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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Carbine cav are actually proving more of a problem than melee cav given their ability to quickly get multiple shots into the flanks of units and pursue routing units indefinitely. If melee cav manages to actually get into melee with skirmishers without getting shot to pieces, it's going to do very well. Especially if the melee cav has an experience or perk advantage. The key to defending against melee is having units be in position to support each other. An isolated carbine unit is probably not going to be able to get enough volleys off in time to win a melee with their weaker melee weapons. In the above case you might have been better off mounting up and falling back. It's hard to micro as well as the AI does, but carbine cav can kite melee cav to death under the right conditions. There is no easily configurable way to adjust cavalry at the moment. Would have to hexedit the melee value on their weapons or get into dll editing.
  2. For more details on how scaling works please take a look at this post https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/. The Rebalance mod does make a few changes, mostly around average unit size to account for the potentially much larger units available in the mod, but it's still overall applicable. The goal of scaling in the mod is to allow the player to have success with whatever size units they want. Whether that's small base game size units, the giant units allowed by the mod, or some combination in between. The AI should mostly stay around your size, though there are some exceptions in certain battles, and the higher the difficulty you play on the bigger advantage they will have. I would generally disagree that adding more men to your army is a disadvantage. There are certainly diminishing returns after a point in certain battles, but overall the larger your army, the more experience you can get onto those recruits, and the better off you'll be. Keeping your infantry units at at 1000 men for the entire campaign in fear of scaling is definitely not optimal. I tend to gradually grow my units over the course of the campaign, say from 1k-1.2k in the beginning to 1500-2500 at the end, and there is relatively little scaling impact from doing this even on legendary. There is also the large unit approach which favors getting every single recruit onto the field as much as possible. This means those recruit stats are always increasing and you can often get away with spending almost no money on veterans at all. This approach lets you eventually overwhelm scaling entirely once you are able to field more max size units of a specific type than the AI. Attached to this approach, is the idea that the bigger the AI is the better it is for the player. Specifically because it means more potential xp and weapons on the field for the player to farm. In terms of configuration options for scaling, in the /Mod/Rebalance/AIConfigFile there are two values you can change. AIscalingSizeMultiplier and AIscalingExperienceMultiplier. Increasing or decreasing these values will modify the size and experience of enemy units after scaling as already been applied. You will need to restart the game and then start a new battle for any changes to take affect, but they can otherwise be changed mid campaign. So if scaling is kicking in more than you would like, you can try changing the size multiplier to maybe .8 or .85 and see if the result is more to what you're looking for. Or you can drop down a difficulty level and use higher values to keep things challenging. The issue I see with changing scaling to account for recruits is it would either force players to always follow the large unit size approach, or players would start trying to intentionally kill off their recruit pool to be able to play smaller size units. Scaling veterancy and equipment leads to some pretty weird behavior where the player is incentivized to intentionally deploy bad units to drag down the quality of the AI units. Equipment scaling used to exist in the base game back in beta and it lead to a lot of player armies equipped with nothing but muskets to prevent the AI from getting access to better weapons. Hopefully the above helps provide some context and that the configuration options are able to move things closer to what you're looking for.
  3. Double click on a unit to jump to it. If you hover over the edges of the list it scrolls if I'm remembering right.
  4. Between Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill is the only example I can remember.
  5. Cannon fire lines are not blocked by other units. The previous game had this feature but it was not carried over for various reasons.
  6. The "Flanked" and "Rear Flanked" messages that show up when your units get hit in the relevant side are not displayed for AI units. You are still doing higher damage/morale damage when hitting them from the side or rear though.
  7. This is a really tough battle. I've seen a couple different options work. One option is to bring somewhere around 3-4 of your best rifled artillery, pull all the units back into the trees with a detached skirmisher on the vision point so that the AI advances it's cannon into range. This lets you focus down as much arty as possible before their infantry close and you have to switch targets to break charges. The allied artillery stays slightly further forward in cover to tank any counter battery as long as possible to save your guns. Rest of your units is one sniper with the rest infantry. Sniper goes to the south of the map where there is a cluster of trees along the map edge. If you're careful you can setup here and either go after artillery that move by or sometimes halt their progress entirely(AI just stands around for some reason). This also provides good vision for your rifled artillery to keep hitting their cannon. Priority to focus fire any unit coming in to charge. Try to actually rout them so not too many units stack up close to your line where a multi unit chain charge can kill you. The other option involves making several 4-5k meat brigades to just suffer through the attrition until the rest of your army arrives. This works best when the rest of your army is bit smaller so that the scaling doesn't think you are playing a max size army and attempts to compensate. Haven't used this one myself, but I can see it working in combination with option 1 to limit the damage to your good units dealing damage from the flanks. There might also be merit to trying to hold the fortifications at certain points in the battle now that they have been improved, haven't experimented with this myself though.
