able to max out your units in that battle, so we're staying consistent there. There does need to be some opportunity cost to be able to field a full corps given that extra units on the field is arguably the single strongest stat in the game. Overall, the AO setup is actually fairly restrictive because of the way battles are setup. Both campaigns have different mandatory breakpoints to allow the player to reasonably be able to field the units a battle allows. We went through several different options and the one we settled on managed to fit both the CSA and Union campaign requirements. You will also be receiving up to 4 extra career points now. One after the first battle, Shiloh, Antietam, and Chickamauga so that should help out with the extra points needed to get 5 divisions now. Changing these values is not particularly easy as it has to be done through hex editing and is not in a section that translates to text, so a lot of trial and error is needed to make changes.
  9. The Corps commander perks only work when the officer is in a Corps slot.
  10. The reloading state of cannon is shown by the green dots along either side of a ship when you have it selected. When all the dots have refilled that broadside will be able to fire again.
  11. If you are at medium range you would take the multiplier of 52% * the damage range of 4.5 to 6. So on average the weapon would deal 2.73 dmg at medium range.
  12. Ok, that sounds like more configuration file issues as those kind of results normally occur when something crashes on a specific screen and the rest of the loading process stops. Unfortunately I'm not really sure what else to suggest on macs. I don't have one to test on and several of the tools that I use don't have mac versions so I'm not sure how far I would be able to get if I did have one. Sorry for not having a solution for you.
  13. Apologies to @Deathwall for missing your reply. This is the first I've heard about the mod crashing when loading a mission. Usually if something isn't installed correctly you can't get to the main menu to get anywhere else. @quicksabre As far as I know the mac install instructions are as follows: 1) In Steam, right click UGCW and select Properties. 2) Click local files, then select browse local files 3) right click 'Ultimate General Civil War' and select 'show package contents' 4) navigate (relative path) to /Contents/ a) Place the 'Mod' folder in Contents/ 5) navigate (relative path) to /Contents/Resources/Data/ a) Copy the resources.assets file into /Data/ b) Copy the /Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the mod release into the /Managed/ folder, overwriting the existing file Do those match what you used? Any other details you can provide around crashing when a battle starts?
  14. Thanks for the feedback. A lot of these issues are carryovers from the base game that we can't really do anything about. AI units routing will always try to go in the direction where you have the fewest units. If you are surrounding them or units are in melee this can lead to odd direction choices and routing through units. If units are along a board edge they can get 'locked' into a path and will keep going no matter what is in the way. The way to deal with this is through your unit positioning. If you keep double lines or a good concave and leave an open direction for the AI to rout they will almost always go away from your units. When closing a pocket don't get to close, if you set it up right some of your units will be able to fire and the AI will bounce back and forth between the sides of the circle. The improved surrender logic should help as well. It may need to be taken a bit further, but there is a very fine line where the AI becomes to likely to surrender. The AI should be more aggressive than in the previous version, but it is still very possible to get a lot of units standing around. The AI has never been good about protecting against flanking movements. This is another area where we'll try to make small adjustments, but what tends to happen if you swing between AI stands around sometimes and AI charges everything always which isn't particularly fun either. This is all down to the stamina stat and perk choices. The AI's perk choices are random, so in a given battle it's possible that their 2* cav unit has a MG providing + 40% movespeed and the cav unit itself has an additional +50%. Early on if you have a BG providing +accuracy and your cav unit only has the first movespeed perk the AI cav will run circles around you. Additionally, the AI cav units will frequently have a better stamina that than your own on hard difficulty which will allow them to run faster for longer. The AI's units play by the same rules as yours, if you want that fast cav you just have to build your units/army with the setup to support it. But you'll be sacrificing damage in other areas to do it. Not sure how far into the campaign you are, but this becomes less of an issue as your units get more experience and better weapons. Bull Run in particular tends to be a bit of a slog since units on both sides do relatively little damage. This is another situation where perks/stats/condition have very important impacts on the outcome. Condition penalties are extremely harsh as low condition reduces your morale and low values of both of those stats reduce melee damage. Cavalry charging an artillery unit or nearly routed unit in the open is about the only time I will willingly charge with a unit that has less than 80+ condition. Sometimes you can't fall back in time and have to counter charge with less, but it's never a preferred option. The Efficiency and melee stats provide significant melee damage bonuses. If you charge into a 2* unit with a rookie unit(especially as the union) the more experienced unit will probably win unless you have a lot of other factors lined up in your favor. Charge damage perks are also very significant. That 2* AI cav could have up to +75% charge damage from perks with the right combination. Firing into melee in the mod is far less friendly to your own unit than it is in the base game. In many cases both units will rout. Known issue from the base game. Early fortifications tend to be terrible even with the infantry damage penalty removed. You are usually better off standing in decent cover, though the fortifications can be situationally useful to hop into against a charge since you will get a melee damage reduction and take reduced condition drain since the unit isn't moving. Even late game fortifications tend to be trade offs since they are often positioned terribly and stretch out your unit allowing more AI units to hit it at the same time. With #7 just to double check you are using 1.25 right? Max size skirmishers should be about 30% narrower now. I find they take up about as much space as a 1k infantry unit now and wheeling them is significantly less annoying than it was in 1.24. Frequent use of hold position is the key to controlling skirmishers. Giving them longer ranged weapons also helps as the fallback logic is trying to let them fire, retreat out of range while reloading, then return to fire again. With infantry rifles they tend to just stand there and fire since their range matches the targets. The slower game speed definitely takes a bit to adjust to and there are probably some issues that are made worse by the changes. The game speed is configurable in the Mod/Rebalance/ConfigFile.csv. Just edit it with notepad and change gameSpeed to 5 and fastForward to 3 and you'll be back to the pace that the base game runs at.
