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Everything posted by Despe

  1. si es que ni dos horas han esperado xD. Si lo ingleses no calientan puertos españoles es porque no pueden como si les importase mucho... Bueno, porque no podían, ahora sí claro
  2. pues para ser tan amigos acabais de calentarles cayo de sal.
  3. And county frontlines are not a bad idea, it works like a good defensive strategy who prevent that little factions like Prussia dont be destroyed, and make RvR more balanceable that now. What are the consecuences of your new RvR mechanic? An explosion of RvR and Prussia probaly destroyed the first day that you implement that.
  4. frontline is one por, not three, one front is a line between 2 armies are in contact If this mechanic like you, is ok, but is not a front line. This only likes you because you expect to warm the players that you hate, not because this make a game more balanceable. Balance this game is necesary, to prevent one faction from being too powerful and others can be destroyed, but the last patch goes in the opposite direction
  5. but some limits have sense for all factions, this a game, and player are here for funny. If you make one mechanic that can broke one faction, put easy change faction for their players. But this dont work in this way, change faction is a headhache
  6. pero eso tambien se puede hacer mas o menos ahora, solo necesitas que el lio que han montado se estabilice y despues jugar con los timers poniendolos a horas distintas. No podremos mantener todos los frentes pero yo creo que si los principales. Y respecto a lo de no tener aliados eso es culpa de la diplomacia del clan, que northviking y anolityc se empeñan en atacar todo y eso no puede ser.
  7. Claro porque no teneis puertos que calentar con la mecanica de frentes. Si lo tuvierais os importaria una mierda como os ha importado siempre.
  8. can i suggest to delet it? PvP war server means PvP war server...
  9. Los puertos que nos atacan no tienen importancia, son de esos puertos que conquistas porque estan ahi neutrales y eres tú el unico que puede hacerlo en el sistema de atacar por regiones capitales. El problema es que los devs no deberian haber hecho esto sin avisar antes, para poder adecuar los timers, pero en realidad no es pa tanto.
  10. bueno eso en el caso de que a ti no te afecte. la mecanica esta muy loca...
  11. i see in one post that redoutable will be avalaible before christmas, but no notice about the prize.
  12. Hello, this happens to me 2 times i remember, boarding NPCs. Not all sails of leopard are dropped, is it a bug? It only happens to me in this ship. I forget F11 report but i can board another NPC if is needed. Despe loves you.
  13. Fire ships are a tactic like others, but it need a fix to make it playable. A fire ship was a prepared ship, i dont think that Nelson going to suicide make the Victory like a fire ship if we were loose at Trafalgar. The problem is that fireship is used for players when are loosing this battle like a angry childs and this make the mechanics of game so weird. In my opinion is needed and upgrade that make your ship avalaible to a fire ship, and make fireshooks in "normal" ships like an accident that crew cant control, but never like a choice of his owner dissabling the survival, like japanese kamikazes against the american carriers. And kill 100 per cent of crew of one enemy ship, i think that is so crazy too.
  14. Your sentence was a clearly meaning. Allbody make jokes and comments in game chat, an there is no problem, i don't feel offended when they tell me directly. But leave my family out of game. Thanks. Love, Despe.
  15. Well, if you were spanish speaker, you will understand. The implicit meaning is very clear. And "vieja" in spanish means mother.
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