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Everything posted by SPANISH_AVENGER

  1. I did a test to see if really thick armor really works: a derp battleship with nothing but armor! Armored with a 1,500mm thick belt AND extended belt, against 10 Battleships, at 2,000 meters. I am quite confused because the battle log indicates: "belt/extended belt partial pen, X damage", and I wonder how guns with 1,000mm pen at point blank can "partially penetrate" and cause damage through a 1,500mm thick belt. But there are other times where it simply says "blocked" and deal no damage, which is what I would have expected to happen at all times. So, how do partial pens work?
  2. Same is happening to me today! It's when I press F11, the screenshot key. FPS drop dramatically and exponentially everytime I press the key, and the whole computer starts freezing, with up to 98% memory on the game's proccess and system interruptions. I am trying to do that, but I get the following message: "Game installation failed with an error. Could not create folder for temp files. Please try again". I can launch the game normally, but I get that when trying to repair.
  3. Nevermind, made the change to Euro, it's 42, so I am going to get it. Looking forward to play this game and see how it evolves through the year!
  4. Greetings! I was wondering if there is a cheaper edition of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts or something, as in the website it states there are "two editions" but I only see one. I really would like to support this game's developement and enjoy it, but I am on a tight financial situation and 50$, the price of a full AAA game, for an Alpha build, doesn't seem too reasonable and affordable to me. I could spend 25-35$ on it however, that's why I was wondering if there's another simpler/cheaper edition or something. Alternatively, is there any information about any potential sale?
  5. Yeah, I’m in a pretty bad financial situation yet I would be willing to spend some shekels on this game if it had a little sale so that it wouldn’t hurt as much my wallet EDIT: Nevermind, I got it, as it turns out it’s less than I had thought in Euros
  6. I was wondering if to purchase the game or not, now that I see this, I think I am definetly going for it!
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