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Ultimate General Focus Tester
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Everything posted by Tormidal

  1. I love your contradictions, first, you say that removing VPs will make the game a meet-and-engage sort of game, like Total War. Now, you say that removing them will turn the game into a camp fest. Make up your mind, mate. If anything, keeping VPs will help more likely turn the game into a camp fest, because the person who gets to the highest-point VPs first is most likely going to set on the position to hold onto it. If you remove VPs, theres nothing holding you to a particular spot, reducing the chance of camping.
  2. Considering we own the game on Steam, its more of a, "...when Darth allows us to mod their games." Anywho, I doubt we'll see mod support until after a multiplayer pass. Which could be a while.
  3. Complaining won't do much. Point out mistakes, and then offer a better alternative. If you notice issues with their English, re-write it and let them know you have come up with a better version. That's the point of early access, is to help them make the game feasible for a real, version 1.0 release.
  4. Personally, I'd be much more interested in his implementation of modification support, given his experience with DarthMod.(The Total War games were not entirely mod-friendly, up until Shogun 2/Rome 2.)
  5. If you have such an issue with the mistakes, point them out to the developers, and stop complaining. That's why its EARLY ACCESS. They did it so they can get help with issues like this. And I never claimed to be able to "Read the developers' minds," as you stated. It's just common sense. When you start increasing the size of the visuals, eveything gets out of proportion.
  6. If you want the text fixed, quote the wrong version with a version that you view as more grammatically correct. They are not native English speakers, as I've come to understand. And the original Rome: Total War was riddled with historical inaccuracies for the sake of "Unit Variety." But, on the upside, it had the incendiary pigs. So, props. Onwards, though, increasing the size of the models might wind up being counter productive, because they need to keep it on scale with the map, as well. And if they get too big, it becomes a lot of moving the mouse around to find other brigades, and everything just gets magnified. Until they start pushing out mod support and sandbox/custom battle modes, this game is/gets old pretty fast.
  7. That's a very poor example, because Rome 2 has so many issues with it, that its almost not enjoyable.
  8. I think you're confusing the terms "indie" and "arcade." Indie simply means the person or team making the game did so without a publisher/publisher's financial support. Moreover, there argument is really, are they making a true simulator, or are they making a strategy game. A game needs to be about having fun. If a player is distracted by way too many things, ammo, condition, morale, placement, cover, artillery, minimap, they're going to be overwhelmed, and they won't be enjoying it. Game-Labs needs to decide, are they going to appease the gamers, or are they going to appease the historians? Maybe they can find a middle, but in the middle, neither group is going to be particularly happy, but at least they wont be unhappy.
  9. I hate the idea of limited ammo. I'll be honest. I personally won't have an issue with it, but it going to discourage a lot of new players when they first they play, because there's so much that players have to pay attention to as it is. Adding limited ammo is just going to make this game more and more about micro-management.
  10. A lot of people have mentioned it already; there's already enough to worry about while playing without limited ammo. Condition, morale, hp, locations, flanking possibilities. Adding limited ammo is going to put too much on the player, and it'll be extremely unfriendly to any player. Just don't include it. Yes, this game is going to be realistic and historical, but its also a game. And as such, you have to keep in mind that your players need to be having fun. Adding limited ammo and supply wagons and whatever, isn't going to be fun. Youre going to discourage a lot of players, especially if limited ammo is on by default.
  11. I think it can be done even better than that; have it during the battle and allow the user to change it while they're playing. Like Total War, or Sins of a Solar Empire.
  12. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, but all positions are made to emulate more or less how they started at Gettysburg historically.
  13. You do have a point, but those people with the quicker reflexes, such as myself, will be bored and not enjoy it as much. We need a variable speed slider for single player.
  14. Id like to help out in kick-starting the mod community that will hopefully grow. With Darth's experience in modding, hopefully he'll have a better view of it than some big-name devs. Modding can be done, but through Unity's asset files, its extremely difficult. plshelpusDarth. I like to play RTS and strategy too, and its a slowly dying genre. But with the help of awesome developers like Darth and Uber Entertainment and Ironclad, we'll see a resurgence of the PC master race genre.
  15. 1) in addition to this, flag bearers would be a nice aesthetic touch. 2) Also a nice aesthetic touch, but unecessary. 3) This would be appreciated, it would definitely help to spice it up. 4) No. 5) I have no idea what you mean by unit cards. Honestly. 6) No. Dont even have realistic ammo at all. Its too much to micro manage, and it could push some newer players out entirely if they don't know about it before hand. 7) Yes pls. 8) Maybe. 9) This would be fantastic, but difficult to do. Since brigades are made up of different regiments, you'd have to modify the units in such a way to spread the uniforms of the different regiments around the brigade. 10) Ehhhh. I dont think so. 11) true story 12) This would be fantastic.
