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Everything posted by Despe

  1. I sunk a lot of NPCs and this is the first time that i see something like this.
  2. I didn something wrong, i fougth like as always. I was in fire shok 3-4 minutes and finally NPCs sunk me with crew in survival all time, before the fire, during the fire and during the shok.
  3. but if magazine is damage you have a warm like rudder and pump, and that was not my case. I had fire and some seconds after my ship was in fire shock in the same way when you disabble survival crew, but i had activated that. It was as the survival crew did not fight against the fire.
  4. Hello guys, yesterday i opened a post asking for the mechanics of fire shock after 2 fire shock experiences, and today i lost one wassa vs 3 NPCs frigates in a fire shock. I have survival activates as always and my ship put into fire shock suddenly with my ship with only a little bit sides damage, and i cant control it, during some minutes. My magazine was ok. I make a F11 report for @admin and @Ink NAB-93646
  6. It is an interesting idea, but i think that may it will provoke a carebears rebelion
  7. I see today and yesterday 2 fire shock and between the shock and the explosion, in both cases, there only were few seconds, like 5 seconds i think, or less. In my case i was seeing the enemy ship, i see the moment when the ship put on shock and it explodes before my finger touch f10 key, without shooting. My mates say the same in their cases. LOL
  8. En realidad Lucio soy yo, me has pillao Lobogris. TambiƩn soy DRADON NEGRO DEPREDADOR, Sir More, Letizia Ortiz, un paquete de croquetas que habla, y Lobogris.
  9. que tal es ser una persona imaginaria? a mi cuando me pasa me da gases.
  10. Today some mates on my clan boarding one player that explodes instantly in fire shock killing 4 mates, and yersterday happened me the same vs other player- Any changes or bug in fire shock mechs @admin, @Ink?
  11. Same in nassau PZ yesterday i rembember. I dont know if RoE change again or it is a bug.
  12. jajajajajajajajajjaajajajjjajjjajajajajajaj, Lucio no existes. Eres un alter.
  13. Se le daba mu bien a ele ese barco jejeje. Dice LMM que quien es el lucius martinus septimus ajajajaja Pobrino, te amo.
  15. Eso no es interesante. Mejor cosas sucias de Depredador, por ejemplo si se depila las ingles, si tiene los pezones como dedos de mono...
  16. This idea is only good if you waste your time only making PvE in war server. It is a respectable option, but im sure that the most PvP players of server are not agree with this "PvE port battles sistem"
  17. This sounds much better than PvE raids. I think that the best idea is make PvP raids in PvP server, and PvE raids on PvE server.
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