  15. They are still very quick and can do acceptable damage so they should still be useful in this role.
  16. The 6pdr is considerably weaker than in 1.24. If you want to get close to what it was capable of you'll want to use napoleons now. Artillery has a wider spread of ranges now which should help different types stand out a bit more. The 3", 10pdr parrot, and Blakely should be much better than before while the whitworth and siege will still be some of the best possible cannon available. I'll be continuing my Union legendary campaign starting at Shiloh. Camp video just went up and battle will be up within a few days.
  17. If you're talking about the Range Damage Multipliers from the tooltips, these are actually in the base game but it isn't exposed to the player. There is no longer a penalty to infantry damage while in a fortification. There are also no terrain damage penalties applied when in a fortification, so there might be some that are more useful now. Will require experimentation to find the ones that are worth being more easily targeted.
  18. If the newest version is installed you will see the 1.25 listed in the version number on the main menu. If norton blocked the new dll then you'll just be running the previous version you had installed. There is nothing really different about this version of the dll so it's possible norton changed their detection algorithm or that norton scans files downloaded from dropbox differently than files hosted on the forums. The forums no longer allow zip attachments hence the change to dropbox. From the error message the specific detection method is always going to return false positives for this kind of situation. The file inherently has a recent creation date since that gets updated anytime I make any changes to the mod. The majority of norton's userbase probably doesn't play UGCW so the file will also get flagged as uncommon. You'll either have to restore the file from quarantine or temporarily disable whatever norton feature is automatically scanning the file, it was called download insight in a 2010 article for what that is worth.
  19. There is a way to do this. When you have one of your ships selected, double left click on your target. This will zoom the camera in and then you can left click on the area of the ship you would like to focus on. Edit: Oops akd beat me to it.
  20. The fortifications at Georgia Railroad are pretty good stat wise. There are a few places in the east that the positioning is questionable so you often need to retreat from them to other cover. 66k is within 20% of normal, I don't think scaling is doing much. I think the issue is that you have 28 unit slots available(deploy areas need to get fixed so 30 are allowed) and are only bringing 12k men. A single corps should probably have closer to 30k men at this stage of the campaign even with an artillery based setup. Maybe it's possible to bring something like 20 units of 3* artillery and just annihilate them with that, but probably need more infantry to provide them time to work.
  21. By defensive boost do you mean cover? They likely have a LTG on the field who could be granting +50% to cover in radius. Other than cover there isn't any bonus that I'm aware of.
  22. While the brigade count turns red when you select a corps that has more brigades than the battle allows, you can still start the battle. In the case of Salem Church you will get a manual deploy box where you can select 10 of however many brigades are in the deployed corps. This is the first I've heard of unit sizes resetting when reinforcing between days. At a guess, it's because the brigades you added men to never actually saw the field before the battle ended and Salem Church loaded. There are similar issues with supply and perks though those are basically exploits. Adding men between days is also a scaling exploit and messes up the end battle stats, but usually it does work fine in other battles. There are currently quite a few battles where you can actually bring more units than the displayed amounts. These guides document most of them: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398810316 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396453437
  23. Can you confirm that you got one of the day 1 AI units to show up on day 2? Can you give details on where to place the unit to accomplish this?
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