  16. In the current stage? Yes. The issue with the shared asset files, is that they're Unity's proprietary file system, so little information about the file infrastructure is available. There are a few tools out there that can open and de-compile them, but many of the files become corrupted and unviewable once you do this, as all of the script files do. The other issue is that the only still supported tool to do this, can re-compile the asset files, but every file in there has to be the exact same size as the one that was there before it was de-compiled and opened. So you can't add any new files, and you can't change any pre-existing files unless its the same file size, which is hard to do in terms of textures and maps. And there is a third issue, as I understand it, with the way Unity compiles, is that the game executable only looks at the asset files that were compiled with it. So it won't so much as bat an eye at any asset files we try to add on top of it, unless someone wants to try and hex edit the exe to read them, which is very tedious and very difficult. Until Darth opens up the resources, we can't really touch the game assets.
  17. There are two ways to fix this; lower your settings. OR change the tdrdelay. Essentially, TDR is the timeout detection and recovery, Windows will detect when your graphics chip/card/driver isn't responding correctly, and it will reset the driver(And crash any applications using it in the process.) Changing the TDR Delay may not fix the issue in every situation, but it does help out. (I had this issue on Battlefield 4 on ultra settings, on which i got a steady 60 fps, changing the delay stopped the crashing.) Maybe there's something the developer can do to help too, i dunno.
  18. This is indeed true, the map is not 3D so rotating at all will simply not happen. 1) Most of the consensus was to lean away from more micro-management, but I can see why this would be useful. 2) This would be extremely nice. 3) I personally dont see what good line and double line are going to do, in terms of gameplay. As it stands, the whole brigade can fire in their standard formation. It would be a nice aesthetic though. 4) //no// 5) The grand strategy game, March of the Eagles had something like this, when you defeated an enemy army, you could see if any of your regiments captured any flags, and you could see when they did, and who they took it from. It was fun to see that a Jaeger regiment I had took a French flag 50 years ago from where I was in the game. This would be a fun addition. 6) Would be fantastic. 7) Also fantastic 8) I don't know how to feel on that one, honestly. You skipped 8.
  19. Regardless of how the game ends up, as a simulator or an ACW game, its still going to be indie.(Just saying.) Although, I've suggested this before, and I think it would be a great addition to help the players see specifics. I personally enjoyed the quick arcade-y feel from before the speed got slowed down. It made it easy to pick up the game, play a quick battle, and get on with whatever I had to take care of. We really need a speed setting so that the people who want to play fast can, and the people that want to play slow can play slowly. While I don't mind adding things like surrendering and columns and all that(it does add some more immersion), it wont help keep the people interested in an ACW game interested in it, because currently, its just too slow.
  20. //hacked by Tormidal\\ <South_III_Corps_2ndDivision_3rdBrigade_Archer Hp="517.9199" Fatigue="2792.494" MoraleImpactsSum="-5166.093" BloodMoraleSum="0" MoraleShockSum="2.619802" TotalInflictedDamage="367.4929" x="808.3725" y="9008.604" /> This is one of the many lines in the save files. You have the faction, the corp, the division, which brigade it is, and its name. It then lists how many soldiers are left in the brigade, what its fatigue/condition is at. You then have all of its morale considerations, so this unit isnt doing too well in terms of morale. Lastly, you have how many soldiers this brigade has killed, and its position. Not all of these fields can be changed without breaking the game, but I did manage to change a few of them. First of all, if you set the soldier count too high, the game breaks and spawns everything far off the map in a corner. Although, once you do find the right amount, which I've tested a few builds ago to be about 1650 ish, you start seeing this in-game. In the image below, you'll see that Baxter, Cutler, and the Iron Brigade all have 1650 men.....some hundreds higher than they should be. Lastly, I tried this with some special brigades. Apparently, if you set it too high, it kind of breaks skirmishers/videttes/artillery. By breaking, I simply mean all the animations wont run properly, like they did with the brigades. Which is why, in the picture of Stevens below, you'll only see one cannon firing.(While it was racking up kills like you wouldn't believe.) I've also managed to get into some of Unity's files and look at textures and the maps and other images, but I can't view the script files or re-compile unity's files with new stuff. For more serious modding, we'll have to wait for support from Darth. Enjoy the lulz, gents.
  21. I'm still waiting for official mod support so I can get into the files. ;-;
  22. The UI is designed the way it if for better fluidity in movement and actions. Having the UI like this also makes it much easier to port over to tablets and over touch-enabled devices, as they have mentioned multiple times that they intend on doing. The UI is like as not to improve.
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