  8. No efficiency drop beyond 12, damage always goes up the bigger the unit gets. Though there are diminishing returns. Happy to hear that you're enjoying it
  9. Only by changing the starting difficulty for a campaign currently. Col and BG have higher returns, MG and Leg use the same values.
  10. Appears to be intended since the deploy slots allow 25. Rather annoying to maintain though as you have to be very careful moving units around. I usually don't bother. Would agree that it's not possible to replicate for the CSA currently.
  11. This is an intentional change. Back in 1.25 detached skirmishers were disabled by default. In 1.27 they are enabled again, but they have a few minute cooldown to re-attach, and cannot be detached if enemy units are too close. These changes were made to restrict the various exploits that exist without removing their use entirely. Just need to plan ahead a little bit for most uses.
  12. There are mods that let you adjust the timers to some extent but that's as close as it gets. I've played around a bit with skipping phases and just giving the player more time with the map completely open, but the problem becomes that the AI tends to not adapt very well. It's probably possible to get something working in some cases, but it's not a simple task. Phase resets that move your units around can be turned off, but they tend to be used in places for good reason. Specifically that the map resizes, or new units spawn in which means that it would be very easy for the player to lose access to units or get spawned on top of unless they know exactly where not to be. In most battles you actually have quite a bit more time than it might seem. There are some pretty comprehensive guides available here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1396453437 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1398810316
  13. Values can be changed mid campaign. You will have to restart the game and start a new battle for them to take affect though. Custom/scenario battles do not have scaling so there isn't really a comparison there. These values can be used for those historicalNorthAddStat, 0 historicalSouthAddStat, 0 historicalNorthSizeMultiplier, 1 historicalSouthSizeMultiplier, 1
  14. For Stones River I usually pull back to the line of trees above the J shaped part of the line. Once the map opens up again I'll pull back further north to the next line of trees. I would start with most of my best corps along with a few newer units to soak fire/charges. Preferably hold from there, but can pull back to the turnpike if needed. I have seen some other players in the discord mention that they leave a throwaway division of new units in the south to slow up the CSA attack, unsure if that is necessary though. You've got a lot of open ground to work with that carbine cav could make some good use of for flank shots if you aren't already using some.
  15. I'm from the US, lived in Germany for a few years though. For the values I'd recommend just incrementing by .15 or .25 and see how that goes for you.
  16. If it's possible it'll be in the settings menu. It's been too long since I had it enabled so I don't recall for sure.
  17. A useful beginner guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1274743463 If you like following along campaigns, there are a variety available on youtube. Col Kelly, Aetius, History Guy Gaming, Benjamin Magnus Games, Fiasco_Games, Something Compass, Hibob Warbob, and myself are some channels to lookup. Note that campaigns older than 2018 may be on older versions of the game or have some outdated mechanics information, but any of these will still be useful in terms of how to manage your army.
  18. In the Rebalance mod the number of soldiers in the general unit is displayed instead of the corps that they are assigned to. There are character limitations so hp was used instead of soldiers. The value is the same as the numbers you see above any other brigade. It's not possible to have the value update in real time like how it works for other brigades, so you would have to deselect and then select the general again to see the updated hp after taking damage. Generals can take collateral damage and provide an increased morale regen bonus when in direct contact with a unit so knowing how much hp they have left is more important than in the base game.
  19. Not sure what context this is from, but hp normally is short for hit points.
  20. I think they are the same distance unit used by the game to indicate weapon ranges, but there are several hidden modifiers that apply to the displayed numbers so I haven't found any benefit of trying to think of them that way. Higher numbers are better, map line of sight blockers will take precedence in most scenarios. Past that it's mostly just getting a feel for what you can get away with on each map. The UI & AI Customizations mod also has the easier to see firing lines, but either way making a best guess based on the firing arcs of your units is the only real option available to the player.
  21. There have been some surveys that indicate that the next ultimate general game will have a more dynamic campaign.
  22. If you want cav to fire their pistols you need to give them a move order to bring them into range of the enemy unit, allow them to fire(hitting space to halt the unit can help), and then give a charge order if you want to melee afterwords. Sometimes cav can disengage from melee fairly easily, but there are also several bugs where they will get stuck. Not much you can do when they get stuck, just give them a move order away and hope the damage isn't too bad. This seems to be more common against enemy artillery. Mounted cavalry will skirmish after firing if not given other orders or put under hold position. This means they will fall back until they have reloaded. This is related to the skirmish logic for cavalry. I haven't been able to figure out why it doesn't affect skirmishers as well. If I manage to find where this is triggering it will get changed.
  23. Cavalry received several improvements in the last patch and is arguably too strong currently.
  24. In terms of insufficient difficulty, are you not facing large enough units? Are they still not experienced enough? Or do you just have access to enough money/recruits/weapons that losses aren't an issue? I haven't played with this setup myself.
  25. The only way currently would be to play on a lower difficulty where the recovery rate is higher and use the config options to increase the experience and size of the AI to whatever an appropriate level of challenge is. Adjusting the recovery rates may be made more configurable in the future.
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