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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. In the base game the specialized t2 general perks only apply to the specific unit type listed. I generally only use the infantry option except in very rare cases where I actually field an arty only corps.
  2. That isn't something that is configurable currently. While the AI does use those values in battle, they don't actually control how the AI units gain experience throughout the campaign. AI units all have defaulted stats for each specific battle, these defaults also have random modifiers, difficulty modifiers, and the AI training % applied to them. So for any given campaign you'll encounter slightly different experience levels and the most you can do to mitigate the AI experience levels is to kill as many men as possible.
  3. Frustration is understandable, you are definitely not alone in having difficulties with the current version. Playing a form of ironman the way you are is also going to add a significant amount of difficulty, so beware that it is entirely possible that you could dead end a campaign that way. The settings you want for experience gain are in the unitModifiers.csv. killsPerEffectivity, killsPerMelee, movePerStamina, shootPerFirearms, and timePerMorale control the rate that stats increase. You can compare to the unitModifiersOriginalValues file to see what the rates were in the base game. The original goal for 1.25 was that veterans would be so expensive that they could only be used sparingly. This would generally force the player to rely on recruits. Experience rates went up from 1.24 to allow stats to go up overall despite the primary use of recruits. Not sure how well this is working overall, but that was the original idea.
  4. @adisheeIf you would like to see how I completed the battle on legendary, my play through of it is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RO1pcRGkrg The mod in general, and Shiloh in particular is intended to be significantly harder than the base game. While getting used to the mod I would normally recommend starting out on the difficulty below whatever you are comfortable with in the base game. While it looks like you already found a way to bypass the battle, some other suggestions for config changes that can make the mod a bit easier are changing disableSkirmishers and varianceMode to false. This will provide you with the extra flexibility(and all the exploits) from the skirmishers and provide a more standardized experience. The variance option can be fun, but with enough bad luck it can absolutely give you scenarios that are unwinnable. While intended, that can lead to more frustration in certain battles than all players are looking for.
  5. It is definitely a challenge, especially on the harder difficulties. Unlike many battles in the game you can't necessarily get away with the same things that you can in other battles.
  6. You only get one wagon per corps and that wagon holds as much supply as you fill it with. So if you only have 2.5k supply the wagon will run out much faster than if you set it to 35k.
  7. The landing VP contested timer is about 45 minutes if I remember correctly. The VP cannot be contested when the main timer hits 0. Any chance you can provide a screenshot of shortly before the battle seems to end early? There is a known bug in the base game that sometimes when you fulfill all the conditions and click finish you get sent to day 2. But if you don't click finish and wait a few seconds the battle will end with a win.
  8. In the ConfigFile there is a gameSpeed variable that can be changed to 5 and a fastForward value that can be changed to 3. This will restore the battle speed to that of the base game.
  9. On multiday battles any remaining money is used to refill your supply wagons. Depending on how much supply you used and how much money you had before starting the battle that likely is the cause.
  10. I spend a decent amount of time in 2x as well. It can take a bit to get used to and it's also changeable in the config files as well.
  11. The mod does slow down the base game speed. The default speed is about the same as the base games half speed. Would that explain what you are seeing?
  12. Yes, see the pinned post various guides. The most recent post has links to the union and CSA battle guides.
  13. timerMandatoryMultiplier, timerRecommendedMultiplier, and endOfDayMultiplier. Though several battles have hardcoded exceptions that will take precedence over any config file changes. What are you trying to accomplish?
  14. Ultimate General Civil War_data\Mod\Rebalance\ConfigFile.csv. Change disableSkirmishers to false
  15. For infantry, I basically always take the speed perk at t1 and the accuracy bonus at t2. Some players prefer the reloading bonus at t2. My goal is to never be in a situation where I am firing at one target long enough for the faster reload time to be useful. I'd rather have the higher up front damage from the +accuracy.
  16. Previously if you had allied units in a battle you wanted to get them all killed so you could recover their weapons. In 1.25.2 I added functionality so that if you can keep the allied units alive you'll receive a larger amount if their weapons than if they are dead. So now if you can, you want to treat allied units well instead of throwing them away.
  17. Phillipi can change quite a bit depending on what both sides get for random perks and unit splitting. I've found that sometimes it's quite easy, other times it's impossible on legendary. The main changes in the test version are that keeping allied units alive will return more weapons than getting them killed and allied units have been improved a bit at Shiloh. The CSA also got some allied unit improvements at Bull Run. Note in both cases this only affects the side of the battle you are playing as. The AI's will not get the same bonus.
  18. Excellent results. I haven't experimented with 2nd Bull Run to much, but figuring out a way to setup a forward defense and wipe out the Union units as they come in definitely makes sense. Looks like you're bringing in a lot more artillery than I did. Were the extra in the reinforcing corps or were you using larger units in your primary corps?
  19. @BCH there is a test version that makes a few things in the early game a bit easier if you want to give it a try. Still needs some testing, but will likely be released later this weekend: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fcsji7opwan5rad/RebalanceModV1.25.2Test4.zip?dl=0
  20. @sirwaldi Many players are having trouble with legendary at the moment. There is a minor patch in testing that will make the allied units at Shiloh a bit better and provide more rewards for keeping allied units alive. Hopefully it'll be ready sometime this weekend. It also may help to check out my videos on youtube. At Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill I found a few ways to keep casualties down and deal with the AI artillery. At Malvern Hill especially, pulling back from the initial VP and capping it later should help a lot. Glad you're enjoying the mod overall, keep trying and I'm sure you'll figure out how to get past those battles.
  21. t1 and t2 general perks apply to all units in the commanded corps. The t3 perk applies to all units in the general's radius. As mentioned by @william1993, all generals also apply a morale regeneration bonus in their radius.
  22. Every battle gives you some amount of recruits as a reward. The stats of the rewarded recruits will be affected by the +stats. So if you have 10000 recruits with 10 in every stat. Then you put 2 points in training for +4 stats and complete a side battle. For winning the side battle you receive 2000 recruits that will have 14 in every stat. The stats of the 10k recruits will be averaged with those of the 2k recruits so you'll end up with 12k recruits that have 11 in all stats(to make up some numbers). The bonus stats from training have no effect on created brigades. Units deployed in a battle gain stats based on the following. Efficiency: kills, Morale: time spent in battle. Stamina: distance traveled, Firearms: number of times reloaded, Melee: melee kills.
  23. The stats only affect new recruits. So if post bull run you put two points into training the additional +4 to stats would only apply to any battles you finish going forward. The recruits from Crossroads and river crossing will get the bonus and be averaged in to any existing recruits you already have.
  24. It's +12 to the stats of any new recruits that you get from completing battles. If you hover over the number of recruits in the top right corner of the camp screen you can see the current stats of your recruits. Also, there is a test version available on the discord channel that will probably go live later this week as long as nothing ends up breaking. It will be improving the allied units at Shiloh slightly among a few other minor changes.
  25. Added a screenshot of what the resulting damage curves look like as units grow larger with the mod changes .
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